Steampunk Water Culture

I forgot to mention that I’ve been letting the humidity rise to 90% and I sometimes let it sit there for 12 hours. Not because I think it’s good for the plants hah hah, but because I want to see if I can get any mold to grow. Based on past events, I think that mold is highly unlikely, because I can’t see it anywhere. Literally, no grey mold to be found. I’ve been doing that through the entire bloom season this time, like 70 days worth of elevated humidity.


Not sure how I missed this thread but was a fun read. Will be following to the end now.


Welcome! I just had a side branch break on the meat breath that fell and crushed the smallest of the meat breath plants. Propped up the branch and life goes on!


There’s an image of the broken stalk… with a leaf partially obscuring it. Also, the new meat breath and FLC-BX1 crop. Looking good! I can’t believe how much they are bulking up.


Holy! Thanks giving got out of hand, I ate so much I thought I would die. There was more pear pie on the plate… but I didn’t feel like eating it!
I pulled off a couple handfuls of the dead leafs from the harlequin plant. I have a dried bud from it I want to try… smoking. hmm. I feel more like making it into rosin and ripping that. Oh well, take one for the team. Then I can give some out to the beta testers. It smells really good! too bad I know it’s bunkweed lol!


I think tomorrow it’ll be harvest day. I should also look at the trichomes of the Fantasmo, I think it’s getting close.


Things are doing their thing! Shitty veg photo, but those meat breath are almost ready to go into bloom! They’ll triple in size.


Have you always used the same style lights?


Are you talking about the LED or HPS lights?


both! I’m also curious if youve found one produces better hash vs the other.


The hash productivity is actually based on the plants DNA. Also, More grams = more hash! More light = more grams!
The hps section which is bloom I kept at high wattage because that equals more productivity per square meter. I am blooming my first auto under the LED, I’ve never actually done it before. At a microscopic level, it looks just the same as any other plant.
In veg, I basically replaced a 1000 watt hps with 3x275watt LED. What I noticed was the plants grow nicely, but not quite as fast as under the 1000watt light hah hah. The upside is, the LED have never needed to be “re-lamped” those diodes burn for a long ass time! Also, there is way more light coverage with the LEDs, right? I used to have to cluster a bunch of plants under a single hps, but now they are all over the room bathed by multiple LED lights.


I think I extracted 700 grams of biomass from that Fantasmo plant. I should get a couple of grams of hash. I’m not expecting some huge haul based on the scans I’ve done. I’m placing it in the sugar black rose kind of yield. Low end.


Oh and it was kind of a gassy plant like some kind of fuels. Small root mass and floppy stalks! Tall trichomes, like 500 microns.


Just curious, what kind of LEDs are those? They look from the pictures like they’re “blurples…” in which case I’m not sure how reliable a figure that 275w is. :slight_smile: It always seemed to me like the manufacturer’s info for those was a bit of wishful thinking.


I never measured the actual usage, but they are just old school mars hydros. Nothing fancy.

Ok, looks like Mars Hydro does make blurples so I guess they are… good, glad to hear that. :slight_smile: I recently ordered a few ~320 watt LEDs and don’t entirely know what to expect, if these had been the new quantum boards LEDs you were talking about I would’ve been worried. That’s probably why your three aren’t doing as effectively as the single HPS, btw… these old lights play lots of tricks with the labeling. Either way, quite a nice job, congrats and happy growing! :seedling:


Well… The small plant that got crushed was served another crushing blow… literally. I had to scoop it off the floor today because sometime last night, the pipe cleaner wrapped around the stalk came loose and the whole thing went flying. I’ve got more buckets scrubbed, and when I have time, I’ll plant another crop. This next crop will be entirely experimental, so I can get the testing all done at once.


Got some dried harlequin buds. I have been busy hacking at that plant! I also dried a bud from the Fantasmo. I forgot to photograph it. Meat breath is doing great! That’s the plant that got crushed. A dead leaf on the harlequin plant was moldy from the super high humidity, so I guess that’s what you can really expect from doing things like that. It took a long time to get some mold going! lol definitely keep the humidity under control. As for excess humidity hurting the plants growth, I didn’t see that. They grew fine.


I’m gonna sample those buds, both the harlequin and fantasmo. They are dry dry! The fantasmo has large trichome stalks. Harlequin, not so much.

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ok well the harlequin tastes pretty good but it’s nasty. The Fantasmo has almost no flavor, but it’s pretty good. Good/nasty referring to the effect on your mind. Harlequin was blah.

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