Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Keep your head up brother. And hmu anytime if I can help with ANYTHING. Seriously, I mean it. I know we are proud men. But this is what brothers are for, to help in ANY WAY NEEDED. And I’m here , for real. Even just to vent @SHSC-1 weve been friends for years. I’ve got your back and I know many others do as well.


Hey @SHSC-1 if I order from you and don’t ask for “tracked”, that’s on me if they get lost in shipment, not you. If I pay for tracked, then yes, I expect them to show 100%.


I have had a handful of life “Stuffs” thrown at me over the last little bit with some upcoming hurdles but I went to the mailbox today and found an envelope of smiles lol


Appreciate your understanding. I know I have more, and you obviously have your hands full. Hope some of your challenges get resolved. I keep picking away at mine, while not noticing the one behind me!


I’m watching you now. Always like to check out others outdoor scenes. My environment can be a fungal factory, always interested in others approach. Possibly others, but I’ll be dropping some of SHSC’s Coastal Blueberry and some of his Shishkaberry that’s got everyone grinning. You have anything picked out for your grow?
Here’s my 3 DMT Dream. I could be wrong, but it appears I have 2 different expressions.


Goodmorning ! Please to have you around I’m just rapping up a disastrous grow ! But it’s almost over ! I don’t know if you have seen my picks I have 1 coral kush 1 Frankie. 1 WBMK . They are all on there last couple of days ! On deck ! I have 1 Flagpole , 2x 111 , 3x Scarlett grape .


hey everyone… I’m still alive.
Been spending time enjoying the final days of ice fishin with family and not much time for the forums.

Figured I would update from the last flash sale
I have not received orders in the mail from @ix3u or @Yonder . If you guys sent them, the mail must be incredibly slow. I’ll advise if and when they arrive.
ALL other orders have been sent out so if you have not received anything and I confirmed I received your order, please reach out.

Otherwise… I have a few more days to spend with family so I will touch base after the weekend


Looks like you’re doing the right stuff to me. Take that time for yourself. You earned it.


That’s a nice day of fishing.


Well folks I have been spending the last week and a bit with my brothers , out on the ice and here on the couch, contemplating the path forward and consuming copious joints and bong hits LOL
My ice hut is a great place for stoner thoughts and conversation and of course fishfull thinking hehe

as ice season winds down and spring is nearly upon us , I find myself still battling bugs and haven’t got a flower run going all winter. Sucks fuckin ballz is what it does.
I am weary of dealing with this trainwreck of a garden and am going to go full nuclear and do a reset. That means purging my entire garden of plants, fogging for 2 weeks and then a fresh start at some point. A kind member is sending me some cuts I have craved for some time so hopefully those arrive alive and they will be my fresh start along with some of the fem beans I made last summer.
I am putting a full halt on working my brand online and am just going to grow for personal enjoyment for a while. Breeding is a compulsive disorder for me but for right now, I need a break. I’d like to continue supporting the OG server fund if I can donate some beans to one of the server auctions but I am unable to do my own sponsor auction at this time. Handling the mailouts is just not in the cards right now. I guess I am a little paranoid right now for reasons I don’t want to get into online other than to say I have suspicions that I have been “doxxed” but I am not going to say anything more. I need to do the “wait and see what happens” for the next few months. I’m sure everyone who was ever an underground grower understands.

That said, some folks have not yet received beans I have mailed out so I will be keeping a presence here untill all those comittments are satisfied. After that I will be around but might not be sharing like I was as far as the grow threads and breeding updates go. I may still look for ways to participate in doating beans to giveaways here n there but I will not be doing anymore direct deals and must refer folks to @Great_lakes_Genetics and
Anyways, the decisions have been made and I’m good with it. A fresh start is needed and I need to step back from being a sponsor for a while. Not going away, I’ll be around here or z-labs and I hope people continue to grow and show the pile of beans I spread around this site and hope people find great plants that make them happy :wink:

My deepest thankyou to ALL who have supported me and much respect and thanx to @LemonadeJoe for providing this fantastic platform for us all to engage in.


Sad to hear this, but also glad for you that you came up with an answer that hopefully works for you. Hopefully you’re still around as much as usual. Good luck with the annihilation! :grin:


ahhh don’t be sad hehe, this will give me lots of time to find new parents within the crosses I have made. A few of the clone only plants were shared with a friend so those may make thier way back to me and I have lots of pollen packs from my prize males. I just can’t deal with a sponsor auction and all that entails right now. I just feel the need to keep my head down in my community right now and the plague of bugs will only end with a nuclear purge of the building itself… Is what it is.


Big love to you @SHSC-1 ! Like @CanuckistanPete I hope to be following along with your growing adventures come this 2024 after your total reset!



thanx man, much apprecciated. I wanted so bad to get you a clean cut of Mk Ultra… it is in my circles so hopefully I can get her back. I do have a vial of feminized pollen from the same guy who gave me the cut so perhaps I should send you a smidge for your projects… dm me if you like.


Total respect for your decision @SHSC-1 . Time management. Family stuff. Health. Mine and others. All plays in. You’ll continue to be represented in my garden. You made sure if that. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.


Tell me about it…after growing his Coastal Blueberry indoor, I grew it outdoor, then grew a couple of his Pimp Juice that I just took down, and now have his Shiskaberry and Oreoz going in the tent.

His impact game is strong!


CB will hopefully be in my yard. I’ve got some.


This stuff is BOMB. I was hoping to put one in the garden this year, but life is more important. All the best, We’ll be looking for you.


Priorities. What I want to do and what happens don’t always match. I still have Old Timers Stash seeds. Lots of other choices. Makes it hard!


did you get yours in the mail yet ?

Have had quite a few people messaging about getting seeds. I’m winding down my sponsor involvement for the time being so no direct sales and such. I hope people keep growing and showing the beans though… that would be nice.
In the meantime, the GLG drop should be pretty soon, maybe in time for 4/20 but keep an eye out. Here is a sneak peak at the drop list. Some surprise freebies will be announced when they drop.
Scoutbreath F2 Preservation - 24 packs
OGKB 2.0 BX2 (or BC2 whichever you prefer hehe) - only 10 packs
Royal Grape Pie - only 10 packs
Royal GSC - 12 packs
Royal Pink Kush - only 10 packs
Dank Shop Collection #1 (GSC x Scoutbreath) - 20 packs
Dank Shop Collection #2 (Chem D x Scoutbreath) - only 10 packs
Dank Shop Collection #3 (Oreoz x Scoutbreath) - 12 packs

F2 of Dutchgrown’s LUI (ortega cut) x Pacific G13 will be the freebies with the drop and limited to 25 packs.

So that’s it. I’m taking the summer off from any breeding work and gonna continue updating my grow adventures in my other thread. I’ll be back as a sponsor at a later date but I need some time to unwind and deal with other things in life I need to address.