Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Coastal Blueberry fattening up.


The fade on this years Coastal Blueberry is coming in real purdy like!

It’s around 10ft tall. :sweat_smile:


When camping off season I fill a Nalgene with boiling water and put it in the foot of my sleeping bag.


digging the plant pics guys… gonna be some sticky harvests!!!

@Foreigner we have taken hot rocks from the fire and stacked them under our cots in extreme cold on hunting trips. That works quite well if you get some decent sized ones warmed up. I have lots of rocks and a big firepit to heat them before placing in the greenhouse with a dolly… but we are under a fire ban here and looks like it will remain until at least the end of the month.

Just cleaning up some pics and I’ll post them up. Flowers are forming fast now and if I was looking at indoor plants I would say in the week 4 kinda stage. They stopped stretching almost a week ago so I figure that to be the end of week 3 I suppose.
It still is hard for me to wrap my head around why those plants so far south of me are so much further along than mine. I would figure my daylight hours would be getting shorter sooner up here at 52N and that would trigger mine before those down at lower latitudes. I am at pretty much 3000 ft elevation so maybe that is the reason? A conundrum I can’t wrap my stoner head around LOL
Fall comes in a blink here and the trees are starting to yellow, heavy dews in the morning and we have had 2 light frosts. A storm came thru yesterday dropping sheet rain and lightning. I guess a few km away and slightly higher elevation they got a light dumping of wet snow which melted by evening but it’s a sure sign of things to come.
Praying for as many sunny days as Ma Nature can give me. 2 week forecast calls for mostly sunny days, highs 16/17C and lows of 5/7C which could easily translate to lows of near zero where i am at. Fun times!!


k let’s dump some pics from the 13th
first up the non Strawberry hill stuff
Blueberry Muffin clone

From @Great_lakes_Genetics freebies are those two awesome Dubble Sour Diesel x GG4 Auto… not sure when these will finish but they are changing to the final push it seems.

Then the seeded Long Valley Royal Kush #5

Kinda hard to see but there are still ample predators at work in the greenhouse which is nice to see.

took some flower pics to show some contrast. It seems that we have green flowers on most but one in particular has been flowering with pinks and purples since the beginning. There are a few more with slightly pink/purple forming but not like this one. I do notice that all the ones expressing purples/pinks at the pistils are also showing the same leaf morphology and all of those ones are red petiole leaves. All the plants with just green petioles have just green/white at the pistils. Will be interesting to see how this develops/changes at fall progresses. I also wonder if it is just genetic or am I seeing the colors due to something the plant needs… anyways here’s some pics.

here are a few whole garden shots from the middle kinda , one looking back at the door, one looking back at the shed

and lastly… my new pet. He just doesn’t seem to want to leave the yard. He’s been feasting on my uncut lawn and seems to switch between the dandelions and the sapling aspen leaves. I get so close to him now I could damn near pet him LOL

till next time !!
p.s. Ris and I are working on a joint auction for the site , probably next month I guess. So keep yer eyes peeled :wink:


Looking great brother. Love this time of the year when all the flowers are getting ripe outside.

Those auto flowers are looking great too. Looks like I should start giving them out as freebies???


Looking good in there @SHSC-1


ya I think the auto flower growers will like those for sure. I am a novice when it comes growing autos and I think I left all the other autos i grew this run in the solocups a bit too long. The tonygreen and adam&eve GG4 F4 and F5 autos stayed small but the flower is really nice. Flavors on the F5 are more pronounced on the GG4 scale and all of them from the f4 and f5 have excellent potency. Those Dubble Sour Diesel x GG4autos… they were big seedlings compared to all the others and that continued despite my innexperience with autos. I’ll know better when I smoke these but I definately think you have a winner in this one. Imagine what a seasoned autoflower grower could do with these eh?


CBB is doing great.


14-16c nights and 25c days made the CBB go:



Beautiful @Pigeonman!

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Looks nice @Pigeonman. How long do you reckon you have left on her?

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Damn those are huge holy shit damn that’s amazing

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ya she sure got big in @Pigeonman 's garden eh?
So excited to see how she finishes for you

I have to measure mine to see how tall the biggest ones are but 3 or 4 of them are easily over 6ft not including the totes they are in. I had to tie a string to pull one of the tops over so it won’t hit the greenhouse roof slope LOL
Starting to develop some nice trichomes the last few days… hopefully I am at the half way mark… getting chilly at night here but still real nice day time temps.


Thanks @Haggis and @Cummings420 !

I’m thinking early to mid October considering the weather’s changes.

@SHSC-1 I like big ladies :wink:


That is a really nice fade.