Strain smells like Shit

Most of mine are fruity except for the which vary from roast beef to gas.


The one monster pebbles reminds me of Flintstone vitamins.


All mine started out smelling like Real bad BO in the first stages I just figured it was what was ever in the one shot I used.Thereā€™s at least 3 different phenos in this bunch.The older they got the more stuff came out in them I noticed.

This thread makes me laugh hard, because itā€™s true, Cannabis terpenes can smell like anything. I canā€™t imagine, that in the future, you wouldnā€™t see companies isolating terpenes through cannabis, to be used in things I canā€™t even imagine atm.

I had one plant smell like a fresh bag of Skittles and it was then, that I was convinced of the cannabis plantā€™s ability to smell like anything almost. I think thatā€™s what I find fun about growing, finding the perfect terpene mix.

I have a plant that I grew 4 years ago that was one step this side of shit. It was more like a locker room, just after the team left after practice. But it was so dank in every way. Hard pine cone shaped buds that would stay lit in a bowl for 5 min, easy. No trimming. Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about it lately and may run it again to see if I find that.

That cross is Selene from Sannie crossed to a Pineapple Chunk from Barneyā€™s. Itā€™s by far the most off putting smell from a cannabis plant that I ever grew. But it was still somehow enjoyable.


I always ask myself why would anyone want to smoke something that smells like parmasean cheese but then I look at what I like and itā€™s like who would like to smoke something that smells like a skunks asshole?God do I love skunk I wish they never killed that shit off.


paging @ShitSeeds he needs this shit smelling strain to be his mascot strain.


Someone really should I donā€™t know if I want to mess with it but something tells me Iā€™ll regret it if I donā€™t I know certain terp profiles get better paired with new genetics.Maybe I could make shit smell like roses?

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rose shit OG


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I was thinking about calling this one shit heel lol

i would go with gangrene myself ā€¦ rotting shit smell flesh

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You know itā€™s very unique

Iā€™ve heard breeders talk about this in interviews. Like straight up shit. I think it was Karma of Karma Genetics in the Potcast interview who talked about a strain like this. I believe he culled the plant due to the fact it literally tasted like shit. I donā€™t care what the fuck youā€™re in toā€¦
No ones enjoying a joint that taste like human shit. Facts.


Theres many different smells that can be produced with all the different terp combos that can be mixed. Look around, youā€™ll find stuff other than skunk. Thereā€™s a whole line that are bred for dog shit, cat piss, cheese, different berries, cereals, coffee, chocolate, diesel/fuels. Other stuff pops up that havenā€™t been bred for, like vomit, bunt rubber, body order, dirty diapers. Thankfully, many of the poops smells seem to go away after drying or curing.


Right about the smell going away. @Seamonkey84 , I had one I was calling dookie breath. But as it dried the smell when away. For real, I kept telling my only lady ā€¦that I smell some shit. I kept checking the bottoms of my shoes. I even check to see if someone had forgotten to flush the toilet before I realized it was one of the plants.


Oldtimer1 talks about dead body smells in some afghanis

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I smell some shit hahahah

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" Whats that smell?
Da da da da dookiiee!!!.lol

No Holds Bared for those that donā€™t know.
Good weed name also. Go figure. Lol

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I donā€™t know man, there are some pretty odd fetishes out there


i would grow weed that smelled like shit i love the foul smelling strains

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Our logo smells like a delicious fruit basket and skunk comboā€¦ does that count? lol