Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

I’m still right in the middle of trim purgatory “good times” Not lol :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Nice harvest man, looking forward to the smoke report. Lucky enough to work from home during the week so I was able to find some time to harvest during the day without the fam around. Made it a lot less stressful!


That’s the ticket man, I sneak in a lot of different chores during the WFH hours, makes life so much more manageable doesn’t it?


Haha it sure does. There’s no way in hell I could’ve had the garden I had on the roof the last two years without WFH!

Sorry about the lack of updates here, my life feels like it’s been on tumble dry lately, long story there. But anyway, the outdoor is all dried, albeit a little faster than I would have liked. We’re having an unusually warm fall here in the northeast, which is fucking with my typically close-to-ideal conditions in my basement where I do my drying. Essentially it’s been a little warmer and dryer than I’d like it. Plants went about 8-9 days total. I pulled them down and threw them into tubs to try to hold them at their current moisture level as I try to pick away at trimming. The Stop Lights turned out to be a bit of a let down yield wise. I don’t attribute that at all to the genetics, but more to my setup here at the house. She was in what I call the “back” spot where I keep my outdoor ants. For various reasons, not the least of which being my neighbors, I keep my plants on a section of my property that gets the most sun possible while not being basically out for my neighbors to see. In that spot the front position gets the lions share of the sun, and the back position gets less, so much so that in previous years I’ve had the back plants basically try to grow over top of the front plant. Not ideal, but I live with it. The Stop Lights occupied that spot this year and as a result she stretched waaay more, and all her nugs ended up being pretty larfy and light. However, the terps on this girl are far and above the best of what I pulled down, very sweet and sour berry smelling , and I’m very much looking forward to trying her out. The PKxUHP on the other hand has turned out to be a disappointment in another way. This one threw down in terms of yield but the smells I’m getting are quite off putting, the only way I can describe it is “sour dirt” I’ve trimmed up maybe a half ounce and jarred it in the hopes that it develops into something more pleasant, but so far no luck, at this point I’m thinking that rather than continue to sweat away trimming it I might just bag it all up to wash or dry sift for hash. The pollen I used on the lowers didn’t take, and so I have cuttings rooting right now of the male and three females with the intention of doing a quick pollination indoors to get some more seeds, but honestly, given how unappealing the smells are, I’m questioning wether it’s worth it at this point. I’m considering scrapping them all and moving on. The only thing that has me holding onto them is just the fact that these seeds seem like they’re not really available any more (maybe for good reason) so it might be worth furthering the line just to see if there is anything good in there, like maybe the plants dump in a wash/sift and make really tasty hash. I have my doubts, but I havent started killing plants just yet, I clear on where we’ll go. Overall, I wouldnt call this years outdoor a disappointment, but it sure wasn’t a year that had me jumping and clicking my heels together, way she goes sometimes, but I’ll be back here with smoke reports on both varieties when I get around to it. Be good y’all :heart::v:t2:


Sending good vibes my man, hope things are on the up and up for ya!! Ebbs and flows brother…
The stopLights sounds bitter sweet, love to see her in that full sun position and away from those ants :wink:


Hey @LegsMahoney if you or your northern buddies need some outdoor seeds for next year, DCSE has $25 Copa packs including a few of the Fast Pink crosses, with Ancient OG freebies, which is supposed to be good outdoor in Maine for him:


I was actually eyeing those myself! But I’ve got a pack of the project 25s I’m gonna run next season, and then I dropped $$ in that HLG lamp and a new glass spoon from hermit glass so I’m way over budget at the moment, especially with Xmas coming up


Washed the majority of the PKxUHP today. Not a huge dumper by any means, but nice quality sandy resin turning up in the 75 bag, so I should have a nice little headstash. I just hope once it’s dried and pressed there’s none of those nasty dirt-terps left in the hash :face_vomiting:


This is like the third or 4th place I’ve posted this now, but here’s the final Product from that wash

Blown away by the color and the aromas! :drooling_face:


Just perfect, absolutely beautiful looking puddle of golden THC


Just seeing this now, legs… im about to rock out with a ton of ice and a few lbs of popcorn nugs these days off… that blonde looks absolutely stellar!


Hell yea @Jinglepot good luck man! Just follow frenchies steps and you’ll be stoked with the outcome! This ball has darkened up considerably while aging. I transferred it to a different jar recently and re-wrapped the cellophane it’s in and the things has turned to this like warm saltwater taffy consistency, it’s taken quite a bit of fortitude to not break into it yet!


Well since @Dirt_Wizard and @Jinglepot kinda re-juiced this thread I guess I’ll keep it going. Yesterday I got outside and freshened up the outdoor space:

I upgraded to 45gal grassroots living soil fabric pots, I’ve actually had em for a while but just now decided to drop in on the volume of soil necessary to fill em. I had been using like 20gal bags in the past and was happy with the results, but more roots=more froots right?? Haha. So yesterday I re-leveled the pallets, and filled these bad boys up. My initial plans were to mix a batch of coots mix soil to go in here, but to be honest, money has been tight lately, so instead I picked up 6 bags of FF ocean forest soil from a grow shop down the road that’s closing up its garden center to focus on the newly opened cultivation and dispensary operations they’re running. This place distributes build a soil products, so when I heard they were liquidating I thought I’d be able to scoop some BAS 3.0 or the light for cheap, but apparently everyone else in the area thought the same l, as all they had when I got there was 6 bags of the FF. So I guess beggars can’t be choosers right? I got home with it and mixed in the 40 or so gallons of recycled soil that I had from last year, and redistributed everything into the two new big pots. Sowed a cover crop of red clover and alfalfa, probably try to track down some straw as a mulch layer today. Plans are to run COPAs Project 25. I popped 5 seeds that are chilling in the veg tent as we speak. More than likely due to space constrictions when these seedlings are sturdy enough I’ll transplant them into like half gal or 1 gal pots and stick em outside to sex. If we come up with two females they’ll get the transplant into the bigguns and will run the full season. Loose plan is to kind of work this line like the old timers would back in the day. Keep whatever males there are, and hit some lowers with the pollen to make more seed and so on next year. Being that the P25 is designed for an early finish and this New England climate I want to use it to basically be my go to outdoor strain if it performs as expected. High hopes for the outdoor this year, so I’ll track it all here as I stretch my legs for another year.

Be good out there my friends. All love. :heart::v:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


Huge pots, those are gonna make some happy plants!

Also, I just want you to know Beggars CAN be choosers… for the most part… I choose not to all the time :rofl:

Frenchy was the MAN… so humble and knowledgeable, I watch his vids religiously and am always cruisin his Facebook page


Love your hoops over the T posts! I may copy that if we get rain like last year.

Those P25s look like incredible outdoor selections, I spent a considerable amount of time in the Copa thread drooling on those and their crosses. Good luck this season!


Alright guys, I’ve been radio silent here a while, jumping back into this thread to cover this years outdoor shenanigans while I’m running some cuts indoor for pheno hunting/keep or cull purposes. Right now I’ve got four P25 plants from COPA chilling outside waiting to show sex:

I was getting impatient and ordered some test from farmer freeman to help sus out who’s who and figure out who gets a permanent home in the 45 gals. Currently I have one confirmed male who’s basically flowering at the moment, he started off showing his balls early, and I had thoughts about using him to hit a few branches and make some extra seed but he’s progressively continued flowering since then which has me thinking he might not be a worthy donor after all, here’s what he looked like this afternoon:

That leaves us three plants to choose from, of course right after I submitted the FF genetic tests yesterday one of them wants to start showing what I think are very small pistils, so currently, as I see it, I’ve got one over eager male that probably needs to be chopped and one presumed female, and two unknowns. I’ve got a hunch that there’s at least one more male in the mix, and one I’m full blown unsure on, so it’ll be interesting to get the test results back. Here’s just a general photo dump of shots I took today:

In the event that we don’t come up with two females I went ahead and popped a whole pack of Rebel Grown’s 5G Purple that Dan gifted me at an event that I spoke with him at a few months ago. Out of the 12 seeds I had one that didn’t pop and ended up losing four to damping off, that leaves me with 6 healthy seedlings and one runty one that had his helmet stuck in and is still currently struggling to get his leaves going on. I’m hoping overall to come up with just P25s outside and look through these 5Gs indoors, but Dab mentioned that they’d probably do well enough outdoors here, so in the event we don’t get 2 P25 females I’m hoping I can put out one 5Gp females to take the second outdoor spot. Worst comes to absolute worst I’ve got my breeder friend who said he’d get me a cut of his keeper pheno of his Niben plant, so one way or another both outdoor spots will be filled, time will tell what the lineup looks like in the end.

I’m going to try to keep up more regularly with updates here. I’ve had a bunch of shit going on here at the house since the weather turned and have had less and less time to spend here on the forums, but I’m hoping to get back to a more regular balance, rest assured I ain’t going anywhere, just struggling to find that balance. The garden is rolling as hard as ever too, just a little over served on numbers right now so I need to weed through some stuff and get back to a proper plant count before I feel comfortable sharing pics and updates etc.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble here but I wanted to get this big update out of the way so that hopefully we can get a rhythm going again. Hope you’re all well out there. Big love. :heart::v:t2::heart::v:t2::heart:


I love this plant riser every time I see it. :sunglasses: :metal:

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What’s that? I searched and all I found was that it’s P25 x P25 haha.

That one sounds intriguing, albeit, uh, complicated haha. Lots of stuff going on there, but all of the genetics involved are good, so…


Sorry, I shoulda written it out, it’s technically “project 25” it’s an Iranian OG x Hazeman’s “Fast Pink” the claim to fame is a mid to early September finisher as well as PM and mite resistance, which sounds ideal for my area. COPA is from Maine and breeds for the climate up there which is pretty similar to here in VT so I’m running this small batch this year to see how it does and how the smoke is and if it all works out my plan is to pop the remaining pack and a half that I’ve got next season and run em like the old timers used to: make seeds every couple of years and just line work the thing season to season.

The 5G purple is definitely, as you said, complicated, being a 5 way hybrid, but dude recommended it for this area and said it has really great flavor, so I figured I’d give em a shot. I was actually asking him about his lemon sugar Kush which he recommended for outdoors more so than this one, but he didn’t have any on hand and threw me the pack of 5G so I figured beggars can’t be choosers right??