Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

My name is Doug and I am a Strainaholic. My growing and continuing work to stop the madness is not working. My collection is small as I have only recently been infected but I see no end in site. I don’t need help, it’s a problem I can live with, just hear it is best to talk about it :grinning:


Dirty Girl x’s are like that, had a bunch of weak starters too. Thought it was just me, then I read about the size somewhere.

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Hey, when you go through that pack of Slurricane, I’d love to see the results! Also, I’ll send you my collection for a cut of your keepers :grin:


I dont know if reading all about your disgusting horror story addictions has influenced my behavior but I just bought $500 worth sitting on 40 unopened packs questioning myself “why not?” Lol


This place is to talk about your addiction, not to get support. well, maybe if your looking for comfort in the “misery” of others or to be encouraged to get that special pack :rofl:.

Well I’m here to admit, I’m a collector. I only started growing again this last summer, and only bloomed one set of plants so far. Most didn’t even make it to harvest when bud rot hit. I’m on my second set, which is mostly testers. I have 2 or 3 more test strains lined up, all the while still collecting seeds. Then the group buys started, none in hand yet, but 15 more strains lined up. On top of that, I started collecting clones. I already have way more seeds than I can grow in three years, and now I have 13-14 strains in clones/bonsai mothers that I won’t be able to grow out anytime soon. More clones are on their way. Plans to cross all these clones to each other are already being made. All before I even get one actual harvest. I have a problem :sweat_smile:. Not enough space!
Right now, the clones I’m making off them are to trade for more, then any that aren’t needed will be going to a buddies place to be grown out (at least I’ll get to smoke some sooner than I can grow them myself :relaxed:). Come spring, I’ll be posting ones available for the cost of materials and shipping.


I have found I genuinely just like growing the plants. I have never grown the same strain twice. Always the next new plant to learn. Keeps it fresh. Just gotta stop getting excited every time I read plant descriptions and see those pictures lol


Of course I’ll share . I’ll be honest . I don’t know if I should hold onto it or germinate. I want to germinate them but I already have a cut from phinest that’s out of this world. How much better can I expect . I also have allot other stuff to germinate. But till then they are kept in an air tight temperature controlled section of my fridge at 34 degrees . When the day comes I will share.


Now is that an f2 bred towards the #9 pheno? I’ve only recently started to dive into their lines, and I know they have several phenos of slurricane as cuts they use to breed with. I’ve only gone as far as getting a cut (no number or other name associated when I go it) and who the original parents are so I can track them down :sweat_smile:

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Is what an f2 the phinest cut I have? If so I’m not sure. I know it’s a pheno they hunted for and then tissue cultured.
The pack I have from in house is back cross of their Slurricane #7 x Slurricane #44 pheno . The two the express both parents I’ve read the best.
It’s definitely a plant that makes you want to work with it.
One plant I’m not so impressed with is gmo . Yeilds are larger better than most but it’s not as frosty as you would think. It has a funk to not though at the end of flower that’s raunchy.


The pack of slurricane IX seeds. I was wondering if that is an f2 toward a certain pheno, but I just looked it up and saw your answer too lol. Got confused, thought that the cut was #9, not 7.


My name is Darrell, and I’m a seedaholic! Almost glad GLG website f’d up today, trying to disengage, tell myself enough good seed in hand…Think I’m oK tonight, thanks for your support my fellow seedaholics!


We are not here to help. You always need more. That one of a kind exotic pheno is in the next pack I promise!


Say they pass fed legalization next month. Do you think seed prices drop or rise for seeds? Part of the reason I’m buying seeds is because I dont trust our government. But I probably have enough for awhile


Hello brothers, I just found this post, I think I also need help, I am also addicted to seeds. :crazy_face:
I’ve been at OG for a little while, I thought I knew something.
I am studying and from time to time I wrote something.



When you get federal legalization it will increase demand.
Lots of folks will look at growing once legal (based on what we saw in Canada)



I think Covid has drastically increased home growers as well. As for prices @Goldleaf808 if it follows the same trends as here in Canada expect them to go up. That said we are a strange place to go by as we get gouged here so much.


Haha classic Trudeau- the only one who could possibly screw up legalizing marijuana by supplying the worst weed imaginable for incredibly high prices :laughing:


Brian Mulroney he would help :slight_smile: also


I have sinned. :man_artist:


You sir are forgiven :innocent: :innocent: