Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

Hey Legs. When your trying to make a faster finishing batch of beans, select the females that are the quickest to finish and not the quickest males. Not many negatives with fast males, imo. Take the fast females to middle of the pack( as far as finishing times go) males, so you don’t suffer on the potency side of things.
What kind of veg schedule did you have that male on before you put it outside ?


I had a female do this same scenario inside to outside in the ground then 3 weeks later full flower.Something funny in the air this year

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I’d have to check my notes but I think they did like 2-3 months of 18-6 indoors, all the plants got to a point where they just were not happy in the tent so I went full gladiator school on them and put them outside figuring if they survived they’d be worth working with, all of them have thrived since then. I’m not necessarily needing to do a pollination this round, i’ve still got a pack and a half of the P25 to look through, I figured this run would be to get a look at a the plants and taste em/check out the effects to see if I even want to continue working with em and if I do I’d pop more next season and try to make some more seeds for myself. Intentions are to work this like the old timers did back in the day: grow from seed every year and refresh the seeds/further the filial generation every 3-4 years, but being that there’s an intention to maintain an early finish i just wasn’t sure what would be considered desirable from a male to continue that, I.e. is the one flowering in may a good one or not :joy::joy:


That’s basically what COPA said, could just be that it was t quite 18/6 lighting outside when I tossed em out so he got underway faster than expected :person_shrugging:t2:

Partly wondering if some of the temp swings we’ve had this spring might be contributing too?


Someone mentioned to me that it’s not always stress with the lighting I thought it was light then I added it all up and it was like I way definitely not light I put out after Mother’s Day.The days of Frost then 75 degrees then 75 then frost is looking more like the culprit now.I think your on to something.


Would not surprise me in the least, it’s been a weird year so far for weather


Did you have anything flower earlier than usual last year by chance?Not like this early but like a couple weeks early from a normal outdoor chop?Now that I think about it my last year outdoor stared flowering like aug 3 we usually get flower up in my neck of the woods around the second week of August.I just thought that was wierd


Not last year that I noted no, but I’m a little bit more lax about my outdoor in general when it comes to keeping notes etc. but as far as I could tell last years outdoor went pretty much as expected


Farmer freeman results came in today and we have three confirmed females. Gotta be in the office tomorrow, and I need some fresh bagged dry amendments and ewc for the transplant so I’ll be selecting my two ladies and repotting later this week


Just thought I’d give a little peek into my indoor excursions for the summer. Currently running small pots of a couple different things I’ve had kicking around in veg over the winter, some just to see if the moms are worth holding onto, others are a little mini pheno hunt:

So front row is the micro pheno hunt of Kidkaya’s Super Yahmba. These were a 3pack freebie from build a soil’s patreon page, got three females so I’m running them in little 3/4 gals to look at the flower and see if anything is worth keeping. I’ve got two cuts of the blue tara volunteer seed that I popped ages ago, as well as the mother plant that they came off of once I had a well rooted cut to replace her. And lastly in the middle is the cut of MOB I got from the headiegardens auction from Farmerjoe420, this thing positively reeks of blueberries and I’m over the moon, school girl giddy about it. Between that and the blue tara it smells like a giant bag of mini muffins in this tent and I couldn’t be happier! Got a whole nother round of this to go after these finish out with some famous cuts that I got from a homie here on OG, will speak more to that when the time comes.

Regarding the outdoor today I’m planning on transplanting my two girls into their final homes. We’re looking at like 2 weeks of rain here and I don’t want these thing to be over watered in small pots so today, in the wet, it’s going down, will post pics when I have em. That’s it for now. Love! :heart::heart::v:t2:


Oh dude the MOB is one that I’m going to have to try someday, such a Maine legend! My Blue Tara smells in the bags like the most magical blueberry baked goods and floral berry perfume, such a nice strain!


I heard a lot about this strain when I got it from a couple different people. Everything from “oh it’s not that great, it’s an old CBD dominant strain that ex heroin addict heads in Maine held because it helped em detox” to “it’s the most blueberry thing I’ve come across…” and everything in between, but if it holds these terps through to the finished flower I’d smoke it for smell and taste alone i bet, I’m already in my head thinking about S1s or maybe reversing it to the blue tara to just make some super blueberry thing, but first things first is to finish it out and see for myself what she’s got to offer


MOB/MOAB is, as far as I know, a backronym, according to this origin story:

I’m trying to piece together the stories but it seems like it hit Boston, then Maine then maybe even Northern Europe and got traded back and forth. I’ve seen the mystery indica story, Jerry Berry’s Freezeland x DJs Blueberry, and AK47 x Bubblegum. Not sure which if any I believe yet but the names are great:

Mother Of Berries
Mother Of All Blueberries
Maine’s Original Blueberry
Money On Branches

and so on


Excited for this one!! Siunds like a winner already :grimacing:


Alright gang, the 2023 outdoor season has officially begun here. I spoke to COPA on IG and he said that the P25 has two distinct phenos, one smaller, leafier one and a taller, lankier, more OGish one, I think, by my eye, that I’ve got one of each as my final selected females so I’m hoping this years run gets me a good look at the line overall. Went out and repotted my two girls:

Long and lean:

Short and mean:

Went ahead and top dressed each pot with a cup of kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and crustacean meal, then capped that with a layer of EWC, and then a fresh layer of mulch. The pot that got little miss short and mean had a ripping cover crop going that I ripped up and mulched in under the EWC, the second pot in the back got ravaged by squirrels early on and it never got the chance to grow as a thick a crop as the other, so it’s an unintentional comparison between one with green mulch and one without. After all that I strung up a trellis net, stripped some of the lowers and left em to soak in the ongoing rain:

Very happy for this season be off and running! :heart::heart::v:t2::heart::heart:


Nice :sunglasses: Them are my kind of pots. 20’s?

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Your off to a great start! Best of luck this season Legs!

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45’s! More roots=more froots!

Thanks buddy! Good to hear from you, been getting back into the swing here lately and been meaning to swing by your threads to say what’s up. Dropped off for a minute dealing with typical springtime projects around the house


Ya, I was starting to think 50 sitting on a pallet :rofl: I use 30’s of coco and get huge colas. 45’s your going to be swimming in flower. :100: Ounce a gallon.

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That’s what I’m hoping, stupid plant counts mean I can only have the two so I’m shooting for trees :evergreen_tree: