Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

i’m happy to share what i have. if it helps someone else help out one of their relatives all the better.

i am not a doctor or scientist. i used to be a medic in the army, but that’s the extent of it. when i got out, i had had enough of blood and gore (still have nightmares years later), but still liked to help people when/where i could.

these studies were conducted decades ago, but outside the US. big pharma doesn’t want the common rabble healing themselves for free. know what i mean?


i really don’t know man. the only sativa i have grown out and tested on her and it worked was Acapulco Gold. and since it was Barney’s Farm, it more than likely isn’t pure sativa or actual pure strain Acapulco Gold.

one of the things that afflicts alz/dem patients is anxiety. i personally don’t like sativas for the strong anxiety, paranoia, heart racing effects i get from them. i prefer the kick you in the face brain and body stone of an indica.
maybe not all people get the effects i do. i know sativas are very popular for a reason. i would just be VERY wary of those negative effects with abuela. she has a VERY sensitive constitution. and negative side effects are multiplied by 1000. and her anxiety attacks (now pretty much gone since dosing her with cannabis) were very bad. gotta take her to the hospital bad.

lol… i hate to admit this but i find growing sativas a pain in the balls. unruly, all over the place and take forever to finish. growing the AG and then the Blue Dream i was like “f*ck these demon jungle plants!” and put off growing more of the list sativas in favor of growing out the indicas. this outdoor season i bit the bullet and put 4 out there.

the super silver haze was actually a relatively easy plant to grow. it was very healthy, liked the sun, handled the heat and has been pest resistant to boot. would grow again. hopefully it helps.
the candyland was a complete joy to grow. healthy, hearty, zero issues. again, hope this one works. i have big expectations for this one considering it’s pedigree and reported acceptance/demand by med users.
the strawberry lemonade was a simple grow as well. would do again.
so what gives?
hybrids. not pure sativas.

i don’t know that i have ever grown out a full sativa before. and besides AG, i don’t think there were any full sats on the list were there?
edit: is purple haze a full sat?


What I read a good bit back, and I dont know where the article is.

Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, ( RIP ) who discovered THC, and many other things, and has done more research on cannabis than probably all other scientists combined, said that Land Based Originals were the best for treating medical conditions. All of these hydrids/polyhydrid have lost many of the chemical compounds vs from what LBO offer. I guess, and I may be wrong, but all these hybrids ect, have skewered the chemical compositions of the plants. And people have also been breeding a lot for high THC, to the detriment of many of the other chemical compounds.


we actually started abuela on the cannabis journey with CBD. oil/drops.

my sister used to grow medical for her husband with cancer. (sadly he passed 4yrs ago) she met a lot of people along her journey and made some friends along the way. one of the friends she made runs a small company that specializes in oils and salves. she sent us free samples to try out.

since rose did us a solid, we have done her a solid and remained loyal customer.
the dropper bottles of oils worked amazing to curb abuelas anxiety.

seeing how that worked i figured i would need to grow GBD strains. i started getting seeds.
however the mosre i read, the more the research said CBD was bad in large doses and the opposite of what i expected was true. high THC was required to do the best work. it didn’t make sense to me, i dug deeper into it and started reading the medical and university studies. i read a lot of obscure sh*t. and it just seemed compelling to start seeking out these recommended and tested strains that were high in THC.

i do still have some CBD strain seeds. high, medium and low. i grew the lowest out first to start her out. then grew out the medium and high to ramp her up. she got some WEIRD side effects form the high CBD content. agro, hitting, cussing, angry, disagreeable… we stopped testing after a week. it was bad. the medium was negative but to a lesser degree. she was super sleepy a lot. lethargic. the low didn’t do anything including handle her anxiety. she was a mess with the CBD testing.

Acapulco Gold was the one she has always responded to the best for daytime. it doesn’t have a super high THC content … 19% on average. in comparison to modern strains it’s weak as sh*t, but it’s not always just about the THC is it? terps play their roles and so does CBD content/percentage.

i still have some seeds tho… on standby. JV-B standby. lol.
thankfully i have some friends that liked the CBD stuff. i made them gummies for their necks and backs. all good.


you would probably have a fun conversation with my wife. she has been doing the natural foods thing for her mom for 3yrs now. all sorts of weird roots and herbs and other stuff. i will pass this on to her.

one of my army buddies (we were medics together) grows his own medicinal herbs and always has some recipes for us to try on abuela. some have been very helpful. i will post one of the tea recipes later.


Thanks for the tips.
we like the natural remedies. some work pretty good.

would love some experienced medicinal herbalist to join the convo. impart the wisdom. this young apothecary is ready. (but am i worthy?)


i had a conversation like this with my sister and someone else on the RIU forums a few months ago.

the people that are preserving the old strains and landraces are truly doing the community a favor. the hybridization has completely f*cked many genetic lines to where they are no longer recoverable/recognizable. this might be a bad thing for medicinal purposes like you stated.

i have kind of wrestled with this before thinking about making any of my own crosses of plants that are on the list… i’m NOT doing this for financial gain, so that is out of the way, but still… i am going to be making another hybrid made of hybrids.
am i contributing to the community or contributing to the downfall?

sh*t to keep yourself awake at night.


