Strainaholics Anonymous meeting

was that the purple pakistani? how did it turn out?

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Unfortunately not. I traded those. I meant that I cracked and bought seeds after telling myself I wouldnt buy any more lol


Welcome to the group.
The thing that has helped me tremendously to BUY less seeds, is to TRADE ones i have but may not grow, for ones i really want.

I know my tastes are always changing. I was collecting lots of heavy indicas, now i want happy Sativas to energize my day. Trading w OG members has been great.
Check it out:

In fact, (in a diff. thread) this member did an f2 of Jack Herer and has lots of other good stuff:


I resisted buying seeds for a record (for me) of 18 months of no new seeds. Then that GLG Bodhi BOGO hit last year.
I had to pay taxes so only had $90 to spend but i got 4 Bodhi packs. Woo hoo.


Welcome all fellow strainaholic!


Like having AA meetings inside a Bar lol.


In a bar and Iā€™m bartending :joy:!

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Allotment, it is not unusual to fall off the wagon here and there when a new must have strain comes along!

Hereā€™s an old picture of some of the collection. When I share a pack with someone I normally send them the breeder pack, have many many things made by friends that are often better than the commercial ones, and Iā€™ve had a couple more years of collecting so maybe this is a quarter of the total ā€œproblemā€ :grinning:


Nice collection!


That list was just stuff Iā€™ve already grown out, when I pick my seeds out for a grow Iā€™ll germinate from the lot of whatever strain, take those strain containers and put them in a bag called ā€œcurrent growā€,if any didnā€™t make it or ended up only finding a male I throw back in to this pool of strains. If it made it to flower and got finished buds then it gets moved to an ā€œalready floweredā€ bag. Well after watching my already flowered bag growing substantially for 2 years I decided I prob wonā€™t grow em again as Iā€™ll keep moving forward dipping my toes In the pool so logical thing to do was rotate the old goodies out and rotate the new stuff in.

Sad part is most my grows I just start randomly picking about 20 flips out the bag blindfolded and thatā€™s the grow aside from the other 10 I may have already had in mind


Damn nice collection I can tell you must dig @JAWS gear heā€™s on my radar gotta pick up a few packs of his sometime nice stuff :call_me_hand: @Comacus


I noticed the jaws collection also!


I should do this.
For many years i grew 1 FEM plant ea. of 15-24 strains at a time. For variety.
Now i usually do 6-12 REG plants of 1-2 strains a year, vegging for several months. But i may start doing 12/12 from seed so i can sample much more variety again in a year.


Have to speed up the seed popping myself :joy:


Jaws makes some really nice stuff! Friends for a long time so he probably has a very large Comacus collection too :slight_smile:


Give it time :joy: youā€™ll have your own collection


Iā€™m gonna order some jaws seeds once I find where the wife hides my spending money.
Till then Iā€™ll have to be a spectacular.


Esp w how generous the seedruns and giveaways are here on OG. Easily doubled my seed stash in 1.75 years here.
But i donated several packs to diff. OG auctions and other members to balance (and justify) my seed addiction.


You underachiever :joy:. Definitely a fantastic community here


Imagine if every member here dedicated at least one seed run how many beans would fly, I think we at least accomplish about a third of us that do, but those are rookie numbers, we need to pump those up! Haha

This site was my motivation for my jack and white rhino runs putting thousands back into the community, didnā€™t just put me in the ā€œclubā€ but also landed me here at seedaholics anonymous

Hi Iā€™m azseaindooin420

And Iā€™mā€¦a seedaholic!

Everytime I hop on and conversate Iā€™m surrounded by enablers that further my addiction of collecting and popping beans.

Consequently I always end up in trim jail by the end of the season and a couple years Iā€™ve landed my self doing hard time in trim prison. My bud is cleaned up now but worried Iā€™m gonna relapse and end up doing time again this year. Send help! I canā€™t be doing my sentence alone