Gambian x Haze Auto

Hey Campers… Grow sponsored by Alaskagrown’s Donations to the site.and for me it was just in time to hopefully turn things around for me. so thanks old friend. who’d of thought I’d run into you again doing a seed giveaway… so cool.

With your permission sir, I’d like to nickname this strain “Gamz” so I don’t have to keep spelling it all out… hahaha. Ghaze is taken so Gamz is pretty cool… as in nice legs…

Strain: Gambian x Haze Auto (Gamz)
Soil: Roots Organics
Foods: Mills with additives Miko Mykro, Calmag + Fe by Envy. Humboldts Secret flower stacker.
Pots: 1 gal Orchid Pots until plants show sex, best females into 3gal felt pots

Here they are, born on my Mom’s birthday of 1/22, RIP Momma (Sandy Bottoms)… she loved the jars of peanut butter I’d send her with a 1/2oz inside… hahaha.


Healthy looking seedlings!!

I think these are going to do really well for you…

Can’t go wrong with Roots Organic soil!



Thanks bro… any idea on their flowering time having the Haze in it? and what haze was used? are you okay with me calling it Gamz or Gamazing… lol. Ghaze is taken.

Trying something different this time with feeding, especially since roots organics is so loaded up with goodness. Later today I’ll be putting down 6 Blueberry Seeds… hehe.


Sorry my friend but I don’t have any idea on the flowering time of the Gambian x Haze…I’ve never grown any of them.

The Haze used is Neville’s Haze… so Gambian x Neville’s

You can call it anything you’d like! lol

These were bred by rollit @Opengrow…here’s some info



Tagging along for the ride!

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ah ja…i remember that run!
is it possible,the used Gambians are Autos too? if i´m not wrong,a dutch guy(FotH) made em.

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Yes the Auto Gambian are from FoolonTheHill…I have both his and rollit from Overgrow

They seeds are…

FoolonTheHill Auto Gambian F6

rollit Auto Gambian F6 and F7

FoTH gave me a few other’s as well :slight_smile:



Very nice start @Carty.


Should be a good show. Nice to see someone else use the mills line, not seen many people use them but they are very good products. How do you get on with their products ? Good luck with the grow will be interesting to see what you get.

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High everyone… really nice to see the interest in this run. Alaska my brother, thanks for digging up the great info on this cross. I love nothing better then to get to the bottom of a strains creation. I think this is going to show some amazing phenos, but what I am seeing already that is impressive is the uniformity of the plants as babies.

9 for 9, no issues. and I planted these with 1/4" tails, not long ones. I like to make the plant fight for it’s life early on towards the light and thru the dirt.

Last night they went into a new home as we cleared out the main tent and Ladybug gave it a good cleaning while I was gone to Dr appt. she’s so cool.

At just a few days old here as I’ve given them all Jan 22nd as a birthdate… My Mom’s birthday and today she would of been 80. RIP Sandy Bottoms… she loved my nuggies I’d send her.

And, since the smaller tent was now available and I’d been germinating the Blueberry seeds since Friday, soaked in water, then the old damp paper towel method in a baggie… inside an oven mit and atop the cable box to keep warm… worked great, 1.5" tails this time.

These 5 went into Oxy Pots and will not be up potted most likely… once they sex the males will be replaced right away with a fresh seed…


Spider Farmer SF1000… and no, not a 1000w just a clever name. about equal to a
2 @ 40w each LED SZHLUX full spectrum like the SF light is… this will be the 1st grow with these 2 lights added on… I use them in the small tent with great luck already…

3 Blueberry plants already up the other 2 knuckling… Ladybug calls it camel toe… lmao.

Worked on my own feeding chart after watching this guy I found on utube. Mr Autoflower

The guy kills it and says with autos less if for sure more, so this chart reflects that…

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Be careful with that feed as it is very concentrated an strong. Im guessing those numbers are for per 1 gallon or is it per 10 ltrs ?

Thanks man, always nice when someone is watching out… this was using Mills lowest feeding chart as they have light, med & heavy feeding. I start this schedule at the END of
week 1, not beginning. no foods first week. fed them tonight and to be sure I have this chart where I want it, I cut it all in half. which amounted to 2ml per gal. so 1/2 tsp A & B. the Blueberry I’ll try the full dose when they reach a week, born today…

I’ve also been experimenting with identifying female seeds by studying the feminized seeds I get from places like Goat & Monkey or Oldsogcoc. looks to me like I may have gone 8 for 9
time will tell… here they are at a week old as of midnight.

Male in the center is my guess… hoping 1 our of 9.

My 2 favorites so far…


Damn @Carty those are looking really good and growing pretty fast!

Excited to see how they turn out for you!!



Thanks man. Really impressed with these. Hey, did you send the 2nd pkg yet?
Oh, btw, getting some of my Gabagoo Autos back bro. Send you a few.

2 Blueberry up. I killed 3 dang me. One grew upside down and twisted, air pruned itself. Other 2 it was small sticks in soil I missed… ugh Dropped 3 Gambian F7 to replace. Fallen BB… LOL


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2 days of growth and guess what… it’s time to lower the lights.

2 Blueberry born on my brothers Bday… 2 days old here.


Good news & Bad news…

Bad 1st: A funeral was held yesterday for 3 Blueberry plants I screwed up on. Either planted them to deep or they grew upside down. 2 had sticks holding them down from growing upwards so for sure my fault. 1 air pruned itself mid stem by breaking the surface and then diving back down leaving a big hump exposed, thus the air pruning mid root…

Good news, no, GREAT news… Hooked up with an old buddie who still has all my seeds in his vault where we’d all donate seeds for us all to draw from.

I’m getting returned to me 47 Gabagoo #2, 45 Gabagoo #4 & Blue Vangoo… all F2 stock.

this is getting to be fun again…


That is great news!


Thanks Tejas… Going to make it possible for me to get back into breeding again as both of these strains need to be worked further. these are both F2’s and should produce some pheno’s worth hunting… so a hunting we will go… best get out my Elmer Fudd outfit…