Steampunk Water Culture

Veg mode! Things are definitely happening.


A couple of bloom photos! You can see the radical differences in the plants.


Oh here’s a close up of the meat breath! Veg is chugging along.


Enjoy some trichome shots! We have… big bud, slurricane, meat breath, and TK! Even though slurricane and meat breath look like hash producers, they are not. That big bud is the hash producer!


One of my friends walked into the bloom room and looked at a fat meat breath cola. “Hey is this cola something you are going to trim and dry?” me: “Yep!” Him: “Soon, my pretty…soon”
They are looking chunktastic! He said the big bud plants have quite the smell combo going on. Fruity, yet floral.


Harvest is just around the corner!!! That is the crazy PCK plant. It’s going great! I’ll clone it soon for the next rounds. I’ve got to actually test the hash yield this time.


Phew I suppose harvest is like half over. I’ll be really glad once I’ve put it in the rear view and moved the other plants into bloom. It’s always about achieving that next harvest!


well it’s pretty much over, now. I only have the TK plant left to hack down! I even cut down the potato plant and harvested the tubers. The motherfucking kilos of weed…man! jeeebus! I filled up the freezer.


wow, who let the dogs out? Something attacked my plants! Wild animals! You can see there is still some more work ahead. The TK plant is next, and then the clean up. There are still some buds in there I have to salvage for hash making! I cut down 5 of them myself.
Saber rattles was being baby sat by elmo. That devious red bugger… I know he is after world domination.

I think I was down there so long, I lost part of my mind.


I’ve almost got it all bagged and the room cleaned up! Been really busy with the mega winterization. That’ll be over soon though, and I’ll be back in action.

Action! heh heh. I’ve been training the PCK canopy.


heh heh those plants have definitely sexed themselves. I’ll check and see if I had the right sex assigned to each plant, or if I fucked it uuuup :wink:


awwww yah! It’s almost all cleaned up. One more day, and it should be ready to go again!


hi joe i been reading through this epic diary and must say im loving the enthusiasm with which you steam along through the grows! we must get a different big bud here in the uk,it lives up to the name and does indeed make very big buds but there impotent and prone to herm at the drop of a hat,meat breath is what i call our dog the wonderful mrfugly!
i must say i think yours is the first water hydro diary ive seen without pythium or suchlike causing mayhem before the end.
i did many years back run a flood and drain water hydro groom but a move forced me to grow in a loft for a couple of seasons and after me falling over and breaking an ankle landing on a 250ltr flexitank causing it to collapse and empty contents through my neighbours ceiling bringing down the entire thing i quit on threat of death from my tina,now am coco nutter and do far better and less messy than i did ever using water and no worry of res temps is a result.
the pck i did several times from cannabiogen was awful nice weed and sweet steady grower so hope yours is the same,very narcotic if you grow her till theres a good amount of ambers,nightnight.
thanks for sharing.

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My big bud plant is actually monoecious so it always grows male and female parts, but no seeds unless I pollinate them myself. A normal person would toss it in the trash, but instead I make prize winning hash. lol!


It felt like a marathon, but I finally got all the shit cleaned up. Floor scrubbed! I did that on my hands and knees with a rag. fun! I think I just have to vacuum clean the place and it’s good. No bugs left, they’re fucked, except the spiders. I found female cellar dwellers and they only had a few gnats for food. Males are less common for some reason.


The craziest shit ever. I was sitting there drinking a coffee and a bunch of fucking california quail come roaming into the yard. A real flock of ten with males and females in the group. I almost crapped my pants, I’ve never seen anything like it!

It was a quail invasion!


My grandpa retired in the Okanagan and loved when the quail and babies came through the yard, we even put them on his tombstone!


ok! Here’s the plan…
I’m almost ready to plant some new plants in those buckets. So I’m going to run the females from the seedling batch! Not many females, so I can do it easily. I’m still not sure I got even one single female from the GOG plants! I’ll check. So the big plant is the PCK, which I want to turn into rosin. The bigger it gets, the happier I am lol! I’ll toss a few clones of big bud in there as well, but might not run them in the next round. Instead, concentrating on meat breath, PCK and the seedlings. Since PCK is a good producer, I’m stoked!


Things are slowly advancing! hah hah the plants have really grown.