Strain Supermarket

Has anyone got experience with this UK seed bank? They have some interesting seeds/breeders, but I can’t find any info on whether they’re legit.

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Got a link? Not heard of that one…

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if I’m not mistaken they only offer CBD but if you have a link I am curious

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Man, I see some real red flags there - but what do I know. The site has been up about a year but claims about every single strain carried by each breeder; some which were discontinued before that site was even born, you know? It’s like they scraped every other seed site and pulled in all their listings.

Ready to be corrected by anyone who knows of those folks, but I would rather stick with people & sites I know I can trust. Just me… If you’re looking for a UK site, Attitude has always been good to & for me; other people hate them. Let some brainiacs and seed aficionados take a look and see what they think. There’s just a smell of something rotten in me nose at the moment.