Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

Glad you and yours safe and dry dude! That shit is scary :grimacing:
The girls look happy about it though


That storm hitting east hard as f. Stay safe. Plants look awesome. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Dude! Glad to hear you and the family are high and dry!!


Those bushes are looking good Legs. :+1:


Thanks guys. Really putting the genetics through the wringer this year. More rain on the way, fingers crossed we weather things the same way here


What’s up my OG family. Checking in here from the wettest spot on the east coast :joy: after this summer I think I can safely say that the Project 25s, in a large bed of soil, are extremely resilient in an overwatered situation. These things simply refuse to quit. More rain in the forecast next week, so they’ll continue to have plenty to drink. Be well my friends. :heart::v:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Plants look great. Sportin some Ink. :sunglasses: :metal:


Quick update, more of the same though really, the plant in the back continues to flower without really bulking up yet, the front one just continues to put on mass. At this point I’m hoping they finish doing their thing in September so I don’t have to put plastic over them, as they’re both threatening to bust clear of the hoops.


Beautiful! You might need to make your hoops a bit bigger :crazy_face:


What’s up y’all, little bit of time between posts here but not much has changed:

The back plant continues to beast out and throw some really sizable colas while the front plant still keeps beefing up. Although I went out yesterday to check and she is starting to throw some little cotton balls so think we’re about to see some action out of her. One thing I will say is that these plants are the definition of bulletproof thus far. We have had the wettest summer I can remember up here and neither of these gals have flinched or missed a beat, I’m really hoping that the smoke is enjoyable because the growth habits on these girls are stellar. Below are a couple shots of the one that’s a little farther along. Smells very deeply of burnt rubber and skunk, with a little bit more pine up close:

Very excited to see when and how these finish. Hope y’all are good out there. :heart::v:t2:


Looking great!

Sure are thickening up nicely


Those are looking awesome. Stacking beautiful . :sunglasses: :metal:


Looking good bro those p25s are not messing around …deff budding quick!!
Almost salmon season :grinning:


Thanks y’all, very happy with these genetics growing habits, smoke test is the only thing left, I got all my fingers crossed for that one.

Oh man, this got me, I haven’t been able to get out for salmon/steelhead since my kid was born, I fucking miss it!


Damn bro I bet ! I’m stoked lmao .good luck!


Plants are looking good @LegsMahoney Lots of us here in Michigan are experiencing the same weather. WET. Hopefully this will translate into a dry end of the harvest season. I like the hoop setup. Very clever indeed.


Thanks dude! It was kind of a hacked together solution that’s turned out to work pretty good, although I’m hoping I don’t need to use the plastic this year with these faster finishing varieties, but we’ll see. The weather here has been a total suck fest, the flooding ruined the fishing for the summer and the rain has kept everyone off the mountain bike trails so I’m basically ready for harvest season and winter so I can get back to doing stuff outside :joy: hope you guys up there in the mitten dry out soon too :v:t2::v:t2:


Yo! I just wanted to assure everyone I’m still out here, life has just gotten wicked busy the past month. The early finishing pheno of the P25 of likely coming down this weekend, hoping to have more time to spend with y’all in the coming months. Be good y’all! :heart::v:t2:


Good looking cola. :sunglasses: :metal:


Alright guys, wanted to give an update on the P25s here. Admittedly things kind of fell apart here towards the end. Some of you guys probably remember I had two distinct phenos going, one of which was very early flowering, lankier, and less dense, the other being much bushier and a bit slower. If I remember correctly my conversations with COPA he mentioned that these are the two distinct phenos you’re likely to encounter in this line. The taller lankier, less dense, early finishing, more OG dominant pheno he indicates are his keepers, the other pheno being less desirable. For the whole of this year’s crazy wet outdoor season both plants handled everything incredibly well, until about a month or so ago. I noticed a couple small spots of bud rot on the earlier finishing pheno, and decided to throw the tarp over the hoops to help keep some of the rain off of them so they could finish. What I think I inadvertently did was create a vapor trap for the moisture around them, because all it did was accelerate the growth of the bud rot. I did my best to combat, but ultimately I cut down both plants over the weekend and ended up having to trash most of the best tops on the early finishing pheno. I’d say I lost maybe like 25% total. The bushier pheno had a much harder time, with the buds still being immature and there being multiple whole colas that had turne dark brown and rotten, I made the call to cut and trash that whole plant alltogether, rather than have to baby it for another month or so through to finishing. Now with all that said, I am still really impressed at the remaining yield from the single pheno that got harvested, here’s a shot of what we’ve got hanging in the garage:

I made the call to dry these in the garage this year because I didn’t want to bring potentially skanky buds downstairs around my indoor work. I’m currently taking clones to reset my veg tent/mom tent, and have plans to flower some elite clones that I’ve collected here in the next month or so. I’m currently scrubbing tents and cleaning and oiling fans, so I don’t want any hiccups in that process. I’m tentatively planning to partially dry the P25 and then go right into the freezer to wash some hash in the near future when the weather really starts to chill. I may save a couple of the nicest, cleanest colas to dry for flower just to test, but I’m still on the fence. Overall, I can’t really throw any shade at the breeder, these plants performed as good as one might expect under the crazy weather conditions that we had this year. They seriously handled everything without flinching up until the end when I admittedly was not as on the ball as I should have been, so I take full responsibility for them not finishing out too well. I think it’s a good lesson for me that even the “bulletproof” varieties aren’t really “set it and forget it” they still require your diligence and attention to reach their fullest potential. I still have a couple packs of the P25 and provided that the smoke doesnt totally disagree with me i plan to pop some more next year and try again, although this time I think I’ll kill off the less desirable bushier phenos and stick to the earlier finishing, more OG type. I apologize for the drop off in posts here towards the end for anyone who was actively following along. Life just sort of jumped in front of the grow this year. Between work ramping up, life with a toddler, and a summer that was basically a monsoon season, which left us scrambling to squeeze in some proper outdoor recreation whenever we could, my outdoor grow suffered the brunt of the neglect this year, as well as my participation here on OG. Rest assured I still love this place and each and every one of you, and I’m hoping as we transition to fall and winter I’ll find myself with more slow time to spend with y’all. As I said I’m currently preparing to run some clones I’ve collected of some varieties that I’m really excited to check out. @schmarmpit gifted me a cut of Purple Urkle, and SC Blue Dream, and I acquired a cut of Bodhi’s Old Soul through a local homie, all of which are currently rooting to go into earth boxes to flower out. I plan on starting a fresh thread to document those when the time comes. That’s about it for now, I’ll probably try to document the wash here when I get to it, and then let this thread lay dormant until I give things another go for next years outdoor season. Thanks to everyone who’s stopping by to check thing out, following along, or whatever, I promise to get back to a more regular cadence of participation as soon as I can. Love y’all. :heart::v:t2::heart: