Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

What temp are you guys shooting for in seed specific fridges? I totally forgot until reading these that I have a mini fridge available to me. If it makes that much of a difference I might as well use the thing.

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Out with the old in with the new and ill take the oldies


Haha Iā€™m with @OleReynard , one manā€™s trash is another manā€™s treasure , I think that old saying fits perfect in this situation


So I sent an updated list of my current strains to a real life buddy. He says in response, why so many? You guys are my friends now.


Idk how many you have but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not enough


Man, you darken the complexion and, thatā€™s meā€¦ainā€™t ashamed either!!! Iā€™m asked almost monthly, ā€œdid you really spend ā€œXā€ last month?ā€ What can I say!!! SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


One helluva generous person ^^^^^^^^^


100% facts right there @OleReynard , @misterbee is the shiznit ( showing my age with that one haha )


Made 40 hybrid strains this year (first here), plant count here helps as well as having a perpetual rotation of seeds dropped the 5th and 20th of every month (so Iā€™ll always be dropping seeds on 4/20).

I have been working on lessening my footprint by drying and reusing my coco/soil mix. Moving from AN chemicals to a organic one part veg , one part flower concentrate that cost me a whole 150.00 last YEAR. Some of the AN is 150.00 a quart! Water usage is 24 gallons a week when full, running 2-1000W HPS on magnetic ballasts in a 6x8x10h cubicle. I run raised beds with a fan vertical under the vented shelves. Two fans across lamps. Change air in room 6 times a day with room intake and exhaust fans. Between me wife and daughter we go through around a 1/2 lb a month so I look at it as I have to make my cost efficient without loss in quality to be able to supply our Meds in all forms without ever stepping foot in a Diapwnsary again.

Next step cheap LED thread, elec bill averages 5-600 a month. And I always have to remind the boss that if we didnā€™t have elec bill we would be paying 1500-2000 bucks a month for over dry dispensary dust and overpriced extract.


not to mention the free moldā€¦some are much worse than others. I been buying $8 grams of about 3 strains at a time and if I like one I go back for some.

Damn mites ate my ass and then the slime mold, humidity in the 20-30% range things got me too. so I had a hard fight hanging on to the two I want to in perpetuity. But I am coming back I think.

I do have some strains I have not even run yet that I mean to get to.,ā€¦and 2 on the way been meaning to run for years.


You may be the guy to ask a question Iā€™ve had for awhile. Any idea what a single 1000W HPS eats in energy in a month? I got handed the light and ballast but Iā€™m afraid of watching my meter spin in real time. My 315W CMH has been doing great by me so I havenā€™t busted out the big boy just out of fear of that electric bill.

I run 30 all the time Herbie shouldnā€™t of been an issue


Jet I know itā€™s a bit late but wish I couldā€™ve been happy with that.

Miss ya brother


Fella i donā€™t think I ever had more than 5-6 strains going at one time and stick pretty close to that 12 plant limit. You guys totally read that wrong. Those strains are mostly still in hulls in the fridge and have never been germinated.

Not hoarding most is seed runs the last 2 yearsā€¦just want to get what is good in a seed form to come back to later when it is good before moving on to more.

Edit- to add that I want to be familiar enough with the desired pheno to be able to pull it from a fresh batch of seeds consistently when I find something like that. And to have that pheno appear consistently.

It is not just the draw from the socket thoughā€¦you have to figure the added heat load. That could be a good thing in some circumstances but likely is not.


Good call. Any more heat than the 315W makes would have to be addressed. At a minimum it would mean running a fan through the light while it was on. Compared to running it at times through my filter just for odor control that would add up fast.

The devil is always in the details.

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I can say 2 - 1000 W on digital ballast were costing me around 2-300 a month I would say when I drop out normal usage. Heat definatly an issue more so with magnetic ballast. I run central room Ac all year to keep flower between 70-80 degrees. Also humidifier at 50% ohhh yeah add in 3 hurricane fans, glass tubes w/ exhaust vent and I take air changing it six times a day.
Iā€™m getting ready to phase in LED and see how I do. I hear itā€™s a whole new learning curve.


Damn yeah thatā€™s quite a chunk of change. Iā€™m not running enough to justify the expense. I appreciate the response.

LEDs definitely seem to be the future. I got a no name Chinese LED thatā€™s supposed to be 600w and threw an auto under it not expecting much. I also didnā€™t give any nutes, deliberately did as little as possible to see what the light could do. Still ended up with over 3 oz. Makes me wonder what I could have gotten with a legit LED.


Yeahā€¦my little seed tote is burstingā€¦the hubby finally asked me not to buy anymore for awhile lolā€¦I was like uhhhhhh, donā€™t be shocked when seeds keep coming, itā€™s like a revolving door over here :crazy_face:

I have so many seeds, I think that at this point, heā€™s not wrong and Iā€™m going to have to curb it as well and just trade more with my peeps!!! :heart:


Iā€™m not zooming into the 21st with all these new lights.
My air cooled hps/mh do just fine.
2+ dry zips religiously out of a 2gal, 8 to a tent.
Pssssh canā€™t ask for anything better.