Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

allright. it’s been a while. a lot has gone on and i am terrible with “paperwork”.

ok. so have been attempting to test the strains i ran over the summer on abuela. we have NOT been able to collect any confirmed or useful data on the testing because of the ever present urine infection(s). i have mentioned it in previous posts, but can’t stress enough how detrimental urine infections are for Alz/Dem patients. it hastens the decline without a doubt. no matter what else you’re doing, perfect food, suppliments, medications - everything else in the body can be tip top shape - but if you have a urine infection on board it will completely negate everything else and continue to hasten the decline.

so how do you prevent the urine infections? and how do you prevent urine infections in someone who is now wearing adult diapers 24/7 that is hyper sensitive to urine infections?
yeah… that’s a tough one. now, on top of all that, factor in the diarrhea in the diaper from the constant stream of antibiotics and you have the recipe for disaster.

steps we have taken:

  • the first thing we tried to do was use desitin diaper rash cream front and back. seems to work for the babies, why not for abuela? the desitin helped to a small extent, but didn’t stop her from getting infections.
  • we tried to change the diapers more often. the program she is on sends way more than needed, so we stepped up the frequencies of changes trying to keep clean surface(s). again. this helped a bit but didn’t prevent infections. there is still the issue of overnight… sitting in it till morning.
  • we tried to increase the acidity of her pee to kill infections naturally. added in cranberry juices and apple cider vinegar to her tube feedings. unsure if this did anything. regardless have continued to do this as the last ER doc we saw recommended we continue on that path as a preventive measure.
    he also told us that abuela is now completely “resistant” to some antibiotics… namely the ones the urologist has been prescribing for the last year… >:( (we TOLD/BEGGED him to switch it up so she didn’t become resistant… he ignored us, and now she is resistant.)
  • we have tried having her sleep overnight WITHOUT the diapers, by adding absorbent pads to the bed in lieu of the diapers. this always equals a messy morning cleanup, but … infection is worse… so…
  • i installed a bidet on the toilet. this may be a game changer… we will see. it certainly helps wife clean abuela up when she has #2 accidents. bidet sprays both front and backsides. a whole lot easier that wrestling her mom into the shower for cleanup after every BR visit.
  • we switched doctors and explained entire situation. this doctor has switched the antibiotics and will do not 1 but 2 cycles of differing antibiotics. the first was a 10 day cycle of the most hardcore stuff they have in non-IV form. that is now complete. so far, so good (knocks on wood).
    the 2nd cycle of antibiotics is going to be a 1 month maintenance antibiotic at a lower dosage, but for longer period to ENSURE all the infection is destroyed.
    the downside to this is that we are going to have to rebuild he gut flora that took us 1.5yrs to properly sort out and build up with an extremely strict diet (during the time period when she had no appetite no less - every spoonful was a battle. in a way i am grateful for the G-tube feeding. no more fighting. and she’s gaining weight back).
    (please note: gut health is EXTREMELY important to Alz/Dem patients)
    well, i suppose the rebuild will go a bit quicker this time. we know what she needs to eat and can much more easily feed her through the tube (without the fighting).

with the urine infections under control (for the time being) we started to take a deeper look at the Parkinsons symptoms. discussing things back and forth i made the observation that some of the symptoms showed up within the last 3 months and then some more disturbing symptoms showed up within the last 1-2 weeks. so what was the change? more discussing revealed that some of the medications and suppliments had changed.
so we pulled out ALL the medications and suppliments and started going through them one by one. reading ingredients and then doing some research online with each.

bottom line - you HAVE to do your own research. putting full faith and trust in pharmaceuticals and even some of the doctors will just burn you. i am not saying all are bad, but damn… they certainly make their share of mistakes… to our detriment.

we found 4 suppliments she was taking that were causing a bunch of her symptoms.

  • one in particular “Prevagen” was prescribed by the author of the Alz/Dem book is actually CAUSING some of the symptoms and has warnings on the internet NOT to prescribe to Alz/Dem patients. WTF?!
  • the others we found were new suppliments that the wife had recently read about and wanted to see if they helped… they were not.
    one was causing tachycardia. heart rates of 110-130 while abuela was sleeping.
    another was causing erratic blood pressure readings. mostly low while her heartbea was racing.
    the last one was affecting her sleep - even with the GDP knockout juice.

since we have removed these suppliments, she has already showed improvements. heart rate and BP are back down to normal. a few other symptoms are lessening slowly, but very positive results taking her off.

again, pay attention to what they are giving your people. Doctor A doesn’t know what Doctor B or C are prescribing. YOU have to tell them. make sure they all work together properly and aren’t causing more harm than good. there are MANY out there that are doing that - causing harm because they should not be mixed.
it SUCKS that we have to do this extra work, but we have to do this extra work.

that’s all for now. hopefully we will get her stable again soon so i can resume testing strains (with better data).


