Strawberry Hill Seed Co

Hell yeah dude you got pics?

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of the G13?
no none that I’ve taken in last few days.
It’s hard for me to take nice indoor pics like a lot of folks do. I run HPS lamps and they suck to photgraph under. I do better camera work in my greenhouse runs where most of my yearly stash is grown.


Yeah I get that the hps makes everything look weird. I just like the mug shots lol!!


@SHSC-1 Coastal Blueberry pollenated with BOG Jr. Sour Grape

It’s a rare thing to see so much Trichome production with a plant that has been pollinated from the start of flowering. This picture is 26 days into flowering, strong blueberry scent. Looking forward to growing the seeds produced.
Thank you for the Coastal Blueberry seeds.


I have good news LOL
There is an SF4000 LED light enroute!!
Soon I will semi-retire that trusty 1000W HPS but I will probably still fire it up in the coldest months of the year.


Hell yeah dude! Congrats!! I have a led board but I still can’t brig my self to get rid of the old equipment. I have a few cmh sitting there. That I can’t bring myself to get rid of so I may just make an area for them.


That looks beautiful @Heliosphear … all knocked up and still pushing her frosty bits… that looks like a very nice girl you chose to drop some pollen on… I see good things in the future!!
Blueberry and Sour Grape … gonna be a terpnado!!!


@Heliosphere, I hope mine looks and smells like that in flower - couldn’t be much nicer. I have culled down to one Coastal girl for now.

Nice plants that root strongly and don’t care that much about vertical growth - I’m hoping that she will like the greenhouse where other strains get too vegetatively explosive.


Terpnado!!! Dammmmn That’s what I’m gonna call the seeds. :rofl:
@cannaloop I’ve got two of the coastal blueberry going the other one looks and smells the same, now that random pollination happening the scent of berry is getting stronger with both. Extra good grow luck to yah, looking forward to seeing your results. The coastal blueberry is a great strain for every grower.


I had picked up some of these Coastal Blueberry’s as well but haven’t got to pop them,is it more of a ripe sweet blueberry or more towards the syrupy blueberry end? Thanks for posting these!


My pleasure, Thank you. It’s not super sweet like a blueberry syrup at 28 days into flower, i think in about 10 days the scent is gonna be more like that. I’ll let yah know.

Have a great weekend. :sunglasses:


OGKB 2.0 x Bitch Pudding, getting close


Hey brother just wanted to stop by your thread and say :partying_face: Happy Birthday :partying_face:!

I hope you have a kick ass day! Smoke some great herb and eat some awesome food!

Make it a good one!

It’ll be late but I’ll have you something in the mail! Keep your eyez peeled!


Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day.



Hey thanx guys :wink:
another trip around the sun completed so I’m happy about that
ya… 54 today… crazy that 29 seemed only yesterday LOL
I’m taking it easy today , might do some work on the greenhouse as I still need to clean up a bit and spray down the entire area with suplhur spray. Once that dries I will be applying diatomaceous earth to the ground as ants get to be an issue here and they try and colonize inside the pots from the bottom. I put mesh in the totes to stop that but not in the pots.

What else did I do… last night I pulled all the plants already in #2 pots out of the grow space. I have them all staged in the shop under floros and once the greenhouse is prepped , out they go. Usually I wait until June 10th but the weather has been so nice, it’s time.
So over the next week , all those mature plants will be outside and I can start to get some good pics.

again thanx for the birthday wishes… means alot :wink:


Happy Birthday @SHSC-1 !


Happy birthday hope you’re having a great day.


Happy Birthday!!! :partying_face:


Happy birthday! @SHSC-1

Coastal BB have all shown female.

One in the flower room. The second two are getting grown out a bit more before flowering.