Stretchy seedlings

So I have 4 seedlings about a week old . Only one is showing roots I know they are stretching but I have the light as close as I can to the humidity dome . Am I doing something wrong for no roots?


I’d say no typical seedlings doing there thing just bury the long stem at transplant.


I’d take the dome off and move the lights closer. If they stretch more they may fall over. You can just bury them deep per @ShiskaberrySavior but I’d worry about them stretching more before you get there.


I’ll second taking the done off and get lights closer. If using flouros I keep the light as close as possible. Bury them like tomato plant when repot
Edit: welcome to OG!!


Shouldn’t a need a dome for germing


100% light issue, as previously mentioned.

People are under the impression seedlings need low light, but I find they can handle high light just fine. Keeps them short and they grow more quickly.


you can still use something to block the light from the rockwool & beat the algae, prevent light from “pruning” the roots. maybe make little aluminum foil jackets until transplant or slice the side of a solo cup & make it work. :wink: :hammer:



they are completely fine, my advice is get a strip of garden twist wire and form a bent u shape at the top and gently push the bottom in the rockwool and rest the stem inside the ‘U’ bent part so its NOT enclosed or pinched but is supported and continue doing what your doing,
People remember they ARE babies and high light output can damage them in MANY ways so just take it easy and let the poor little babies do their thing with love and care lol


foil has sharp edges and can damage the stems, better to use a little bit of cordex or something similar or a square of black white plastic


i dont even think that LED? bulb would cause damage it was touching them :smiley:


well experience with even flouros has shown me that is not the case and the risk from burning/bleaching/stressing a young seedling to me is not worth risking when it will do its thing naturally and without stress or problems just from not being a twat and pushing a baby seedling unncessarily, not that im calling anyone a twat lol but it is counter productive and each stage should be approached with the right method to ensure trouble free stress free maximum yield plants, all is of course just my opinion and ymmv


Ok I’ll be sure to figure out a way to cover the cuve but still not showing roots is my concern

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honestly they are fine, just look for the tip of the fuzzy little taproot it might come out at the bottom or it might be more to the side, either way once you see it you can begin gentle half strength max topfeeding and transplant to whatever system they are continuing in

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I use full spectrum leds screw-ins mostly.
Most have a UVA chip or two that are listed in the ads as keeping stem length short.
Works for me.
I used to have that exact same problem when I used cfl’s.

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