Antibiotics destroy the microbiom in the gut and mouth, which in turn wrecks the immune system function causing a vicious circle of re infection.

Have you looked at Buchu powder pronounced Bookoo, it’s ground up leaves from a tree that only grows on the western cape of Africa. It has amazing properties one of which is stopping UTI and kidney infections. It’s a natural antibiotic that is friendly to good bacteria and the microbiom. I just recently treated a mild kidney infection with it, which took 12 days to clear. Also helps lower insulin resistance for diabetes. You can get it on Amazon in Canada.


Strain Test Update:

Have been testing Super Silver Haze (blimburn silver surfer haze) on abuela for a daytime strain. it’s working quite well. she is alert, upbeat, singing her favorite tunes, wants to do her exercises or walkies and is generally in a good/agreeable mood. not napping as much during the day.

my wife said some other things about her memory showed some odd improvements. some anomalies of note. i don’t know if it has something to do with the SSH or some of the improvements from removing some of the medications/suppliments causing problems.

going to give the SSH another week and then test another one of the sativa doms i grew over the summer. most of the summer grown have completed primary cure and are ready for their turn.

pretty pleased to have another backup (or maybe a replacement for primary?) for the daytime. pretty gratifying knowing some (more) of it is paying off. as a point of fact, she last vaped the SSH at 3pm. it’s now almost 8pm and she’s still awake and singing her tunes all happy. very cool.

that’s all for now.


So awesome to see the work you’re putting in paying off for Abuela. You’re doing great things man!!


haha. thanks man.
i was was just in the kitchen with wife. we were both smiling because abuela was iyiyiyiiii’ing away to her hometown songs.

SSH seems to be a hit. blimburn did it’s JV job… now i gotta find a GOOD cut of SSH.

thanks again for keeping track and for your help and encouragement getting me here.
appreciate you.


Strain Test Update:

Have been testing Lemon Haze (Seedsman Lemon Auto) on abuela for a daytime strain. she REALLY liked this one. wife was pulling the vape away after the 5th hit (we try to get a minimum of 5 hits off the vape. sometimes it’s like pulling teeth, other times she’s more agreeable) and she reached for it and pulled it back and hit it herself 2 more times for a total of 7. she has only done that once before with the blue dream.
her mood was upbeat, happy, she was singing her tunes, not being obstinate about her therapies, a little bit of gigglig and laughing. her cognition was more clear. most of what she was saying when she was talking made sense. wife has noticed some interesting (and positive) memory based anomalies (like we noticed with the SSH) you would have to know her for me to explain so will just say that the cognition/memory anomalous events are worthy of note and discussion as they are usually real-time reality based or obscure older memories we thought were closed off. always surprising when abuela pulls one of these out of the blue.

overall, a VERY good start for lemon haze.

She really seems to respond well to the haze crosses and those leaning sativa. it also seems more of a personal preference for her as well. she liked the flavors of blue dream and lemon haze. wanted more.

So for daytime we have seen positive results with:

  • Acapulco Gold
  • Blue Dream (blueberry x haze)
  • Super Silver Haze (northern lights x skunk x haze)
  • Lemon Auto (lemon haze x lowrider auto)

next step is to delve into their respective terpine profiles and find the commonalities.

that’s all for now.


