Success Nutrient Kit

My lambos? Last one is about 5 days old :wink:

Kidding aside, I’m not sure what you are referring to…

@DougDawson , I was wondering now that we are a few months away from when you tried those out - what are your thoughts on those Nutes vs what you have used all along / prefer?

I read through this thread b/c i was given a few small sample packs as well, and I’m just attempting to make heads or tails of the whole thing. As an outdoor/soil grower, and an inexperienced one at that, its hard for me to imagine purchasing nutrients unless it cost next to nothing, I would be on the cheap / poser side of the discussion for sure.


Hey bud, have not actually used it yet. With the issues I had on my seed run I was not going to add a new nute system into the equation. I will get to trying it but it had to wait for me to get through my run which is finally wrapping up. I may give it a go in Sept.

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ya my fox farm line with 3-4 supp’s is all the work I want to do, and I never have to PH.

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I use GH 3 part with Epsom Salt. I have the whole GH line but never touch the bottles, lol. I do have to PH but its normally to bring it down around 1 point since I am in Coco. I did try the whole GH line once upon a time but it was just too much mixing. This kit seems to get great reviews online but not sure how much I trust online reviews much. I will probably try it one day just so it’s not wasted but would really like to do a side by side with clones. One using my mix and one using this. It’s the only way I would know for sure how it does. Really I think my plants look good using my feed system but I am biased, lol.


Some of these kits seem to be on point. If I was going to try one and I’m not much for changing something that I have figured out due to my combined type of ADHD. I will probably try the Foop line if the price ever comes down.