Strains by Diggy Soze

And a tester is born… hey, why not.? I mean, they found Chemdog in bagseed and those
seeds had to come from a similar situation… and off to Atilla’s place soon with the rest of the
photo periods…


Update #2 since up potting the plants…

Upzalberry #1

Upzalberry #2

Upzalberry recently FIM cut in hopes of getting lower branches to fill in better…

Upzalberry next 2 testers…


Remember I started a few of these right off the bat, then sent them over to my partners place who is running 7x’s the LED lighting and to our surprise they performed quite well …


Okay… out of the 4 I have going here at the house… I’ve decided on one to reverse…

not sure how I feel about this sample of foods from Mills… I’ve never had so many issues with
plants… notice the fanning discoloration on the leaf’s… this Mills stuff may just go to the wifey for her outdoor yard plants… mine are more important and I hear Foxfarm 3 part a calling me…


Just a few weeks old and not showing sex yet, this candidate shows some excellent building blocks of short nodes, not showing sex to soon like at 2wks… I really prefer an Auto Flower plant to go at least 3wks before sexing and reverting it’s growth strengths into bud production to early stunting the plants…

So, soon it will be time to start weighing things out, mixing things together, and beginning my
very 1st reversal project for Mr Diggy Soze… ZeroZero is going to attempt to do his plants also but I fear he has stunted his plants severely by not listening to me and starting them in
small cubes of coco or peat pellets… and never potting them, still… this might work for a photo period as they can veg longer and go thru a bigger stretch at flipping of lights…

I’ll do my best to do step buy step of what I’m doing on this project, and, sure hope I do
Diggy proud and return to him viable seed stock of his Upzalberry…

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Upzalberry at just over 2wks old… she was beginning to stretch a bit and without filling in her
main stem as much as I’d like… so I’ve FIM cut her upper leafs in attempt to get her to fill
out better…

update a (2)


Okay peeps… Diggy has asked me to do a project and it’s now time to start getting into it…

Now I’ve never done a plant reversal to make pollen to make feminized seed stock…

Strain: Upzalberry by Diggy Soze of Worcestershire_farms
Upzalberry: (Double Grape x Creme de le Chem by Mephisto Genetics) x (Wizards Apprentice x Forum Stomper from Night Owl)…

I love Mephisto genetics and have used them to create 2 of my own strains, great minds think alike. The 1st 2 Upzalberry plants just did not look like what I wanted to use on this
feminized/reversal project… way to long of a stretch at the nodes… low yielding IMHO…

But this little gal is it… I’ve chosen her to reverse and get this project a going…

Diggy has supplied everything I need to do this project, even down to a new digital scale to weigh out the chemicals needed…the guy truly supplied everything…

Let the reversal begin.


I’ve been testing this strain, Upzalberry , by Diggy and he’s also got me making fem’d seeds…

Just wanted to give ya a peek at one I have that is just now beginning to flower


1st plant I took over to my buddy Atilla’s ;place to finish up.

love this fruity smoke


Diggy has asked me to help come up with a better name for htis hybrid of his…

Upzalberry by Diggy Soze: It started with Double Grape and Creme de la Chem from Mephisto, and Wizards Apprentice x Forum Stomper from Night Owl.

give me a little time…


That sounds great.


Just found my way here, looking good @Carty, I’ll be hanging around your grow occasionally yelling things from the cheap seats. :smiley::+1:


Hey guys… I actually have a few auto threads going and it’s a boogar to stay up on all of them vs running one thread.

The project with Diggy is coming along just fine. I’ve given the reversal plant it’s 2nd spray and am seeing hairs shrivel up after turning orange. Not sure, but maybe next time I’ll let the sexing go further before beginning the spraying…

Names… I’m usually very good at this, but man does this mix have quite the genetics background if you look all 4 up… Lots of Mephisto in here, my favorite gear too…

So far, I’m liking “Blue Fire Dog” but it’s still way early in my process… usually it comes to me in a revelation like while watching a show or something… so hang tight.

All I know is these things just keep growing, on right hand side


I thought she was in a walker. These led lights man!!! Lol


HA HA… yup, they all are. Okay, it’s me. Disabled from bone disease and then head on car accident made it all worse… so I smoke a lot… a lot. hahaha.

Yes, not the most expensive but getting the job done. I bought 2 really cheap blurple lights that just did not perform well alone. gave them away and they work well for my friends purpose so it’s all good…

Spider Farmer makes a great light, mine is the SF1000, almost their smallest one thinking my small tent couldn’t handle much more… wrong. LED is so different regarding heat issues, like none… haha.

the 2nd light in there now is a HLUX 40w LED strip light 2ft… those babies rock, I run 3 in my smaller tent… plants seem to be loving them… I get them in pairs for $38. I know right?

I’ve got a sponsor who says Santa might bring me a new light I"d never be able to afford… so we’ll see eh? that would just rock.

ps. I use my walker to move my plants around from tent to kitchen to water… I water / feed in the sink, let them drain well then back into the tent… do this weekly, other waterings I do in the tent… but I really like rotating the plants…

they seem to be happy…


pretty sure the plant I’m reversing is working… remember, I’ve never done this before so… bare with me ok… this is after 3 sprayings 5 days apart like directions say…

what ya think:?

Looks to me like it’s beginning to reverse



Three of Diggy plants from the 20/20 box of chocolates.(don’t know if they have a other name)

Flipped four days ago… after six weeks vegging…I’m sure the one in the middle is a girl…but I’m not good at calling…we will see …ye Diggy thanks for the seeds…and will keep you posted.





Two males one fem from Diggy strain…20/20

But it’s a real healthy plant…and stretching well, lovely Sativa type leaves. @DiggySoze is this some Kashmir in this strain.

Happy new year



Are you still running the Black Kashmir?

Love me some Diggy Soze. Just started some of his Super skunk F5’s