Strain Test Update:

I have been testing Bubba Kush (Barney’s Farm) on abuela for an afternoon/evening/sleep strain. the testing with the vape rig was a bit spotty as too many external factors got in the way to get good test results. decided to forego all that part of it and see if it will be a good backup for GDP as an (coconut) oil extract she gets through her feeding tube for nighttime sleep.

typically when i test a strain with the oil i use small amounts and don’t make big batches. i started with 1/8th OZ (3.5 grams for you metric weirdos… :stuck_out_tongue: ) of bubba and infused it into 2oz of coconut oil. this mix seems to be the right range for abuela’s weight.
wife usually gives her one dropper full (approx 1ml = 7-9mg THC) into the last “meal” of the night through the G tube. then will go get her ready for bed. by the time they are done with all the bedtime prep, the oil kicks in and she’s sleepy and ready. pop on the 528hz sleep tones and she’s OUT. she sleeps soundly through the night like she does with GDP. score!

so far so good. seems bubba will work as a backup to GDP for full night, restful sleep.
now whether or not it is better (or worse) than GDP remains to be determined. at this time it is certainly keeping pace and is certainly a welcome addition to the medicine chest.

at some point will like to go back and test it with her on the vape rig. see if would be good for afternoons as well, or if it is just too relaxing for her. i think i’m most interested in seeing if it calms down or stops the parkinson’s tremors in her hands.

that’s all for now.


I know your focus is on weed strains for dealing with these disease symptoms, but have you looked into Methyl Blue, it’s showing very positive results in all cognitive auto immune problems by jump starting the dying mitochondria in the brain cells, and reving them up so they clean house and function optimally.


Continues to be a great work you’re doin’ here, @Til_Valhalla . It made my heart warm a bit hearing about Abuela singing and laughing, especially with a big meds change. I’m sorry to hear about your troubles with the professionals- Like you said, they ain’t all bad, but even the good ones are strained so hard by the systems they’re tied to. It can be so frustrating. I hope you continue to see such improvement, and rest a little better assured she’s lucky to at least have you and the missus looking after her and her doctors so well.
Not much to offer other than moral support- just glad everyone’s head is above the water-line.
Stay up, bro


my research has not run across that… (the vast majority of my research has been quite old)

got any links or info you can post here? would like to take a look at it.


i have been trying to find some info. seems there is methyl blue and methylene blue. one is a dye and the other is used as medication. which one were you referring to?

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ha. yeah wife and i shared a smile over that one. simple things can be pretty big with this disease.

i don’t know most of the lyrics (my spanish is still beginner level at best) but i will sing along with her sometimes. gets her (both of them) to laugh. levity is needed from time to time. this can be a grinding slog.

i assure you it helps. thank you.


They are both the same.


thanks for sharing this shady.
send text to wife earlier in the day about “methyl blue”
her response was:
“sounds like meth… why you trying to give my mom meth?”


going to show her this video.


I bought some off amazon food grade not industrial lab dye grade, its sometimes used in surgery to highlight areas as it is naturaly drawn to areas that are damaged.

I bought it as I was diagnosed with a low grade right temporal lobe Glioma in my brain box, but I can’t use it at the moment as they also found my kidneys have suddenly and drastically dropped in funtion in the last 4 months. Methyl Blue can be hard on the kidneys to process, not recommended with a eGFR under 30.

Sitting in the hospital car park atm waiting to see a kidney specialist as they dont know whats causing the problem other than my eGFR dropping down low. I am begging to suspect its lymes disease as I had several tick bites last year, although none showed the classic bullseye infection associated with lymes disease.


sorry you’re messed up. wish i had an answer for you. kidney issues are no joke. i hope you’re able to get it sorted.

have you discussed the possibility of lyme disease with docs? have they tested for it?

well wishes for speedy recovery man.


Thanks man, results are better but they are still looking for better answers. My doc was excellent, he does intermittent fasting and low carb diet, also uses a lot of natural supplements. He didn’t talk down to me like some docs I have had.

I have over 30 small kidney stones lol, so high oxalate foods are now out of my diet, I had already cut out the worst ones 2 weeks ago, the good news is my kidney function is back up to 30 from 22, 2 weeks ago. :sweat_smile:, he hadn’t heard of methy blue either and was very interested as has mother has dementia.

Because of all the natural powerfull anti inflammatory supplements I am taking he wants me to keep with my usual diet and supplements for the next 2 days then collect my piss for 24 hours. Then come off everything including the weed, I have already been off it for 4 weeks now, incase the brain surgeon wants to get in there quickly, as it can take a while to stop it affecting anesthesia, and eat 3 meals a day but my usual low carb, for 2 weeks, and then do another 24 hour piss collection to see if there is a difference, he doesn’t think there will be, but wants to rule out any possibility. If there is he will work with me to identify which ones might be stressing my kidneys so I can keep using the others.

He also did more blood work today to rule out any natural or viral infections, like hepatitis, lymes and weals disease as well as mold problems.

