Success Nutrient Kit

Hmm… never tried it but if they sought you out for testing their product(through here I presume) they must believe in their product knowing you’ll do an honest review on a large cannabis forum :man_shrugging:. Who knows though.

Having to buy 13 bottles is a bit much though. Might work but seems like they’re fluffing profit also maybe.


This product has 9 bottles, it’s GH that has 13. It was on another site. They put up an ad and I commented on how expensive it was so they asked me if I wanted a sample pack. They are not on here.


I’ll try that at a Lamborghini shop :joy: :v:


Let me know if it worked😂


LOL, will do but it will be a while. I got enough to do without playing mad scientist 4 times a week :slight_smile:

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The “three a light” down the bottom of that box is a Couple guys that claim to be getting 3 pounds a light with a special technique they use. The only way to achieve that is to buy their 500$ book. I’ve seen it someone posted it online. It talked about highly stressing the plants throughout the lifecycle by stripping almost all the fan leaves off lol. Not sure if the 2 are connected but if so I’d bet there’s a big price tag on those bottles if they are


Whoooww i would go crazy if i should use these… More of a kiss fan . Good Luck

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Same folks, kit is $320 USD :exploding_head:

Same concept as advanced. But I gotta admit if you can afford it and get past all the BS, using AN will 100% give outstanding results. I know several very wealthy growers who have been using AN for at least 10-12 years, Every single product including tarantula and the other microbe additives as well as bud factor x . But their finished product is ALWAYS ALWAYS outstanding. I don’t think I’ve tried a bad finish from either. I’ve used AN with great results too but the price is insane! Lots of new nute companies on the market. I have a friend in BC who started one too. Cronk Nutrients. You never know it could be exceptional. Definitely worth a shot


People who don’t know what nutrients do are the ones who hate on the multiple bottles.

If they want to grow seedlings teens stretch early bloom and sugar fill with the same fertilizer, go ahead and have mediocre results. Unfortunately most growers are posers who buy half the bottles and fuck up their weed severely via lack of nutrition, and pat themselves on the back for not spending more money.

4 posts and you’re already trolling… hmm. Do you have anything to say about the subject of boron? :wink:


LOL, ok explain please, how many bottles are needed? So these guys have 9 and GH has 13, so does that mean this stuff is garbage since someone else has more bottles? By your rational this stuff would be starving your plants because it is missing 4 bottles.

Funny, I have found that most who buy all those bottles are the ones who don’t know about nutrition. They overfeed not realizing the redundancy of many in those bottles.

The number of bottles means nothing, it’s what’s in them. If a nute maker decides to take the contents of 3 bottles and break the contents down into 9 does that make the products better because it cost you 3 times as much? Of course it doesn’t.

Ok, not even sure to how to respond to that sentence as it makes no sense?


Anyone said anything about boron yet?

I’d like to put that in here…


This is probably gonna be the comedic highlight of my week.


Does the kit come with pH Up/Down?

I would hate to walk into a store to drop $320, and still need to purchase anything beyond an all-in-one kit boasting “success”.

Pfft, I don’t need bottles for that.


I don’t believe it does.

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I lack the intellectual capacity to process so many bottles.

Shit, I don’t even have enough space to store them.

Note: I’m a poseur grower who gets mediocre results.


Me too… Really good at growing ounces of Reggie…


We should start a club. Then maybe you know who could educate us as some kind of guest speaker.

All of my nutes/additives must fit on one shelf in the medicine cabinet :rofl:


Pretty sure a little known fact is that Boron can be exchanged for Calgon. Apparently Calgon’s two water softeners soften nute water so the plants feed better :slight_smile: But that’s an extra bottle :wink: