Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

I can’t wait to crack this one


Anybody here anything more about our beans from Tony/Hugh?
@Worcestershire_Farms got a hold of me said it’s getting straightened out but aint heard nothing recently


The same here, NOTHING since then!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Far out of ridiculousness now.


"Class A Cluster F…K, Bro!!! I don’t know how this thing went off the rails. That’s a lotta “scratch” to go “poof”!! I’ll be more careful diving into the deep end next time, for sure. (Unless I know the Life Guard.) Enjoy your weekend, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Diggy has to receive the beans, they have to be packaged. You guys know of the logisitics give them time to get it worked through. At least there is progress.


It’s been a couple weeks again

“Passing Comment” from here, personal opinion in reply to another member’s comment!!! PLEASE don’t become the “Thought Police”, that I cannot (AND WILL NOT) abide!!! I’m not casting aspersions upon ANYONE, simply describing MY impression of the entire resulting situation. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: If I misinterpreted YOUR comment, I apologize.


And no I’m not poking at, Diggy brought me into a conversation.
@Worcestershire_Farms just wondering where it’s at.

Do you need a hand?


i’ve had all the policing i will tolerate from you buzz off.

WILL DO!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


The issue with the send to a friend option is that there’s no recourse if you get beat. Consider the fee you pay paypal insurance on the transaction. Just because a seller offers that option doesn’t mean they’re going to beat you, but anyone I haven’t dealt with before is getting standard payment so I can dispute the charge if they pull anything.


Thanks @Slick1
I know Angus never required it when I bought from
RSC…it seems like I ordered from someone else and used PayPal

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Both of you guys are in the group PM, correct? I just double checked, and both of your icons are there. I don’t know why this is bleeding out into the public part of the site.

I last updated everyone 10 days ago, and this whole reorganization just started 21 days ago; There are ~157 people I needed to get in touch with; am I not working fast enough? Lol.

Either one of you could have stepped up at any time before I did, and neither of you did. Forgive me if I’m misconstruing y’alls intentions, but I don’t consider random public offers for help to be genuine. It feels like you’re just looking for brownie points. Giving homeless people hugs on YouTube for likes.

I’ll get a finalized list of what’s what tonight, and start a second round of PMs immediately. Sorry, if this has been an overly abrasive reply. :sweat_smile:


Indeed, NOT abrasive. My comment was referencing the entire fiasco BEORE you stepped up to the plate. Your integrity was/is/forever will be acknowledged!! I would NEVER volunteer for such an enormous project, fully realizing my personal limitations. I think EVERYONE has elevated emotions regarding this particular undertaking. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Fuck dude I asked you if you needed help.
Hope you don’t find this abusive but fuck it.
Give them to someone else I really don’t need this shit.


Not at all, brother.

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So, @OleReynard maybe I jumped the gun. Let me take a step back for a moment.

I grew up around many institutionalized men, that played a lot of chess. These men aren’t fools, and they learn things about human nature that you might never know otherwise. For instance, if you wanted to make someone look impotent, a great way is to always ask them if they need your help, in front of as many people as possible. And then when they’re not around, always speak positively about how hard they try, and how they always mean well, even if they can’t seem to complete the task at hand by themself. Now even if you stumbled into this situation unintentionally, I am obligated to immediately address it.

So if you genuinely want to help, why did you ask in this thread? It’s not my thread – I don’t even post in this thread – it’s completely unrelated to the topic of the thread, and we’re discussing a private message – if even, only a group private message – in the public part of the site.
The hard part of this endeavor was sending out 157 private messages, replying to and keeping track of how everyone responded. That’s the part nobody wanted to do, and that part is already done. You already knew that.

So while I know I’ve been an asshole for probably no reason, that chance that it was intentional requires a certain response. So with that said. What did you have in mind when you offered to help?


Glory seekers everywhere!!!

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Can’t figure out what the problem is here Joe other than fucking with my free speech.