Steampunk Water Culture

Personal question but do you mix strains for rosin or will you just run them separately?

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I run them separately to get a good taste of what they can do. I will also mix some batches to see how the terpenes change the flavor.

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I have been on a mixing kick of late. The flavor s don’t always turn out like I think but man when they turn out it’s wonderful.

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Finally female… on the goji og!

That means this plant is probably female as well. I have all the males topped and some culled. Only females leave this room!


PCK canopy! I should get things ready to enter bloom mode. Got to clean all this shit up in the clone vats, and make room for more. Dang!


Everything is ready for a new planting. I was contemplating running 2 plants in one bucket to speed the process up. I have lots of plants to hunt through in the OGK zone. I’ll start with the GOG ones I think because there are fewer plants. What I don’t need is to cripple productivity with a load of experimental plants.


I’m scrounging around for another clone machine. I’ve got a lid, but I need a container. I might take the three plants in the small cloner, and move them into a single bucket. Get that cloner scrubbed and then make some clones of the females and toss the males. The males are just stubs of a plant that I cut back to almost nothing. I remember why I did the seedlings a couple at a time now. I don’t really have enough clone machines to run all those seedlings.

I’m digging out my hemp fiber again. This time, I have instructions on how to card it! I was doing it all wrong lol! no wonder I was having trouble making fabric.
I’m going to empty out the small 3 spot cloner and put the three plants into one bucket. Then I should do the same with the GOG plants, so I can have two buckets dedicated to trial plants. I can’t wait to rosin that PCK plant, I’m obsessed with terping it the fuck out :wink:


There are the results of my hard work! It’s ready for the spinning wheel!


DEM is sporulating on IG right now :wink: I think they are in humbolt. Galactivating!!! I wonder what people would say if I was like ohh yah my secret ingredient isn’t love, it’s rage. Gotta channel all my rage into the hash, that’s where the goodness is at.

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After leaving the cannabis fibers alone for a year, I’ve now cranked out 4 batts. The final one is the finest batt! Now, I just have to clean the layers of dust off the spinning wheel and I’m in…sane. I never knew how to make fabric out of cannabis fibers, but now I do. These will be mighty strong.


Rage is how you get that extra spin rpm going on the bags! “You’re going to come out of that bag dry or so help me I’ll toss ya”


this is cool

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Thanks! I’ve been working on making “something” out of the fibers. I’ve tried in the past, but always failed, and laughably so. For starters I didn’t know the bark of the plant made the fiber. Out in the shop pounding stalks with a hammer. Wasted hours for nothing.
So, start by stripping the green bark off the stalk and putting it in a large pot. Boil it on the stove with a half a cup of washing soda for about a half an hour. Get a wooden mallet and pound that wet fiber! Smash it good.
Now you should have a mass of fibers and green bits. Let that shit dry and get out your fiber cards. Start carding and carding and carding until you have a batt. Next stage is spinning a thread. I’ll read up on it, I’m a total newb.

Check that old tyme shit out. Has been chilling for 50 years. Needs a new rope.


I just have to rove those batts and then spin them! It seems so easy… in the videos heh heh. I better check the spindle on that machine. I’m sure I can get something to make it spin again, like glow in the dark string.

Say hello to my little friend! That sucker can sure get spinning! I had to replace anything that was polymer on it. Including the wheel belt and the rope on the kick pedal. OMG if I can rove these batts I’ll be really spinning threads!


hah hah are you all ready to hear something fucking bizarre? I dug around and found everything I need to make textiles out of cannabis. It’s like in a previous life, someone here was making fabric from wool. I have fiber cards, a spinning wheel and a loom. bah hah hah! Crazy shit.

The spinning wheel… It sure fucking cleaned up nice! No damage from 50 years of sitting around. I waxed that baby good, you can really see the love.

There’s my roving. Gotta practice on that double drive wheel first.

hah hah and the goddamned loom. All this shit was just gathering dust in storage.


ahh there we go. Hours of work and I have a crude thread lol!


hah hah back to growing. I’ll spin another fiber later, this one will be much better!
So I’ve decided to pack 2 buckets with experimental plants. So I’ll be running 2-3 per bucket! The other images are PCK and meat breath. The PCK is huge!


well I have to start with…
The sexing experiment went off the rails. I didn’t even check all the seedlings under the microscope. It was a heroic effort… or perhaps not. The ones I put a ring on were definitely female… and that was three of them. Lots of the forgotten ones turned out to be female. Good news? I never culled a female. Bad news? I didn’t get in enough observations or label them except the three. of 26.

ok ok more good news. I don’t have to sex them, it’s really apparent.