Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

Sorry about the rot bro, looks like it still worth your while though!
Anxious for wash weather myself :crazy_face: just got to get that second fridge first


Dude! Been meaning to swing by your threads to say what’s up. Yea this year was a whirlwind, but even still I’m not mad at the yields, I’m hoping I’ll get a nice gooey temple ball out of the whole deal. Been on the hot rod train the past couple days and I forgot how much I love a nice blue smoke, leathery tasting hash rip. :drooling_face:


How DARE you??? Haha.

That sucks about the weather, but you can’t do anything about that. I had to toss some of my weed that was hanging and drying, never mind growing outdoors, just because it fucking rained here multiple times and I left the humidifiers on overnight, like I always do. I just figured the weather’d be like it always is here in early September and then multiple storms rolled in while I was asleep. Weird year all-around, for sure.

Take good care of that one haha. I’ve blazed that a few times, from that specific cut, a few times recently and it is fucking excellent.


Yea man, hoping next year mellows out, very curious to see how the weather rolls into winter here.

I’m really kinda excited about it myself, I’ve heard from multiple sources that it’s really good herb, so i’m excited to try it, I don’t feel like I get the chance to try a lot of hype shit over here, so I’m down to see what made things so popular


Wellll, I dunno if I’d say that Blue Dream is “hyped” anymore, but that cut you have seems to be very good. I’d grow it, anyway.

I am, too. I don’t have high hopes for this year. It’s rained here multiple times this month already, which is totally bizarre, never seen it rain here in September before. I’m already like,”Please don’t let this winter be like last winter, please don’t let this winter be like last winter…” I’m not sure I can deal with another one like the one we had last year.


200w (1)

I’ve been waiting centuries for you to say that. I just mailed you some cuts of the BD. I don’t know where you live but I just wrote “Send to minitiger” on a baggie of snips and threw them in the post. Weather’s perfect for sending.

Good to see you back @LegsMahoney. DON’T LEAVE US HANGING FOR SO LONG EVER AGAIN!!

Welp, back into the lamp I go…


What’re you talking about? I’ve been saying that for like the last week, since I tried some samples of that cut.

But yeah… It’s good weed haha. I’ve always liked Blue Dream, but that was for sure probably the strongest BD I’ve ever blazed, if nothing else. And also, I liked the high haha.

Oh, that’ll work. They know me at the post office. That’s how anybody who sends me stuff does it. They’re like,”What’s your safe addy???” and I’m always like,”Just write,’Send to minitiger’ on the envelope; they’ll know where it’s supposed to go.”


Sorry for being so vague. It is very smokey in this lamp. I was just pretending to be an all-powerful Clone Genie. It seemed like you were opening yourself up to receiving a clone. I could hardly believe that. I’ve been sending that BD cut around to members on here for quite a while. I’d love to send you your first clone. I promise it will be clean.


Oh… haha. No, I can’t take any clones. I’m sure yours would be clean, I’m not worried about that, I just have way too many seeds to pop. I can’t be taking up any space with a clone, even if it is just one plant and no matter how much I liked the weed. Thanks, though!

Having said that, if I were to start accepting clones, that Blue Dream would be first on my list. I may try to reeeeallllyyyy thin out my seed collection at some point in the near future, just because I really do have way too many seeds. If I ever actually get around to doing that and if you still have that cut, expect a DM haha.


@schmarmpit the role of clone genie fits you well my friend!

@minitiger i think that before I go to the great garden in the sky I want to see you grow a clone and make seeds, then I think I’ll feel like I’ve seen it all! :joy:


How old are you? How much time do you think you have left? Haha.

The odds of me making seeds are probably much higher than the odds of me growing a clone, although I was thinking yesterday that it might be kinda cool to take schmarm up on his offer and pollinate that clone with Bodhi’s Dream Lotus, sorta like a Blue Dream bx or something. If I did that, I’d kill two birds with one stone and you could say,”Now I’ve seen it all…” haha.


I like the way you were thinking yesterday , keep it up :+1:


Yeah, it might be kinda cool to do that, huh? Some sorta Blue Dream bx or whatever it might be? Maybe after the next grow.

I just always feel, like, so insecure about making seeds, like I’d rather just not make any than make something bad or maybe I won’t know how to do it (which is stupid; I understand the process, seems pretty simple) or I’ll fuck it up in some way and make something herm-prone. Which is kind of ridiculous, just because I’ve seen total morons make seeds and clearly even established breeders don’t give a fuck about making herm-prone stuff.

Still… I dunno. If I’m gonna do it, I wanna do it right. But yeah, maybe after the next grow.


We’re slowly turning him folks! I’ve heard it said multiple times that this day and age it’s kinda hard to make a bad cross. And the nice thing about the OG community is that I think everyone here generally knows what they’re signing up for when they accept untested crosses from folks, I certainly ain’t afraid of herms, chop em and move on to the million other seeds there are in my fridge and here on the forums! If you’re real concerned just make em for yourself and only give em out to people who sign a herm-waiver or something! Haha


Eh… I dunno about that.

And I DEFINITELY don’t know about THAT haha… Pretty sure I’ve read about some gawdawful crosses before.

Yeah, well… I don’t wanna waste anybody’s time growing something that might be bad or that has to get chopped because it hermed. I don’t wanna be the reason somebody missed some sacs and ended up with their whole grow getting seeded. That happened to me once and it really pissed me off haha.

But yeah, I dunno. Just spitballin’, really. All of the people who used to buy my weed have moved to other states, there really is no reason for me to not do an occasional seed run.

Except I don’t feel like it haha… But yeah, maybe.


They got this story so wrong. I’ve held the original MOB cut for over 20yrs. It’s been in my family since it was found in the hills of Maine in the mid 1980’s


On the Mother of Berries story anyway.

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I tend to believe the Maine stories myself, I have been hearing about Maine Blueberry my whole life down here in MA and even in NYC occasionally. When I was in college in ‘01 my friend from Belfast had a brother who was a dealer and would drive down a subwoofer cab full of herb a few times a year to us, he always had this incredibly dank Blueberry weed, way different than the Hudson Valley (probably) DJ Blueberry I got around here, less dreamy and serene more whoa sedative goofy. He’d also bring her enough roadkill venison to fill the dorm freezer because she didn’t like any other meat as much, I fucking love Mainers, best people if they can actually socialize.