Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

ok. so Louis XIII does work for deep sleep. but leaves her VERY groggy. it is a little too strong, so dosage needs to be dialed in if you choose to use this one. otherwise it does achieve the deep / full night sleep.
so far have only administered via coco oil.
my mix for her size/weight (110lbs) is 1/8oz (3.5g) flower infused into 2oz (60ml) of coco oil.
my estimate is about 9.3mg THC per ML oil

there has not been an opportunity to test via the dry vape. so no data there to share. i suspect it will make her VERY sleepy and lethargic if used during day.

for me, it is quite potent. it does good for pain relief. (paratrooper’s knee and back issues are real) good for sleep. it is NOT a good daytime strain unless you have time to kill, which i usually do not. a couchlock strain for sure. a very tasty couchlock strain. good flavor, smooth smoke. nice exhale. very pleasant.


I’ll follow along. My father has alzhiemers and it’s a cruel disease. Wish he would have consumed in his older age. All the best with your Mil


sorry to hear that. is your dad still with you or has he passed?
is he still able to swallow and eat/drink by mouth?

thank you. it’s a frustrating disease. so many things make it progress faster… from the things they eat and drink to the medications that are supposed to “help”.


My wife and I have been taking care of him and my mother, she had stage 3b cancer last year. He has a rare form, affects his eyes, basically blind now. Very happy go lucky and hasn’t affected mood or anger like others. Still can eat himself but soon will have to be fed. Diaper 24/7. And will soon need to go into a home for long term care, maybe 6 more months? He’s been diagnosed for about 8 years, he caught it early and refused the doctors telling him he was fine, used to be a geophysicist, so hard to watch such smarts go to such a basic form.


there ~may~ come a point when he loses appetite (we ran into that about a year ago). it was a complete fight getting her to eat anything and we watched her waste away. due to lack of chewing or swallowing, her “swallow” reflex muscles all entropized and now can have nothing by mouth. goes directly into her lungs and then the risk of pneumonia becomes prominent. she can’t even have a glass of water. her epiglottis no longer works. goes right into her lungs. she is on feeding tube now. been about 3 or 4 weeks now. that was a rocky start, but she is now gaining weight… which is good. but she has hosts of other issues to deal with.

try and keep an eye on that eating/swallowing and healthy appetite. nutrition is SUPER important for alz patients. some many things we eat and take for granted are BAD. any kinds of processed sugars are poison.
infections are another thing to keep an eye out for. especially urine infections. they directly affect the brain and speed up the disease process. keep him hydrated and peeing.

it is sad to watch people succumb to this.
all the best to you and your family.


Hard to think of what more is to come, when we have been through so much. All the best mate


yeah. it never stops. but she still has some spark, so we work with that.
2 weeks ago she was tested and they told us she now has parkinson’s on top of the alz/dem.
also… just an hour ago, the urologist called and told us she has another urine infection… f^ck. we don’t know how she keeps getting them. we keep her ridiculously clean, well fed, vitamins, cranberry juice… it’s maddening.


short conversation earlier with @Bobgrows in another thread, she mentioned that University of Michigan is continuing medical studies. found a few articles, but nothing really technical to dig the teeth into. however, the names of the doctors running the studies is an important piece. possibly find some white papers or journals online of studies.

Dr. Norbert Kaminski
Dr. Donovan Maust
Dr. Judith Heidebrink


Alz is a frustrating disease. We’ve gotten used to “expect the un-expected”. The disease shows no logic. Everyday is different.

Studies and our experience, shows that MUSIC is soothing to Alz patients. It also evokes old good memories. My MIL was singing along to Take Me Out To The Ballgame when she heard it. She looked very happy.
So play songs for your relative that they may have heard / enjoyed when younger.

We have found UTIs. Urinary Tract Infections make my MIL’s Alz symptoms noticably worse. Seems Alz patients (and elderly) get UTI’s commonly.
So get their urine tested at a lab if unsure. My MIL gets a UTI about every 3-4 months. And so she then needs antibiotics or meds for it.


cool. thanks for sharing your experiences. others may benefit from this.

music was one of the first things i figured out before she was even diagnosed. she likes to sing her favorite tunes. makes her happy and keeps her calm. anxiety is a huge issue for alz/dem.

UTI’s are extremely bad for alz/dem patients. directly affects the brain and speeds the decline. very hard to prevent when they transition to diapers 24/7. we found using the desitin diaper rash cream for infants helps keep the UTI’s down.
we have also tried increasing liquids to increase peeing?flushing out system and also incorporating cranberry juice to increase acidic level of urine (effectively killing off some of the bacterium). nothing works like antibiotics though.


Yes, Ive read CBD only can cause high liver enzymes.

