Strianly clones

Yes. Thank gosh and knock on wood I have not had any problems with bugs.

Half of the leaflet will curl and start the mosaic/variation. But it doesn’t turn brown and die.

I culled every mother I had since the leaves touch each other. I have/had 4 In a 2x2 tent so hard not to let them touch.

Thanks for taking your time to help me out as well. I appreciate the information your providing.

The whole virus situation freaks me out and I swear somebody unleashed it on purpose or it’s just a by product of the hemp industry exploding but it sure showed up out of no where and was every overnight. At one point 80% of large nursery operations in California were spreading it. Scary to think how much of it is still out there creeping around, bugs spread it also , the sucking type insects are major vectors of disease.


Well I’m starting over and from now on will be doing all watering and taking clones only after showering and with gloves on. It’s really ashame how bad this can affect a crop. As long as I can keep it out of my mother and Veg tent I’ll be happy. Got about 3 lifetimes worth of seeds so its a great reason to start over, just unfortunate.

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hilarious, but i mean why not just Clony Soprano?

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man i had endless powdery mildew problems in my basement that nothing helped. its really old and wet etc so it was like the environment was just saturated with weird spores etc

i used a product called microban and an ultrasonic fogger to fog the whole basement and have not had any pm for over a year.

im pretty sure microban kills viruses as well. its supposed to be basically non toxic (wear equipment when fogging obv). they use it in hospitals for that reason

if you can get your hands on a fogger you could bomb your house top to bottom (with protective gear!) close it up for a day and go back. i doubt any airborne shit will be living in there and all surfaces should be clean too. the fogger is key because it gets the microban EVERYWHERE lol

anyways just a thought, it might be something to look into


Thanks I’ll check it out. Wouldn’t mind staying in a hotel for a day if that would work.

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All of them!!!


My guess would be It came from hop growers switching to growing weed.


With HLVD running rampant all over the country along with russet mites and PM infested clones getting cuttings off of Strainley is kinda like raw dogging a Thai prostitute your taking a hell of a chance and you have so much more to lose.Plus I’ve seen the prices for cuts on there yeah they can go fuck off.10000$ for an unrooted cut of “The One”.They should rename that cut “a fool and his money are soon to part” I think it has a better ring to it.


More like licking the toilet several have been using in one of those shady Thai bars :rofl:


I feel like it hit NorCal the hardest and there was a lot of hemp going on in Oregon around that time so it would make sense as the closer to the border you get the more and more the genetics are swapped around.


I used prestige clones. No bugs and in flower now. Can’t tell you the quality yet but good vigor in veg.


Appreciate it appreciate it @CosmoNut ill check them out but wonder if they have the clone I want which Is project 4516!

Haven’t heard too many talk about it, but does anyone think the soil companies could be culprit for some of the disease spreading? Never saw powdery mildew until I brought in outside soil. Shit’s all over the place and deal with it every season now. I’ve been sterilizing soil in the oven before using it for my starters and now they don’t get it, at least until being exposed outdoors.

Hard to say man. If you message them they shoot you a up to date list.

Small suggestion, ask for snips instead of rooted cuts and root them yourself. It makes them easier to clean when you get them.

Another option is @JohnnyPotseed had snips of his Frankenstein available. Haven’t flowered it yet but can confirm it was pest free and now healthy.

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Otherwise you Can buy here
Just contact them for prices

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Click on their nursery list for clones.


Have you guys used dojo or b8 before or as you just passing along options?

If you did how was your experience?

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You may want to check the way you’re growing. I went through your profile and it looks like you are using chemical nutrients. That would be my #1 suspect with weird shit happening to multiple varieties.

This is why after 2 decades I stick with organic soil, compost, and non-chemical additives.

A lot of what people are throwing around as virus damage is actually the plant suffering from nutrient issues. Chemicals are not a panacea.

The debate has been raging for more than 130 years; Is it a germ? Or is it the terrain? (Pasteur vs Beuchamp). The terrain in this case is 100% under your control.

Just my 2 cents. I hate to see people throwing out good genetics in frustration.


Thanks bud, I’ve been using the same nutes and same cultivars for the last 8+yrs. It’s only happened since the clones from strainly. It’s not my growing methods…
I wish it was that easy!