Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

There’s a PM thread ‘Payment TG group buy- numbers 24 on’ on the topic for those involved / purchased seeds. You are listed in the group. Can you find it? I’ll forward the link if you can’t. Status and such can be found there.

edit: I’ve edited your ‘free speech’ in the above post to align with site guidelines.


Hi, my name is @leetdood and I’m a Strainaholic. Please help.

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Hello @leetdood, I’m Indoornesian nominated Grand Seed Whore President ! Good ta meet ya.
I noticed that you were requesting help. We are only able to “help” by furthering your Strainaholicism by offering you more beans, adding you to group buys and things of that nature.
So I ask, is there anything I could “help” you with? :upside_down_face:


Seriously wanna go buy a pack or five. Tring to save some cheese for Joesy Whales auction.


Jean Guy! I need “help” with that for sure.


Check your pm’s


You see, your point the whole time was just stirring the pot.

You’re begging for brownie points because if people don’t hold you up on a pedestal, people will start to ask why you take seeds out of breeder packs and store them in your own containers, before sale.

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Fuck off ya dweeb, I’m glad you’re the almighty all seer of all.

I already told you stick them and my help up your fuckin snowflake ass.


Mainly cuz I don’t ever plan on getting rid of them, dick wad.
I plan on long storage.

We need a shark tank back.

Let’s be honest here. Serious seeds is on this site and they’ve never seen a Cherry AK. You found 3 in a 10 pack?

Stop or enjoy the silence.


Then how come is there so many cherry ak out there and also strange people are finding it out of my seeds.
One minute you’re kissing my fucking ass trying to give me gear or asking my opinion on this Hugh green thing next minute you’re talking shit out of both sides of your mouth out of both mouths.
You’re the one not getting enough attention on here you gotta come on here and start shit.

Who wanted brownie points you did, who was the first to step right up there you were.

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My apologies. Will do.

Addendum: @Northern_Loki I don’t disagree with your decision; but I hate that he was banned when I effectively started this. I learned when I was young that when the police show up, it doesn’t matter what was going on, calm down.

@LemonadeJoe We desperately need a shark tank, and the political war and debate section to stay shuttered.


Well, @OleReynard refused to listen to your warning, and has been suspended for 2 weeks.

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Ole Rey is probally a real slow typer and maybe didn’t see the warning till after the message was sent. Their was only a 1 minute difference between the warning and the message that banned him and many people can’t type and read.

Poor ole rey :frowning:

And he was occupied trying to defend his amazing cherry ak that he has spread.


I didn’t say it wasn’t amazing, I said his word is dubious and gave an example that anyone on this site could easily verify or discredit. The owners of Serious seeds are members of this site.

Which obviously was gonna fire him up, Many here have grown it and have spoke highly of it and found the cherry phenos as well

Edit - The ak he worked was also an earlier offering from Serious a pre 2000s, vastly different than the ak serious currently offers as ole Rey had the original ak release in the original packaging. Heck he even sent serious some.


The man was aware of the boundaries and was warned several days ago.

Let this die. Ole Reynard is not able to respond at the moment.


Pretty sad that WF gets on here and insults Rey after a 3 day old convo and Rey gets banned.


no offense I dont think you know people very well. Banning him for 2 weeks did not kill this,
@Grohio Yeah I hadn’t been on in 3 days.

I would say we unban reynard right now and let this work its way out of their system. These dudes keep talking out the side of their mouths and don’t appreciate being called out. I say we air it out. I’ll bite my tongue if you really disagree but this is going to pop up elsewhere

Addendum. I can’t play both sides, I already said I would bite my tongue. If anyone wants to discuss this matter further send me a PM. Send me a Group PM. Any of that is fine with me. To the staff of the site, my apologies for making your life harder.