Just read this article. Seems to track with our observations.
so far:
Grandaddy Purple
Purple Kush
Louis XIII

have all provided uninterrupted sleep. GDP is best, Louis XIII is a bit too strong but still functional at very low doses.


All these studies from universities that are funded by the pharmaceutical industry never really tell you the real problem with the cause of all auto immune diseases.

They are all caused from damaged MitochondriaI bacteria in the cells of the brain. Amyloid-beta proteins become damaged by inflammation caused by oxidation from sugar, refined carbs and processed foods and no longer fit the receptors so they float around and build up in the brain.

The liver needs B vits to metabolize sugar and refined carbs mainly B1, if you are eating even moderate amounts of sugars you will probably be dificient in B1 which the cell mitochondria need to function properly in the brain especially the nervouse system which also regulates sleep.

Benfotiamine is a B1 derivative essential for the nervous system and mitochondria to function well, studies show that 600mg to 800mg of Benfotiamine a day along with a low carb diet can halt the decline and reverse the damage to your mitochondria in the brain healing autoimmune diseases. If you intermittent and or long fast the damaged mitochondria and cells are cleaned out from the state of autophagy and replaced with new healthy cells fairly quickly, most cells in the brain take 7 years to die and be replaced otherwise.

You also need to have a diet rich in polyphenols that cause your mitochondria to uncouple and multiply which is basically a vegetarian diet with fish and a lot of essential fatty acids, alfa limpoic acid helps reduce the oxidative stress caused by refined carbs so increasing that is also very beneficial.


good info.

pretty much everything in the book my wife has been reading. we changed abuela’s diet about 2yrs ago. no (processed) sugar (honey and maple syrup are good low use natural alternatives), low to no carbs. lots of fish and a TON of beneficial vitamins/minerals.
diet is a HUGE portion of the healing process. so many things we take for granted in our daily diet that are actually causing a host of medical issues.

will show your post to my wife. pretty sure the B vitamins are jacked up but will check just in case.


B vits are hard to get and why most people are difficient, I am vegetarian so that last post is biased towards veggies, you can get a lot of B vits from organ meat, liver, heart and kidneys, if your a veggy the best option is unfortified nutritional yeast.

If you want Benfotiamine then you have to buy it as a supplement it’s exspensive.

The thing you have to remember is all vits, minerals and amino acids rely on each other for proper absorption and utilization so just loading up on one specific one may not be effective if you’re not getting enough of the others.


ok. dug into a link provided by an article sent to me by @BudWhisperer . the link led me to a medical study. skimming through the article title i see two names on this article.
Dr. Carmen Del Rio
Dr. Edward Munoz
i remember both these names. munoz was doing some heavy duty high level brain melting studies but touched a few of the higher level studies on alz/dem. del rio was doing studies with alz/dem, dermal issues and parkinsons. anyways, here is the medical paper:

and here is the article that BW sent me with the links to the medical studies:

now… those of you who were looking for the medical/science papers here’s a thread to pull. here are studies associated with Dr. Del Rio:

here are studies associated with Dr. Munoz:

there was also a link to euro med papers. trying to re-find it…
found it.

quick search at the euro site:

rabbit holes galore!
hop on.


My grandpa just started suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s he has his first test in a week. His heart attack really did a number. This is so cool I’m happy to read. I’ll have to def take some hours to look. I’d love to work on a strain for this. I might even have some of the strains that are helpful


Hey Y’all
i wanted to update the missing strains list as i have had many come forward to offer portions of their stash to help me out with my project. i would also like to take the time to publicly thank all those who have come forward to help cross missing strains off the list.
again. thanks for all your help. my gratitude.

The OX - @BudWhisperer is sending me some of these to work with.
Lavender - @misterbee has sent me original sonoma F2s
Skunk #1 - @JustANobody sent me some of these
Northern Lights #2 - @JustANobody not only one NL
Northern Lights #5 - @JustANobody but 2 NL strains.
(Real) Bubba Kush - @Bobgrows sent me some of these
Harlequin - @Bobgrows sent these as well
Gelato - @sardinebags sent me some gelato 33 F2s

Green Crack
White Russian
Gorilla glue #4
Moby Dick
Jack Herer
Lavender Haze
Lavender Kush
NYC Diesel
Charlottes Web

Giving up on: (unless you know something the rest of us don’t)
Dutch Dragon
Blissful Wizard
Bio Jesus

any assistance with the missing would be greatly appreciated.


Off of memory alone, I might have you on the GG#4, Jack Herer, and Cannatonic. I’ll check for more…you never know. Give me a few days, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


it’s been a few days. lol. i haven’t updated this thread in a while.

no worries misterbee. i know you are very busy with giveaways. as it stands i’m not going to be able to get to your lavender’s 'til the spring. :\
