Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

I’m not sure how I missed this one, but I’m here for the home stretch. Love the set up. Hopefully it helps to keep the botrytis at bay. :crossed_fingers::v::grin:


Yup you know it I have a couple climatized seeds for this region go figure I only planted one but it’s golfball size nuggets about 12 ft and plenty of breathing room …
I think I might try to make some seeds with this strain and cross it with a altered landrace lol idk but I have some plans running through my head

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Got outside to give the ladies a little TLC today since we finally have a day of sun here. It’s been super wet up here lately. I’m happy to say the enclosure is holding up nicely, even though we haven’t had a ton of gnarly wind, which I suspect would be the real durability test. Rolled up the sides to inspect everything, and largely we’re doing pretty good. The Stop Lights is still looking a little rough, I think it might be a combination of not keeping up with its nutritional needs, and not getting the right amount or intensity of sun in the spot she’s in. The top nugs are looking pretty nice but as you move down the stem things get pretty larfy pretty fast. I had to remove two small branches that had started to develop bud rot, bummed about that but it’s a small percentage of the plant compared to what I’ve dealt with in the past, probably due to having the roof over its head. The smells, I have to say, are amazing, very astringent gassy skunky grapes, super appealing. Where I live is tough on outdoor plants, so I don’t really blame the genetics in any way, I’ve got a cut of this gal that I think I’m going to run again indoors to get a sense of what’s there because I think this is going to be some killer smoke, if not a lot of it.

The PKxUHP is ripping right now. This thing is an absolute leaf monster. I spent about an hour going through and pulling leaves that were overlapping or bunched up together trying to air her out and let her breathe a little bit, and I swear I could’ve kept going for another hour. For all her size in her colas and all the fucking leaves on her I only found one small spot of bud rot on one of the lowers, so I’m encouraged by that. She leaves a little bit to be desired in the frost factor right now, but from the looks of her she still has a ways to go before finishing, I’m guessing mid to late October at this point, so I’m hopeful that she starts to put on some sugar here shortly. I do know that looks can be deceiving as far as visible frostiness is concerned so even if she doesn’t go stark white she could be a good smoker. The smells coming off of her are very intense spicy skunky smells, so I’m super interested to taste her when the time comes. Can’t help but think this would make some tasty hashish. I’m sad to say that I don’t think I’ve got any seeds setting on the lowers I pollinated. No visible swollen calyxes or anything and the pistils that looked like they were retreating after pollination seem to have stopped shriveling and browning alltogether, making me think that the pollen must’ve been bad. I had already cut the male, but decided to try @Budderton method of keeping cuts in the fridge, so I pulled those out to try to get them to root, but success is not looking likely as of right now, so sadly I may be relegated to the three female cuts of this variety that I kept m, time will tell what the future of these things will be.

All in all doing good out here for the weird weather year we’ve had. Both plants looking like they’re gonna go deep to finish, I’m just on cruise control hoping I can get them to the end with minimal damage. Hope y’all are out there having fun today. Love to everyone! :heart::heart::heart::v:t2::v:t2::heart::heart::heart::call_me_hand:t2:


@LegsMahoney thanks for the heads up on the hoop houses. It’s supposed to rain here tomorrow so I put together a hoop house kinda hastily but I think it will work. My SSDD is about 8’ tall no ow and in full flower. I had to add some extra stakes to get the plastic over the top of her. For my first time I think it is good.:+1:t5:


that will work is it secured to the ground, one 25 MPH gust and it can be a yard over :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


It is only supposed to be be a few passing showers according to the local weather report. I do agree a good strong gust will probably rip it apart. The plant is secured with the stakes to keep it from falling over. I put it together after work today just to keep most of the rain off. Fingers crossed for no strong wind. It can be brutal in nw Oregon.


Take ya 5 mins duct tape and 4 tents stakes, strip of tape around each leg bottom, tent stake hook inside tape hammer in the ground. You can substitute with just about anything like a piece of a wire hanger. Then you don’t have to wake up to your cover in the back 40 :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


The fence posts are not going anywhere. If anything the plastic would get ripped off. It’s only 3 mil. I hammered the posts in pretty good. I might have to get some thicker plastic tho.


ya I was looking at the pics better those bottoms looks like you could hammer in the ground a lil


I’m letting mine fend for themselves zip tied to their cages


I probably could have hammered them in a little more. I’ll see how it holds up after work tomorrow. If it gets too windy and blows away I’ll have to rethink how to keep her covered.


That looks great man! I did take care to hammer my fence posts down below those little blades that are on them for extra stability, but like you said, if it’s only a temporary measure then I’m sure it’s fine. Glad my Jerry rigged solution could be of some help to you


Things are looking good, getting into crunch time territory! Wish I could figure out a way to create some sort of covering like that on the roof but without being able to steak into a soft ground or floor, it becomes a bit more challenging. Nice set up for sure, weathers supposed to be not bad for the next 10 days or so… best of luck finishing out.


You could probably throw up an easy-up tent and weight the legs with cinder blocks right? Might be hard to explain the tent on your roof to the neighbors though :joy::joy:


ya a pop up cover with weighted legs either sand or water to fill them


Cropped out today! Got both plants chopped washed and hung, took the better part of an afternoon. Had some bud rot here and there but not nearly as bad as it could’ve been without those hoops. Looks like the PKxUzi is the winner in terms of yield. The Stop Lights has this awesome berry pine smell to it, and the PKUzi has more of a skunky burn rubber nose to it. Onto the dry and then trim hail, tow more hurdles before the smoke report! Hope everyone’s well out there :heart::v:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Hell yeah bud, congrats! That would’ve taken me a week lol nice hustle!!
Can’t wait to hear about the smoke :dash:


Real Nice @LegsMahoney way to grow man :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :peace_symbol:


The kid went down for a nap and I cranked it into overdrive, you know how it is haha


Thanks man! It’s bittersweet, I love hanging in the backyard and having plants out there with me, but I like smokin’ em too…🤷🏻