Green Crack
White Russian
The OX
Dutch Dragon
Blissful Wizard
Gorilla glue #4
Moby Dick
Jack Herer
Bio Jesus
Lavender Haze
Lavender Kush
Skunk #1
NYC Diesel
Charlottes Web

Any assistance helping me find any of the above listed strains will be greatly appreciated.

some i see are still available but are out of stock. others look like they have disappeared from the earth. the OX is one of those. lavender/haze/kush seems to be gone as well. most people have not even heard of dutch dragon or blissful wizard. they are listed on seedfinder, but no one has them.

lavender is one i’m really looking for. on paper it seems to have the right terpenes. but that’s on paper. and who knows if these plants still exist.

white russian is similarly elusive. you can find the seeds in hole in the wall shops, but they are ALWAYS out of stock.

LSD. does anyone else make this besides barney’s farm? i don’t have issue with barney’s farm, everything i have grown of theirs has been great. but wondering if any other breeders ran with this one?

i have been only able to get my hands on green crack auto from seedsman. i don’t know how close to the originals autos are… not hating on autos as i have grown a lot of them (always get them as freebies) and enjoyed what they produce. but i doubt they are as strong as originals.

nothing but controversy surrounds skunk#1. watered down/hybridized. not even sure where to look for it with so many offerings that people do nothing but complain about being watered down. i’m at a loss on skunk… and honestly not sure i would want to grown an original for the smell in the neighborhood. :open_mouth:

any ideas where to find the missing, please link me and let me know.
thank you!


For outside or inside?

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my main garden is usually outside each year. i start in april/may depending on weather.

if i do inside i usually run autos - some of the list strain i was only able to get in auto format, and lots of freebies from all the orders i have made over the years. some of them are nice. some … meh…

this year i am trying to run a perpetual GDP indoors. i started one of the clone moms last month. will be adding more in the coming months as autos finish up. never done it before so expect lots of f*ckups til i dial it all in. i finally have upped my clone game to where i get about 80-90% success rooting rate on my cuttings… so time to try. i have some other clone moms in another closet about ready to give cuttings to see if the “clone zone” i built works. two tiered structure i cobbled together from an el cheapo greenhouse someone threw out. top layer does the clone rooting and the bottom layer will veg the clones out in prep for flower.

which brings me to the weak link of my OP. my garage is where i intend to do the flowering. this will do great in the winter months as it stays above freezing (gas water heater out there keeps it warm 58F is the lowest recorded temp out there in the winter - even on nights that freeze outside)
my problem is the summer. it gets HOT here. we had 3 months of no rain and temps above 100F. hottest day was 115F. if it’s 100F outside it’s even hotter in the garage… so the timing on my flowering cycles have got to be before the summer months come and shut down through it possibly? i have still grown plants out when it’s hot… they DO survive… but they take a beating.


Now it makes even more sense that she is using the Blue Dream in the daytime. That’s what Blue Dream does to me as well. I’m guessing the OG Kush you have has less Limonene than the AG and the BD. So basically you are lowering the Limonene and then substituting it with LInalool with the GDP.

Sounds like you have done a pretty darn good job narrowing it down without using the terpenes. I applaud your effort.
I think having a afternoon strain that is in the middle is very smart.

I’m pretty much on the same regimen. Lots of Myrcene and Caryophyllene in everything I use; with Limonene in the day and removing it at night.
My favorite day time that really get me going without too much angst are:
Kimbo Kush- Myrcene, Limonene and Caryophyllene
Sundea Driver - Limonene Caryophyllene and Myrcene (Sometimes that much Limonene can get to me but if the plant matures well it isnt edgy and is a great happy high.)
I cant use too much of those in a day before they start to get to be “edgy” and I need to switch to something with less Limonene.
You might want to try Blueberry Muffins as the afternoon (or day time) Myrcene, Bisabolol, Caryophyllene, Limonene, and Humulene… I think you will find it to be a little more mellow and happy than the OGK. It also seems to be a good one that can go both ways depending on the harvest time. When picked a little early it tastes like lemons and is uplifting without angst the longer you let it ripen the more blueberry and sleepy it gets.
This is from HSC website under the BBM:

  • Terpenes are the aromatic oils that produce a cannabis plant’s scent and flavor. They also ward off predators from eating cannabis plants. Some research has shown that, in addition to producing scents and flavors, terps also may promote certain experiences attached to different cannabis strains.

  • Myrcene is a plant terpene found in hops, lemongrass, and mangos. It is expected to contribute to the sedative feeling people feel after smoking certain cannabis strains. Some research has suggested that myrcene is responsible for the couch-lock effects that people usually attribute to indica strains. Strains like Blue Dream, Granddaddy Purple, and Mango Kush are high in myrcene.

  • Bisabolol is a plant terpene that is often added to skincare products. It is believed to have mood-calming effects that help with relaxation and sleep. Stains that are high in bisabolol include Ice Cream Cake and Dolato.

