Stretching my Legs outdoors (get it?)

Your dry off is going to be killer with them on the pallets. :100: :fire:

Yea the palettes stemmed from it just being a really hilly section of the property, but it does help with airflow around the pots for sure


Couple quick photos of the P25s. Digging their new shoes here overall, both plants are already starting to push pre flowers it looks like, the one in back seems to be a little further along. I was a little bummed about it when I first noticed em but I guess if they’re supposed to finish in early September the timing seems pretty right on that they would start flowering now in late June. Part of me feels a little weird about it as I know these will not get as big as I had hoped being in these 45 gal pots, but it’ll at least be cool to have something down and drying before the rain and frosts come around


Chilling out back in the patio admiring the girls, so I figured I’d throw up some fresh shots:

These things fucking reek!! It’s so rad, I’m not gonna say the “R” word for fear of triggering people but goddamn these things fill the air with garlic skunky rubbery goodness


Those are looking great. Healthy and flourished. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


Thank you, I need to hit em with some fish bone meal as they’re already starting to flower, COPA wasn’t bullshitting about the early September finish


Lookin nice brother, amazing what a couple a days will do!!
You going to shave them legs or go ‘a natural?


I’m not sure to be honest, I’ll probably clean em up a little more than they are now but given that she’s already flowering I don’t think I wanna skin her too much


I haven’t done a great deal of research on growing OD, but don’t you leave most of the lowers? The idea being that the sun will hit those at some point during the day versus having a stationary light source. I guess some defoliation would be necessary for airflow.


Damnit, I’m a total nube at OD. Shaved my girl ALL the way up lol


You can take it either way, i tend to go by the size of the plant, if it’s huge enough and globes out up too I’ll skin the legs entirely, if it’s smaller like these seem like they will be I’ll tend to leave more on the bottom. I always take a little bit off the bottom and the interior just to help with airflow, but it’s a feel thing for sure


Its all good Super Cropped.


Nice looking plants @LegsMahoney looks like it’s gonna be a nice early harvest for you this year with those. Awesome!!!

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What’s up everybody. Just got back from vacation yesterday, had a much needed break from computer screens hanging out at the beach throwing plugs for stripers (unsuccessfully) and just hanging with the family. Feeling rested, although not quite ready to get back to work :joy: but for sure ready to get back to hanging with my OG homies. The P25s are absolutely raging!! I’ll get some photos up soon. :heart::v:t2::heart:


Welcome back bud, glad you had a good time!


Here we go, went out this morning and did some defoliation to increase airflow and make it easier to access watering the pot, the one in back is way ahead in terms of flowering.


Moving along nicely. You must be a proud papa. :sunglasses: :metal:


Welcome back! Glad you got some much needed down time!
Is the hoop house set up new this year? I like the idea of extending the height using those green poles. I might have to adopt something similar once I build some raised beds.


Hey Crunch, I set this up last year basically just to put a roof over their heads in the fall when things got wet and cold, worked like a charm so I left it up, although we’ll see if I end up needing to tarp em this year if these things really finish when they’re supposed to


Man what a crazy couple days. Yesterday we wound up getting trapped on our hill with the rains that we’re getting up here in VT. The main highway at the bottom of the hill our place is on got flooded in either side, so we were boxed in for the whole day. Lost power for a while but luckily the house stayed dry and the whole family was safe and healthy. The gardens haven’t skipped a beat, here’s some shots of the P25s.

I neglected to stay on top of bending the rear most plant, so it had one branch trying to grow up and over the rest, went to try to bend it back into the scrog netting and ended up accidentally giving it a good 90 degree kink in the stem. Didn’t snap though and it still feels sturdy enough so imma just LITFA. I said it in the vermont growers thread but hope anyone else who was in the path of that storm is safe. Love to all :heart::v:t2: