Strawberry Hill Seed Co

that’s awesome @Pigeonman , what a beast
I’m over here praying mine don’t get much taller LOL
If I try this again next year I might start them from seed outside instead of a 6 week preveg inside. That or build a bigger/taller greenhouse for next year.

Right now I am trying to figure out how I can heat the greenhouse with what I have on hand. It is going to be nice sunny hot weather in the forcast but night times here can get to freezing at this time of year. This morning was only +5Celcius… not good for plant function over night. Not sure I can do much more than add a couple space heaters at night like other years.


Thanks @SHSC-1 :blush:

My first though was water barrels and black paint or black plastic wrap in the greenhouse. They should absorb the heat from the sun by day and then radiate it by night.

If you are running power to the greenhouse adding a lil aquarium heater in there with a pump or bubbler for circulation really does wonders.


Space heater/ energy eater? Those kind. I use them, but cringe.

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I do have a wood stove in my shop that my insurance company won’t sign off on so I don’t use it. That and the fans in my grow rooms draw the smoke instead of it going up the chimney as my rooms have passive intakes from the shop.

So I could relocate that to the greenhouse. I have all the appropriate venting materials including the insulated/jacketted section that passes thru a roof.
I also have an empty 500 gallon home heating oil tank I could use as a reservoir for an antifreeze mix. I would need a high temperature relief vent, at least one circulating pump… a radiator or 2 with fans attached and copper tubing to wrap around the chimney sections to heat the antifreeze solution. Running a system like this with straight water is asking for trouble and each radiator would need a pressure relief valve as well as the holding tank as the pump would simply be circulating all night… and day if needed.
This system would work with the stove outside the greenhouse but the holding tank could go at one end to add to the heat distribution. Probably not going to be able to afford to set all that up this year but I am still gonna try and figure out a way to use that wood stove possibly. Just hard to keep lit all night so the use of water and heat exchangers/radiators that can store that heat for all night release would be ideal…
I know exactly how to get it done… just short on funds to make it happen LOL


another layer of plastic with a 6 inch air space will move you one full grow zone south do that a couple times might buy you enough time. as well hot compost pile in the house my dad and gramps used to start tobacco plants this way quite early they would start around this time making it play with it until early spring is it t shirt warm nah but we used to keep things in there from freezing during the winter we have pretty easy winters here 29 weeks frost free north shore lake Erie


Holla Gang

Hey @SHSC-1

The guy who own the greenhouse
around here grows corn and that is
what he used instead of pellets in
his stove.
Those are commercial greenhouse
no problem.



I initially built this greenhouse to do a layer on the outside and a layer on the inside.
I actually tried it the first season here but it got too humid when it wasn’t cold and I couldn’t move that amount of air efficiently to dehumidfy properly.
This is the problem with such a massive temperature swing from day/night or even one day to the next.
Yesterday was 17C , last night was 5C, right now it;s sunshine and 27C. This totally screws with the humidity in the greenhouse so what I do to heat it, can not contribute to relative humidity. This rules out a compost pile or a open barrel of hot water. Whatever I do has to be a dry heat.
This is the main reason I usually do light dep for my summer runs , because I can time the harvest to the middle or end of september. In those seasons the plants would be in the final stretch right now and not “just” starting to flower.
If the Coastal Blueberry flowers on an average 8 week flowering schedule… I might just squeak this one out if the September weather cooperates.

Thinking I should have left my sale running longer LOL Got the furnace parts paid for and installed but now I need greenhouse heating supplies DOH!


Beautiful plant @Pigeonman!!


They look great @SHSC-1!!


thanx man… it’s all in that soil mix… I just keep em happy with enough water :wink:

I forgot to mention the two volunteer plants I found in the yard. One is growing in a tote from last year that I never used this year. It still has last years soil/roots in it even. No idea how a seed got way out there and into that tote. It looks like it must have gerninated in July sometime and I just never noticed it. Small little plant that is just doing it’s own thing out there. I’ll try and get pics for next update.
The one I have pics of is nearing 7ft tall if it isn’t already and is growing beside the foundation of the house in the corner where the ramp joins the deck. I figure it was from last fall when I was blowing the immature seed off the tray into the yard. Not sure what it is really, one of the 2.0 crosses?.. could be shishkaberry from the year before even I dunno LOL seems an odd place for it to take root. I don’t even water the thing except for maybe once i dumped a gallon of extra water down there. Otherwise it has just been left to grow wild. I was near sure it was a male and almost killed it a few weeks back but glad I didn’t… today I see calyxes and pistils :wink:
Not sure what it will do as it gets the full effect of our weather being that it isn;t in the greenhouse. It is showing me that the natural soil here will grow cannabis though.
She is a really nice plant LOL


Coastal Blueberry


Just fyi to all those who saw the drama with the clone buy.

I have resolved the issue by being able to get everyone up to 12 clones straight from Scally. SHSC has chosen not to respond or accept.

I have done what I said I would do. And I leave it at that


@Wizdom nobody here, including myself, privately or otherwise… is discussing that issue anymore.
I’d kindly ask you to stay in your own sponsor thread as I have stayed out of yours and not brought any further drama towards you or anyone else.
I chose to walk away and left it at that.
Why you feel the need to bring it up again I do not know and do not care.


looking great there @Sdoyle
She is filling in nicely!!


Thank you SHSC and GLG, fire alien bx1 :pray: :green_heart:


She looks awesome! did you pop the whole pack? I really want to pop mine but, I have a backlog.


that awesome to see !!
thanx for posting. Looking forward to see how that Fire alien BX turns out for you.
Some really nice smoke that is


CBB stem rub is starting to get the blueberry smell.


Heads up to those who missed the sale I ran in August… special promotion on now at @Great_lakes_Genetics with 30% off all selections until Oct 1st !!!


Quick update today.
Been a hot sunny week which the plants made the best of. Much cooler and cloudy today and rained overnight. This kind of weather makes me very nervous… I’m praying for a late summer like last year.
I noticed something yesterday while watering the plants. There are a couple plants that got way taller than I had hoped but looks like stretch is slowing now so should be okay. The interesting thing is that the tallest plant in the greenhouse is the slow grower “runt” that seemed hardier than all the rest but in veg it was 1/2 the size. Now it is nearly the biggest plant in the bunch. Maybe it just needed a bigger pot in veg? Glad I didn’t cull it because she reeks of fresh blueberries :wink:
Here she is

Quick pic of my keeper female from last year’s 40 seed hunt of the Long Valley Royal Kush(F10) . This one is tagged LVRK #5 and she is well knocked up with both males from the seed hunt as well. This little plant is one stinky gal. She is a lot more bushy than normal only because she taken as a clone in week 2 of flower and took a long time to revert back to normal growth but as she did she just exploded with nodes and branches so turned into a haphazzard bush LOL Will be thinning her out a little this week I think.

Everything is flowering hard now and plant health seems excellent , just gotta pray for acceptable weather. I’ll start taking flower pics soon.
Here’s a quick garden shot till next time.