Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

Sorry yall, haven’t checked in for a bit. Been running behind the wagon. Lol, just to many wonderful beans out there!


GUYS guys, I have a problem… Collecting Seeds!

I’ve got a “Vault” that has a limited capacity of 88 slots… It’s filling up FAST… (I know, it’s small beans compared to some)

So now I’ve come to the conclusion :upside_down_face: that I MUST move out seeds to make room for others, as I’m only allowing myself to have 88 strains.

So from now on, All seeds I grow I’ll be “Investigating Intensively” to see IF it will make the cut so to speak.

Time for my seed collection to prove itself I guess lol :laughing::joy:

As always whenever I grow/Run anything and have made any seeds, I’ll do giveaways :wink: just stay tuned, it could be tomorrow or it could be 3 months from now. But it will happen someday…

Currently growing Marks BubbleGum Autos open pollination… Hopefully all goes well… Peace.


I was going to say let’s see if I can stop at 100. But I think I already exceeded that with the seeds I have on order, the GG4 ril group buy finishing up, and some that may or may not be on their way, or just lost in the mail fiasco.


I hear you man. I don’t have that big a collection but it’s growing. I found 2 guys to send a pile of seeds to so I feel ok sending them out but as soon as I did that someone gave. Me more. I am just a small 4 plant grower but I picked up some Colloidal silver and am going to collect some pollen to do a fem seed run. I have to start getting into seed production. I have always killed males, sorry folks. But OG has changed my ways. I am kind of stuck doing a grow for a lighting company right now, don’t ask, just kind of happened when their stuff showed up on my porch. When I get that done I will start sorting out this seed thing. I plan to shower OG with seeds, I just feel it is my responsibility now. So many great folks here that I want to repay for their generosity.


Hahaha I hear ya me too. Canada 4 growers club.
Hopefully the light was awesome like Mars hydro haha.


Make a bigger vault, best I can tell ya, it gets worse


@misterbee you need to get a pick of John Bellushi in a bee suit for a pic.


I was just physically washing off the clones/cuts and submerging for 30mins to drown anything in them. Then I put them in a sealed tent with a no pest strip to fumigate them for a week. Well the strip I had been relying on was old, so it wasn’t very effective. Now all my mother plants are getting baths in safer soap, fully dunked in it, twice a week. Then going forwards, I’m going to try and follow the protocol 0 fully, and not the lazy way I did before with just relying on the pest strip.
The mothers are going to get a few different products to rotate though for weekly treatments to prevent anything from getting hold.


Another solution for your dilemma is just order another box :laughing:



Lmfao. I pretty much have too. All the seeds I made, I’m gonna fill a vile full and store them properly for 20+ years. Will literally have:
A legend, intructions, detailes about each strain.

Basically imagine that 88 slot case, every vile numbered, individually shrink-wrapd, having a few pages of information lamatainted and then shrink-wrap the whole box, in the deep dark freezer. I don’t expect I’d be pulling them out, so I’d need to leave behind the intructions of what to do with them and why lol


Fuck that man. Plant them seeds! Aint doing anybody any good in a freezer.


Not all the seeds haha. Just a vile per strain = future preservation of the strains I think kickass.

Who knows maybe my boys will grow some in their 30s

Of course I’ll be doing giveaways and continuing to grow them as well.


If aliens are coming for a visit, I hope the one thing they pick up before they decide the earth is not worth saving is that box.


Hahaha they be HIGH as Funk for sure on Pluto


That’s awesome! A Seedbank time capsule :metal:



Its easier to ask for forgiveness then to ask permission


That is my boss’s mantra for everything :rofl: usually works though :+1:


Work with my boss, aka Wife :laughing:


Greetings all, my name is Doug and I have rapidly become a strainaholic. People have been sending me many strains and I have been able to send some out to others so feeling pretty good about my addiction. That said I purchases 300 coin flips today and yesterday started a PPP seed run to see if I could help ease some folks symptoms. It appears I will not be fighting this addiction but rather feeding it but I still appreciate your support :slight_smile: