Strains Useful to Alzheimers/Dementia Patients

I have this machine. The bag system was a pain to learn how to set set properly, but it is my favorite was to use the machine. I don’t think it would work well on Abula. Effectively, someone would have to hold the bag for her and it would end up being similar to the whip system. The fan has three levels and you can create thick vapor super fast. Could the whip be hooked up to a cannula type tubing (which should be easy to obtain)?


that’s my thought. a coupling to go from whip aperture to oxygen tubing aperture. i know they are not going to naturally mate.
maybe a job for the 3D print OGers.
( @Bobgrows @JustANobody )
i have a home depot real close and i know they have different sizes of couplings and tubing. i got the food safe tubing for the first vape rig from there. i had to heat it up and stretch it a little bit to fit on the vape rig, but it worked. i suspect something similar to fit the whip to the mask (until i find/make a proper coupling)


So I guess the tubing for the mask would be the same as for the cannula type tubing (sorry, I’m not familiar with any of it)? I would think if you had, (or could get) the type of fitting that shoots oxygen up the nose and attaches around the ears, you could connect that tubing to the whip by a quick trip to the fittings aisle of home depot. I’m I under or over thinking something?


I like the Volcana a lot. It requires the balloon as far as I know but one full balloon lasts me awhile. Half a balloon and I’m ripped lol. I try to get my wife to use it as she is a cigarette smoker and I try to help her lungs out but she likes the bong best. It makes very dense vapor compared to the wispy vapor coming from the Arizer Q.


i ordered 2 masks and a nasal cannula as well (a last ditch effort if she gets sh^tty with the masks)

nope. you’re not overthinking. everything we do for her has to have like 10 backups. lol.
no no no happens FREQUENTLY.
abuela requires special forces out of the box/on the fly type thinking. always

not even the best of plans survives contact with abuela.


do you think the ‘whispy vapor’ is indicative of heat or fan settings? i noticed this as well. (maybe the proximity of bowl to heating element?)

i did hit it myself a few times (vaping will NEVER be as potent as smoking) and felt it worked, but also thought it would need some tweaking in the temp/fan settings. i just haven’t really messed with it for any length of time (other things getting in the way - this has been a stupid busy month for us so far)
i also tried the balloon. i thought the balloon was kind of cool/different. also thought it would be a much better way to gauge her intake…

but hey… this is abuela we’re talking about. no no no is a standard response to everything.

oh man. tell the missus to stop the tobacco. i struggled with that for decades. i made the choice that i’d rather smoke ganj than tobacco. can’t do both and expect to have lungs after 50…
i quit when my kids were little. fell off the wagon for a few years and quit again back in 2015. have thankfully stayed away since then. it was NOT easy. tobacco is addictive AF. hated being a slave to that sh^t.


Can you describe in detail what it is you need?
Let me know what exactly you would need. I would love to be able to help. :pray:

BTW… this is the " Methylene Blue " I use.

This book is very informative about the Blue…

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once i have the oxygen mask in hand i will have a better idea.
what i’m trying to do is make a coupling that will connect the arizer vape tube (larger diameter) to the oxygen mask tubing (smaller diameter)
i will have all those measurements when i have it in hand.

will have to show this to my wife. thanks for sharing that. appreciate you.


When you get the parts, you will need to take measurements.
We are sure we could probably help you out.


will do.

i would think so. i see y’all making some amazing/cool stuff. this is just a tube with a big opening one side and smaller opening the other.
one female side, one male side.

anyways. masks are supposed to be delived this weekend. will get back up with y’all.
thank you.


ok 3D printer peeps.
i found a (temporary) way to connect the mask to the whip tube. it is crude at best, but does function.
the aperture for the oxygen mask/tubing is very small. the whip tube is significantly larger than the O2 tubing.
it is still passing vapor, so will call it a (limited) success.
i will at some point come to one of you with some drawings and measurements. temporary fixes never last.

so … with the vapor stream being minimal i put the mask on her and have her breathe normally (with mask on) for 3 minutes.

asking me for the “rate of diffusion” at this point is a big shoulder shrug. i have no clue. (i would like to know though.) since everything is cobbled together, i don’t really have a way to test.
[maybe some of you vape gurus have a clue?]

the bowl is packed loosely. looking to have the air able to move through the chamber with little resistance. also want the heat to move around freely and do its thing as well.
i set the temperature to 400F. this temp seemed to work best on the previous vape rig.
the fan i set to 1. slow and low. just enough pressure to move the vapor through the tubing.
i don’t mess with any of the other settings. just temp and fan speed.

well, as a solution to the “abuela doesn’t feel like doing it” conundrum, this new vape rig with the oxygen mask attached is working.

with that being said, i have tried to get back to testing strains. we had another urine infection issue, but that is cleared up, so back to it.
working on:

  • purple kush
  • candyland

will let y’all know what we find out wih those two.
til next time


Strain Test Update:

i have been testing Purple Kush on abuela for the last week. i have had to alter my testing method as the frequent urine infections makes it close to impossible to see if strains have any effect on her cognition. when she has urine infections she is lethargic, sleepy, slow to response. when she is clear of infection her cognition (what is left of it) comes back, so testing can re-commence.

i grew 3 different purple kush cuts last summer. blimburn, kannabia and seedsman. i am currently testing the blimburn.

as far as overall cognition is concerned, purple kush does seem to affect it in a positive manner. her mood was good/neutral, she was more apt to be cooperative with her therapies, but as it is a heavy indica, sometimes if she was already tired or sleepy, it would relax her too much and she would sleep. it is certainly better suited for a late afternoon/evening role, but did work for daytime. we did not see any negative side effects with mood or cognition. we also noticed it assisted her with pain management. she has developed some “bed sores” from sitting for long periods of time. she has been having a lot of trouble with her hips and knees from the parkinsons so her legs are getting a bit entropied. we do try and exercise her and strengthen her legs, but her knee/hip pain and her willingness to participate make for exercises in patience and frustration.
always something.

from my perspective:
purple kush is a nice old school strain. relatively easy to grow, did well outdoors in the sun. the blimburn cut didn’t really dsiplay much in the way of purple colorations in flower. in it’s defense, texas weather doesn’t always cooperate with the temp drops at night to provide the impetus for purple colorations. while y’all have 40’s and 50s at night, we still have 90s. so maybe the blimburn purple kush DOES display purple coloration in flower, i just won’t see it here.
smoke is smooth. tastes slighly berry/incense/earth. high has a slight cerebral to keep alert, but mostly envelops you in the back of the head and body stone one would expect from a heavy indica. it doesn’t disappoint in this department. it have smoked higher THC plants, but i wouldn’t kick this to the curb. it holds its own and like old school strains, LAST for more than an hour. i got a good 3-4hr buzz off it. and it helped calm down the back and knee pain. wouldn’t be my first choice for that, but it does the job.
would grow again.

moving on to candyland this coming week.
hopefully testing goes well and abuela stays healthy/infection free through it.

til next time


Strain Test Update:

i have been testing Candyland on abuela this week. it’s not even the end of the week testing period, but pretty confident we’re going to continue to see the positive results for the rest of the test week.

zero negative side effects. mood is alert and upbeat. smiles and laughs. a bit more cooperative with her therapies (a bit…) the biggest takeaway is the change in cognition. her sentences make sense. what she’s talking about makes sense. she refers to past events properly and in context. not ALL of it does, but so much more that everyone (wife, myself, caretaker(s)) takes notice.
when i speak to her in english and she responds to me properly in spanish, stuff is clicking properly upstairs. we all saw it. so these girls have no doubt the ganja is helping.
she also moved around a bit better. little more pain free, little less stiff.
i did notice a slight change in hand tremors directly after she vapes. but not around long enough to see if they stop completely for any length of time. will try to pay more attention to that.

overall, i’d say Candyland has moved it’s way into the “selected” pantheon for this project. it’s effects worked REALLY well with abuela.
it’s lineage has GDP in it. GDP has been a sure winner for abuela since the beginning. being that the case i have quite a few excellent GDP crosses to dig into from @Shoreline that might also have positive effect.
if y’all haven’t heard of OG Shoreline please get acquainted. Great person (i can’t stress this enough) with great products. you will not be disappointed.

From My Perspective
candyland was an easy grow. healthy, vigorous and was one of the last strains to fall to the thrip invastion of 2023. so did pretty well with the pest resistance. it LOVED the direct Texas sun. was consistently one of the most healthy plants in the outdoor garden.
i got these seeds from garden of green. i’m sure there is a better cut out there, and i WILL look for it, but for now, i will applaud garden of green on a job well done. worked as advertised.
for me, i LIKE this strain. tastes good. nice buzz. the front of my head is still alert and able to perform higher functions. the back of my head is a perfect drooling mess. my body aches are gone. i am able to do my strenuous work for longer periods. the effects last a good 2-4hrs depending on how hard i’m working. taking a water break and hitting the bone again isn’t out of the question. always nice when you hit that resin covered roach again and can STILL taste the sweet terpines instead of the nasty ashy cooked oily flavors.
overall i LIKE candyland a lot. i reach for that jar more often than others even when i’m trying to space things out. i have a sweet tooth, so personally prefer the sweet and berry flavored ganja(s). this one is a winner for me.

will be testing OG Kush in the next coming cycle (Sunday).
keeping fingers crossed for no infections and a healthy test week ahead.

til next time


the wife picked up a bottle of methylene blue like yours. going to start administering this week. will see how it goes.
thanks for the tip.

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Tips for the extreme Q. 1. When first starting the machine after it comes to temp run an empty bag, no flower, on the lowest fan speed. I find this helps with vapor production, to wait for the glass to heat up. One dry run is all it takes. Everything after vapes much better. Yes the heater is at temp but the bowl isnt. All the vaping happens in the bowl. 2. If your able to, remove the ground flower as soon as the session is over. This will help achieve more sessions off the same flower.
3. the temp I l;ike to use is that I find teh best flavor and medicinal effects is 377. I have also found that using a larger amount of flower can cause a almost nasty conentrated flavor. Small er amounts can be more pleasent in the flavor department.
If possible go to the arizer website and look at the accessories. There are heat resistant grip ends and a connoisseur bowl, which has an off set glass screen for either a large pack session or a small single session. The less metal the better. I hope you find this helpful.


you’re saying you can re-use the flower just vaped?
i have been clearing the bowl after her sessions and looking at it. some looks cooked some doesn’t. but i toss it anyways.

lower temp. ok. i can try that out.

i was checking out the replacement bowls as one fell of the table 1st day and smashed on the floor. :frowning:
i see one has a smaller air gap to produce more vapor. i was thinking this might be better considering the size of the oxygen tubing.


Do a quick search for AVB (already vaped bud). Mostly used for tinctures and edibles, but you’ll be amazed at what you can do with it. Whole new rabbit hole… :hole:


the vape thing is new(er) for me. i can’t really tell if the bowl is spent or not. some looks cooked, a lot does not.

i HAD been considering using the spent stuff to make oil/edibles.
will have to follow your suggestion and check it out.


It has already been decarbed - ready to add to alcohol for tincture or add to butter, oil, or what ever you choose to make edibles.


interesting. so you can skip the whole decarb process.

i guess the only question becomes how much is actually left (potency) so you don’t have issues with dosing.

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