Steampunk Water Culture

Meat breath, roots, FLC-BX1 and meat breath buds! I got this feeling FLC is going to take a spell longer to bloom.


I got the whole thing in the image. FLC, I mean! Many tips are curled up and burned. That’s fine. I really have to finish harvesting those hash plants behind it, they are looking crisp!


I think it’s almost time to call ghost busters. These meat breath plants are coming down soon! I’ve been chopping at the hash plants, the freezer is getting full again!


How many weeks of flower do you like to run the meat breath?

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I think it’s 69 days if I remember, let me check. yah logs indicate by day 68 they are amber-ing up good.

This is an old photo from the archives of day 68 bloom.


The big bud plants have been trashed! They are awaiting the bubble hash/rosin press in the freezer.

Things are happening. Today, I clean up this whole mess of plant material!


ok so here’s the plan. You can see I have many clones and they are more like full grown plants. I am going to harvest and then cut those clones out of the chamber and put them into veg. After 2 weeks they should be big enough for bloom! yay! The jungle in the bloom room is finally being tamed. Today the ferrets will be here. I think it’s just going to be wonder woman err gal and the fetus. I’ll toss the fetus some scissors, teach her how to trim in utero. I think I got one more fetus joke…When that kid’s born she’s gonna be “waaa waaa, ba baa goo goo, hey can I have a rosin hit?” lol!


oh I forgot the big bud plant. I’m going to give it a final regeneration, and then clone it. All the abuse I gave it has resulted in a stress-bloom. Got to get the ethylene out of there before cloning or it takes longer to veg. Plant gets strange too.

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Got some open space in the jungle! Almost time to unleash the next iteration. The cool tubes are definitely good for the plants. Even the largest one with the buds closest to the light never got that light burn! In addition, as a human being, you can’t FEEL the heat radiating, so that’s probably a good thing. It’s getting close to winter, so eventually I will enter winter mode. I start recirculating the tube air back into the room.


Fuuucking bullshit. I’m going to have to trim all the weed myself, I suppose. You can’t find good help these days, hah hah! 'Ol fetus ain’t helpin the sitch, that was my last trimmer. I need… a machine. I’ll figure something out for next time. Gotta trim a kilo of weed myself, not looking forward to it.


trichomes are hunched over! That’s a good thing. Harvest is just around the corner!


The regeneration of the big bud plant is going well. I just have to make sure it’s sprouting 5 finger leafs instead of mutant turd leaves. I cut a bunch of the growth down to expose the inner core of the plant to light. Then it’ll regrow and I can clone it. She’s the last big bud clone I have, so I might take 16 clones to get the count back up. I do need lots of hash to experiment on.


Harvest is under waY, I spend an hour or two on it per day should take like 4 days? lol! The first trimmings will be dry by the time I get it all cut down. Oh well! The Big bud plant is growing nicely, and I think the new leaves ARE 5 fingers, so that’s good. I’ll resurrect the other clone machine and clone it.


One of my test subjects claimed to get high off the harlequin buds. I was like hmmmmmmmm. heh heh. Must be a low tolerance. I’ve been giving away all the grams of weed I trimmed off that plant and warning them it shouldn’t have an effect on their mind. We’ll see! They like the krypton hardness of the buds. Like hard rocks of bud. yah yah, that was the kind of bud it grew, super hard useless nugs. Smells really nice though I have to admit! Tricks you with it’s smell and flavor, into thinking it’s good!


meat breath needs more conductivity!

Probably 50% complete the harvest. The remaining buds I make into hash.

And here’s the nuts FLC-BX1! It’s all about the smell. If this plant can make hash that smells like it… oooo weeee, boy! You can see I haven’t dialed the plant in yet. I’ve been giving it low dose.


Meat breath and associated root ball. I boosted their conductivity with a stiff dose of veg formula. Probably EC >2.0 now.I won’t bother checking. PH probably 6.2 as well that I won’t check. hah hah! Lets just say I base those numbers on years of experience, they aren’t really guesses. I only check if there’s actually a problem, then I get down to the numbers. Things are going pretty smoothly though.


ohhh shit, well I had to winterize the grow. I just took the ducting off the exhaust port and made it blow back into the room. Then I stuffed a bunch of wadded up newspapers in a plastic bag into the duct to block the cold/warm from touching. Also finished getting the wood for winter, what a chore. Let it snow, I say. I bagged up some of the buds, so I can see how dry they are. I’ll test for hydration tomorrow with my fingers. It’s an art form, I think… squeezing the buds to see how much moisture is left. It’s not something you can describe with words. You definitely have to “experience” it by touching it hah hah. In addition to stuffing the exhaust port, I also have to cram something in the passive intake port. That is something I have to do in a month or something, when it gets colder.


I’ve noticed that as well. After a few grows you get a sense of where the buds are just gently handling them.
For some reason, I thought you froze your entire harvest…



The meat breath ones I trim 700 dry grams off and bag the rest into the freezer. All other harvests go straight into the freezer though. Anything I deem garbage is turned into tincture! You have to try and max out the returns on your product without going overboard and wasting your life refining sow ears into silk purses.