Bodhi "company" website

Follow up on: Greenpoint Seeds - #1894 by Terpsnpurps

Looked for some CBD seeds.

Charlotte’s Web x Harle Tsu

Only one CBD strain. Clicked on the picture,

404 Page not found.

I tried.

And further more, clicked on Payments, brings up a contact form.

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Wrong breeder, pal. Bodhi and Green Bodhi are not the same person.


Well, googled Bodhi and it was top of the list. How would I know there are two Bodhi seed growers. If you could point me to the right site?

Google “Bodhi cannabis seeds.” There’ll be plenty of seed banks that come up that sell Bodhi gear. GLG is a good one. Or JBC.


Yes I saw them and a lot of sold out lines. So I wanted to find a company website to see what is current stock.

@Terpsnpurps Fuck it turned cold out.

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Bodhi doesn’t have a “company website.” It’s just him and his ex. If the seeds you’re interested in are sold out, I can’t help you (although I know that there’s plenty of packs available at GLG, JBC, headies and on and on…). There’s a long-ass Bodhi thread right here on OG with a lot of good info. Maybe that’ll help you out. I dunno. But I can’t order the seeds for you, dude; you’ll have to look around and do some research, I guess.


There’s literally 95 different crosses available at GLG right now (yes, I counted), so I’m not sure what you’re talking about, saying they’re “sold out.”


GLG? Do you mean ‘GLG: The World’s Insight Network’? Why do some people think we know everything in the pot world? OK Great Lakes. Yes, went there. Which one it a CBD plant? No way to tell other than click on every link. As I have been saying, I am looking for CBD with no THC. All the THC varieties that are available do me no good. So I was looking for a company website to find out which name is what. When I googled Bodhi Seedman was second (S couple up from GLG). Lot of ‘image coming soon’, rather than sold out. My mind just threw that in the ‘sold out’ column, a mind fart, getting old. Next up on the search is midweeksong seeds, also no CBD seeds in the link descriptions. Then JB Seeds, they have lots of product also but no “THIS IS CBD”. Some out of stock and coming soon.

As a person that needs a certain product I would probably think Bodhi does not do CBD by now. Why does it have to be so hard finding a needle in a haystack? As a consumer I would just say fuck it and find CBD that is available and I do not have to go on a scavenger hunt. Maybe Bodhi does have CBD, I don’t know even though I know about Bodhi now, which I did not before when I was looking for seeds.

Does Bodhi have a high CBD low THC strain? Why is it so hard, would a consumer decide to go somewhere else that is easier? The rest of the Google search brings up this as Bodhi seeds.

One of our best-selling products! This authentic, traditional mala has 108 bodhi seed beads strung on heavy cotton cord.

And a lot more Bodhi bracelets by other third world seller seeds strung together from the Bodhi tree. I never heard of the Bodhi tree before, wonder if you can make a guitar out of it?


There is a lot of information on OG regarding Bodhi cultivars and also GLG. Also a good amount of information about CBD rich cultivars. Give the site search tool a spin and consider engaging those threads. If you are looking for something unique, it can take a bit of digging and queries. Nature of the beast.


Thank you, I never thought of it. But this is just a intellectualized exercise all started with, ‘Why would you buy seeds from Greenpoint rather than Bodhi’. Because before knowing about OG it was easy and people I somewhat know online has bought from them and I never heard anything bad said. So I went through the exercise of looking for CBD seeds as if I was a consumer and knew nothing about Bodhi seeds. Why I got the wrong corporate website for Bodhi seeds, because there is no real ‘Bodhi’ site.

I have some seeds now that are said to be low THC and if they do not work out another person here said they have some that I can have and another should have some in spring. So I am not really looking right now. I just wanted to give my recent experience with Greenpoint and the seeds I have grown from the people involved. I did not want to get into a great big drama, called a disgusting Canadian, defending my decision to buy crap hermie seeds from a shyster. I explained why I did, showed what pictures I did for the grow. I do not think I have to defend myself anymore and want nothing more to do with the thread.

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Then click on every link, dude. I mean, this really isn’t that difficult. There was a time, not too long ago, when people went to prison for this shit and you had to be super-stealthy and couldn’t talk about growing with anybody. Now, everything is available at the touch of a few buttons. If that’s too much “work” for you, I don’t know what to tell you.

As far as high CBD cultivars are concerned, Bodhi hasn’t made one of those in a while, as far as I know. Good Medicine was a popular high-CBD cross that he made a few years back. In fact, nube just did an open pollination seed run of those seeds right here on OG. I’m pretty sure the sign-up list is full, but I think there might be some available at Sebring’s site. You can find that site by googling “sebring cannabis seeds.” In fact, whenever anybody mentions a specific breeder or seed bank or whatever, you can just type in, like,”GLG cannabis seeds” (just as an example) and what you’re looking for will be the very first thing that pops up. I mean, since you apparently don’t like to scroll down a little bit whenever you do a Google search.

Anyway, good luck, dude.


I mean, dude, why should it be so hard? I clicked on a couple dozen and decided it was not worth my time since I am not looking for seeds at this time anyway.

I checked Sebring’s site, a number of times. At no time did I find seeds available, CBD or not. I have some Good Medicine seeds, they are not low THC. I have what I have been told is Sebring’s Earth Lovers strain. Two seeds popped, two have been swimming for a week, I scraped the edger of the seeds after a time, still not popped.

No, I went through three pages of Google search results when I looked up Bodhi seeds and then there were only pages of Bodhi Tree necklaces and the like after the first page. I have been courteous enough to answer your posts even when I had enough of this thread, you could show me the same by not throwing such a helpful hint implying I do not know how to search when I have shown the lengths I have gone through in replying to you. No need to be a jerk.

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If you’re not interested in cultivars that produce thc, you’d be infinitely better served just grabbing some cbd isolate from a reputable source. I genuinely think cbd is snake oil for most of the things people claim — It is amazing for your skin, tho.

If you grow cbd heavy plants, you’re going to trick yourself into thinking cbd works for whatever condition you’re hoping to treat. The isolate will allow you to figure out if the cbd is even helping.

If you just want to grow something that doesn’t produce thc for legal reasons, why even choose cannabis? There are way cooler plants available — no offense to anybody lmfao


Bodhi tree = Ficus religiosa

Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to the Indian subcontinent and Indochina that belongs to Moraceae, the fig or mulberry family. It is also known as the bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepul tree, peepal tree, pipal tree, or ashvattha tree.

You might find these links of interest:
Panakeia strain: first THC-free cannabis seeds to be distributed in US

PANAKEIA Hurv19pan


I want it for my skin. More for my central nervous system though, it got fucked up due to repeated immune responses from being exposed to a “green” chemical. Because of neural plasticity my nervous system made changes that made my condition permanent. But the result is that my light mechanical receptors and C-fibers (heat and light touch) causes my brain to increase the sensitivity of these nerves. The nerves are also said to have “sprouted” and instead of going up the normal pathway to the brain they have grown into pain areas of the Dorsal column and go up the pain pathway.
So it is a skin thing but due to the central nervous system.

Right now if I trick myself into thinking it works then, well it works. Right? So try it first before I go through the process of getting my medical marijuana prescription and my grow certificate? Yes, I have done the obvious. The first CBD joint I smoked helped, a few drops of oil under the tongue is convincing.

What other plants are way cooler that would help me? I am not married to the marijuana plant. I just want the resemblance of a normal life.


Have you tried rubbing the oil into the affected area(s). To @Worcestershire_Farms point you can find what works faster using a concentrated form of CBD, either the isolate or broad spectrum. The cost is nominal, versus the time and effort to grow a strain that may or may not help you.


haha i was just thinking that, there’s sooooo many seeds and lots of inventory too


What I meant was there are a ton of compounds we don’t really pay attention to in the plant that wouldn’t be in the cbd isolate. If you remove some of the variables inherent in growing plants from seed, you’d be able to hone in on whether the cbd is what is helping.

Bonus is that cbd isolate is like <$100 an oz and you don’t have to wait to harvest