Steampunk Water Culture

I’ve hatched a plan, and I’m going in! Got my x-acto blade and a pot with potting soil. Bam! Lets see if this crazy mad plan can take root. So to speak.



well, I can promise you this: I gave it the best shot I could!!!
The mother clone/plant still has roots left.


I love it! No thinking, just reacting.
Curious to see how that little volunteer fairs.

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Thinking can get you in trouble!!!

See what I mean??

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Exactly! :laughing:

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That’s pretty cool, a dormant bud site got turned into a meristem tissue.
I wonder what the triggers are?
It would be wild to use that as a cloning technique…


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I make lots of clones like that. Next time I make a batch I’ll take a photo of the ones I know will grow a little plant off the side. Still have yet to see if this works…but so far the plantlet and the mother clone look just the same as always.

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OK In case anyone wants to try something nuts like this. I take the clone by sort of breaking it off/ ripping it off right at the node. I make sure to have a little sprig of green at the base and put that in the clone machine. I had two of them like that. Normally I rip that growth off, but I might do a round of clones that only grow little plants off the base.


I’m still here!
Curious to see where this goes…
Fresh outta likes, lol.

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IT’S ALIVEEEE! Plantlet and donor clone pictured. The donor clone is growing more roots to replace what I cut off.


The little plantlet might be handy for shipping in the mail. There was another idea I had, based on the node growth.What if you could generate multitudes of little plants off of one single clone? Making clones of nodes that would otherwise be useless crap I toss in the trash. No idea if there is any practical use at all. Keeps me entertained!!!


The Rez stores are killing it over here

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I think it’s growing!

They don’t have to adhere to the government rules due to the treaty with the First nations that says they can do the same thing they always did with plants and animals before European settlers arrived.


I never grew them side by side before! Strange story, but there are more buds stacked faster by the big bud. It’s like the bloom is triggered 1 week earlier than the meat breath. Interesting!


kind of out of focus. It still looks like it’s alive!


Bloom room from both angles.


Well it’s still alive! I think it might even be growing!


Happy happy joy joy! Due to the explosion of one of the ballast power bricks I have to move my plants over. Guess a decade or whatever was enough for it. BOOM an explosion of joy and happy times!!!

It’s definitely worse than I originally thought. The one I cleaned the dust out of is still doing strange shit. I’m not sure it’s trustworthy!