Success Nutrient Kit

Holy crap. I could buy 3 full kits of Remo with all the extras for that price. Maybe 4… lol


Yeah and that’s only the quart kit. The 1 gallon bottle kit is $740 USD plus tax :exploding_head:


Holy shit…
I should get into the fertilizer market. :laughing: :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:


LOL, yeah I hear you there. Funny part is that the stuff may work great. I just have a hard time thinking about the time wasted mixing so many products and the horrific cost.


Too rich for my pockets!
I am very interested in seeing the results whenever you get around to testing it! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


I will post something on it when I get around to trying it but it won’t be soon :slight_smile: Just the amount it must have cost them to ship this stuff to me in Canada from the USA makes me want to give it an honest try but I must say even if it worked great I really can’t see ever spending that much time and money on the product. But hey, my mind is open, prove me wrong little kit :slight_smile:


Excited to see it in action. Would you consider doing a side by side


I would and if so would likely do it with clones. Just a matter of when. Not going to start messing with anything on my current run and than shut down for the summer. Come fall I may give it a go.


What are the Npk ratios on them bottles , that’s all I would be lookin at : ) sorry Doug wasn’t gonna bother you buuuuut I’m curious lol

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I cant add on about the kit the op posted but i can say i have ran megacrop in promix a few times and have been happy with the results and ease of use. One product for veg and flower and it works great! Add on their pk booster for a bloom feed and its pretty awesome! And i dont have much experience growing in dead soil with salt nutrients. (Kinda random but i was reading a few posts here about different nutrients)

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Hahaha, sorry I have nothing to say, I’m too busy laughing at this. Lmao, hahaha.


Now that’s a ton of copying and pasting, lol. Here is a pic where you can zoom in and see some numbers. Best bet would be check out their site for more details.

Yeah, the Terps4Tots name has still got me kind of cringing.


At first glance it’s very weak stuff for price , a lot of water in there : )
The only one I would consider buying would be flowers and only if it was complete but would have to have gun to my head lol


That’s my guess. Take bottles with good nutes, separate them into individual bottles with more water and sell. Seems to be very common. Why sell a bottle when you can break it into 3 individual bottles for 3 times the price, lol. Than give it names like Blast Off and Frosty Nugs to get the stoners attention. I mean it’s called Frosty Nugs, it’s got to make my nugs frosty right :rofl:


Unfortunately, yes. As a rdwc grower, this phenomenon really busts my balls.

I miss the strong stuff…

A cup of this will mix 3 and a half olympic swimming pools. :wink:



Not necessarily! I went thru a grow with one that was horrible


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Jack’s for RO. KISS. turps4trolls self declared master of time space and dimensions. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Looking fresh. How old are they ?