  • Caryophyllene is a plant terpene found in spices, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, and of course, cannabis. It is associated with anti-anxiety effects. Strains like GSC, Bubba Kush, and Sunset Sherbert are dominant in caryophyllene.

  • Limonene is a plant terpene found in citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits. It is commonly associated with uplifting and energizing effects. Strains like Wedding Cake, Lemon Diesel, and OG Kush feature high amounts of limonene.

  • Humulene is a plant terpene often found in hops, sage, and ginseng. It is associated with anti-inflammatory effects, amongst other therapeutic uses. Strains like Death Star, Thin Mint GSC, and Original Glue feature higher-than-usual amounts of humulene.

Maui Wowie is a very mellow sativa hybrid that might make a good Afternoon (or daytime).

Night Time
Of course I would suggest the Old Family Purple.
The T-1000 is a pheno of OFP that has more Caryophyllene than Myrcene and Linalool and is very sedative but has less of a happy feeling in my opinion, T-1000 kinda drags me down instead of floats me down.
I also like Grape Ape- Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Pinene (simular to GDP)
and Mango Kush- Myrcene, Caryophyllene Humulene

Lavender is on my list of exotics that I want to try.


thanks for the response. i’m glad i have some people now to bounce this stuff off of. have had no one to discuss any of this with for last 3yrs (other than my wife… and her eyes glaze over the moment i start talking about the ganja angle of treatment)

so… just tested louis 13 oil last night for first time. had high hopes it was going to be a good backup for night time GDP. she slept, but nothing like GDP. first night, first test, so will run it a week at least. try and dial in the dosage and see if we can get the snoring and refreshed wake-up that GDP provides.

i am doing something with 2 of the primaries. for GDP i have acquired 4 different cuts. Ken’s, blimburn (currently vegging out a clone mom for perpetual grow) shoreline and xox. going to grow all 4 of these out as clone moms and start testing to see which cut of GDP works best for her. so far have only tested the blimburn (which i consider JV team). the shoreline is outside flowering with the rest of the outdoor grow so will have that to test in another month or two. i will get ken’s and xox going when the autos finish up in the indoor spot and i have some clear space for them.

also trying the same with OG Kush. i have only been able to test RQS OG Kush and Seedsman OG Kush Auto respectively. currently have a humboldt sc OG Kush flowering outside with the rest. i expect this one to be vastly superior. the plant structure and production blows everything else i’ve grown of OGK away.

in regards to other “purples”, i have a few more seeds from reputable breeders i want to get through first.
i have:
PPD - from humboldt sc
grandaddy X - from purple caper
grandaddy OG - from purple caper
jilly bean - from mz.jill
gdp x purple kush - from xox
gdp x space cake - shoreline
gdp x gelato - shoreline
candyshop - shoreline

i’m going to be busy for a bit. (wish i had more space!)

CSI humboldt IS on my radar. i have had MANY recommendations. but only when the strain hunt/testing is over and i know what i can work with and what i can’t… going to be a big seed yardsale after that… :open_mouth:


I will have some GG#4 seeds this fall

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I just remembered that Mazar I Sharif has Linalool in the 1st tier. Might be easier to find than lavender. If you find anyone in the US that has either let me know too please :crossed_fingers:


Kush is my favorite right now. GDP is a great strain.



i tried to run some GG4 out from blimburn. not a single seed popped. been holding off looking for a good cut. i read somewhere that GG4 “copies” are prone to hermie. prefer not to deal with that. limited space and a LOT of seeds/strains to get through.

thanks for response. appreciate you.


yeah. i have been striking out with the lavender for 3yrs. garden of green has two offerings, but no descriptions or lineage mentioned so on the fence with that. could be anything. however, i have grown out a few things from GOG and they have been very healthy. so… not sure if i’m going to pull the trigger or not.

Lavender purple kush

Lavender (? check the lack of linalool)


i prefer the indicas too. my outdoor garden is full of kush.
these are all candidates for afternoon and nighttime backups (or new primaries if they are better)

blimburn - purple kush
kannabia - purple kush
seedsman - critical purple kush
humboldt sc - og kush
barney’s farm - bubba kush
blimburn - purple bubba kush
blimburn - blackberry kush
shoreline - GDP
2020mendocino - the spice!


I have grow the spice. 20/20 isn’t bad. Eleven/8 is a good one also. I was just looking at your kush list. It’s on my mind. lol


so. after 3 days of testing Louis XIII for night time/sleepies.

it works. a little too well. trying to sort out the dosage. needing to dial it back.
will give it a week of dialing in the dosage and another week to see how consistent it is and she is with it.

keeping fingers crossed this is a viable backup for GDP.
no way this could be a morning or afternoon strain unless she’s traveling or something.
i smoked a bit before making the oil to test it out. it is strong. made me want to take a nap after about 30min. pretty hard. was wondering what was wrong with me being this tired during the day. then i remembered i was f*cking ~STONED~ . :smiley: