Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

Here’s the seedfinder link on the P25


Nahhhh, no need to apologize. I dunno even know why I asked haha, it’s not like I’m in the market for new seeds. I was just curious.

Yeah, that all sounds pretty ideal haha. Definitely stoked to see how they turn out. I love outdoor grows.


Glad to have you along for the ride man, how you been lately? I know you were going through some shit for a minute there, you comin out the other side alright?


Haha, uh… I dunno. I feel pretty good today. When I was laying in bed last night, I remembered,”Dude, you’ve got a piano (keyboard, but still… haha) sitting in the living room. Play it tomorrow.” So I did. It felt like it’s been a hundred years since I played, but it helped. It definitely helped. I feel pretty decent today.

Thanks for asking.


Of course man, good for you getting back into something that brings you some joy like that. I know when I find myself in a funk I can basically have to force myself to find some small things to kind of refill the bucket a little bit, it can be a grind though.


Great looking plants. Dialed in tight. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Nice Legs, great to see you back posting!!
Excited for the P25’s, :crossed_fingers:you get those 2 females.
Best vibes on your grow, excited to follow as always :love_you_gesture:

Awesome that you played today @minitiger, I picked up my guitar about 4 years ago after being in a case for 15 and haven’t had a day since that I haven’t played. Well maybe missed a few, but if I’m home it’s on :crazy_face:
Keep on it man!


Yeah, when I’m single I’m a pretty prolific songwriter, I play constantly, always writing new songs. But whenever I’m living with someone, I never play. I don’t like people listening in on the creative process, even if they’re my girlfriend, I dunno why. They can hear the songs when they’re done. I dunno why it took me until last night to be like,”Fuck this, dude, sit down and play,” though. It’s been a while…


What kind of stuff do you write? That’s awesome, I’ve never attempted to write anything, I just jam, some may call it noodling lol


Uh… I dunno how to answer that question haha. Songs. Just songs. You know: you get a melody in your head so you sit down with the guitar or at the piano (usually guitar first with me and then maybe move over to the piano to work it out a little more) and come up with the chords and then maybe add a horn section here or a string section there. You already know the rhythm section (I actually haven’t played my drum kit since we moved into the new house, just because I don’t wanna piss off the neighbors)(I didn’t give a shit at our old house because we were renting haha). Or maybe you come up with the chord progression first and then come up with the melody and all the other stuff.

Songs. Haha.


You could be a bit more vague lol
Like Taylor Swift kind of shit or reggae or easy listening or heavy metal or…
See what I’m getting at :wink:


I’ve actually never listened to Taylor Swift, because, like, why? Haha.

I guess I write probably like singer-songwriter-type stuff, maybe. But way bigger? Except when I don’t want it to be big? I really don’t know. It’s not a “style,” it’s just more like whatever you hear in your head or whatever you start to hear in your head when you’ve come up with something. And that thing becomes more. And then it becomes even more. Or less. I dunno haha.

I like Wilco a lot. The Beatles. Elliot Smith. Elton John. Electric Wizard haha. Napalm Death haha! Slayer. Willie Nelson. Kendrick Lamar. Earl Sweatshirt. Sonic Youth. Beethoven. I like any music that’s good. I mean, reggae? Steel Pulse is one of my favorite bands ever; David Hinds’ voice is incredible. I would never write a reggae song haha, but I listen to it. If it’s good music, it’s good music.

You just write songs, you know? I really do not know how to answer your question haha.


Fair enough, that works :sunglasses:


Fuck yea, been grooving on a lot of Wailing Souls lately too, that and the requisite outlaw country and stoner rock shit


Here’s a little more info on P25:


Yeah, I actually don’t listen to a whole lot of reggae. Steel Pulse and Jimmy Cliff are pretty much it. My older brother and my mom both liked reggae a lot when I was a kid, so I listened to a shit-ton back then. But I really kinda can’t stand the whole “guitar on the upbeat” thing. Same reason I hate ska. Or that’s one of the reasons I hate ska, anyway haha.

Oh yeah, both of those genres get played a lot over here haha. Waylon Jennings… Love that dude.

Anyway… Sorry to derail haha. You know what album you should check out that I’ve been revisiting the last week or so? Teatro by Willie. It’s a great album, one of my all-time favorites.

And NOW I’m done derailing haha.


Steel pulse is going to be in RVA later this month. I’m stoked!
They are playing at a park downtown, should be cool


No derailing homie, I love talking tunes!


The P25s are starting to show sex, and one of the males is basically in full blown flower:

I hit up COPA on IG to ask him if there were any observed autoflower traits in the line and he said no, likely what’s happened here is a freak out from being started indoors and moved out or just a really super early flowering male, I’m on the fence, if I’m trying to breed forward for an early finisher, I’d this is a good trait in a male, or, if this is too early to be a good trait.


Maybe it’s just exceptionally sensitive to photoperiod reduction going inside to outside. May be just a particularly sensitive pheno, or have an auto gene lurking recessive Copa doesn’t know of. May not be a bad thing at all

My fast black domina started flowering almost exactly at solstice…seemed just a few minutes of reduction and BAM

Looking great overall!