I am very impressed at how thorough he is.

One down and just the brain box surgeon to deal with on Friday, I would prefer to sort it naturally without surgery, I am not doing chemo or radiation fuck that. So if it’s not as aggressive as they say it is, I will leave the surgery alone and give the fasting, low carb diet, Moringa leaf, Methyl Blue and Bacoba extract, as well as CBD and THC a go at destroying it :crazy_face:


i’m glad you have a thorough and professional doctor. that’s really good and reassuring.
i hope everything works out for you.

good luck with upcoming appointments.


lot been going on, but as y’all are discovering, me and paperwork don’t mix well.
been trying to continue on with testing, but ran into a big snag… abuela stopped being consistent with the vape device. like everything else it became a match of pulling teeth. if she feels like it, great. if she doesn’t … not so great. most everything is met with “no no no” so…

tried to come up with some alternate methods. found the “arizer” Q something or other. msrp puts it up around $200. found it at some online vape shop on sale for $140.
the vape shop was quick and had the order packed and shipped in less than 24hrs. took about 5 days to get here.

it came with the most rudimentary of instruction booklets. i had to watch an a$$load of youtube videos to figure out how to set up and operate.
so… after finally figuring out how to put it all together and keep things right side up… we go to try it on abuela…

no no no…

le sigh

so it has a little fan on it. get it up to temperature, and turn on the fan and it “squirts” the vapor out the hooka whip tube. ok… you don’t wanna suck/inhale, we’ll pump it to you. so we end up “squirting” the vapor into her mouth or up her nose while she is breathing normally.
ideal? f^ck no.
is it working? unsure.

so… still need a better delivery method. i’m thinking attach an oxygen mask to the hooka whip. that way it’s guaranteed to get some delivery.

i start calling every local pharmacy and medical supply store in a 4 town radius.

3 responses:

  • pharmacy: we don’t carry those. talk to a medical supply store.
  • medical supply store: we are out of stock
  • medical supply store: order them online. we will ship to you.

not a SINGLE local pharmacy or medical supply store has them in stock. WTF?
there will be no walk in, get item, pay, walk out scenario here as initially thought.

always something. :roll_eyes:

overall, i guess the device ‘may’ work out. don’t want to sound mean, but want to remove abuela’s “whim” on this. the G-tube took away her ability to fight us on eating. would be nice to have this fight removed as well. i need to find an oxygen mask (and then gotta figure out how to mate two different sized apertures up … i might need some help from our 3D printer OGs… :thinking:

i need to play around with the machine some more. it has a balloon filler with 2 balloons as well. thought that might work good (can see how much she has actually consumed) but she was even less interested in the balloon than the hooka whip.

will report again if/when i get an oxygen mask sorted out and mated up with the machine.

til next time.


Hope you get it sorted as easily as possible. I have the same vape and a Volcano unit. The Arizer had me handling too many hot glass parts while high so when a buddy offered me the Volcano I snagged it up. The whip on the Arizer is nice but loading bowls and connecting everything was a pain. I really respect all the work you’re doing trying to help her be comfortable and slow her disease down.

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thanks man. appreciate your comments. it helps.

i gotta say, the evidence was in everyone’s face a few weeks ago. wife and i took a quick weekend trip to cancun when her brother came up to visit from peru. wife’s brother and sister are pretty ignorant and refuse to give her any ganja products (despite giving her the CBD oil for anxiety) … so she was without for 4 days.
we came back and gave her ganja again. the caretaker and my wife were like “how is she doing so good now? what medicine did we give her?”
i simply stated we gave her ganja again. she has been without for 4 days.
it was the hammer blow that NEEDED to be felt by all. wife and caretaker are 110% behind me now.

not sure if i care about trying to convince her brother or sister anymore. frustrating sh^t.

yeah… both of use were disappointed with the “instructions” for the arizer. and you are right. the glass parts get hot AF. i thought for sure she was going to like the balloon. NOPE.
she liked the whip for about 2 days. then just closed her mouth and was all NOPE.

i need an oxygen mask. (had to order some online… ridiculous)
she doesn’t get the same effects from the oil. some, but not all like smoking/vaping.

there is a volcano unit at the smoke shop down the street. it has quite the price tag! :open_mouth:
but all the reviews of the volcano were really good.
i take it you would give it a glowing review?