Suggestions for a new grow tent. Preferably inexpensive 2×4

This is what i mean by dual exhaust with a “Y”:

And the heat box:

And now back to watering…



So no oscillating fan under the canopy? I like the setup especially the shiny ball hanging. Nice :+1: :slightly_smiling_face::+1::smiley::+1:. I’ve heard your name before , do you grow with living soil?

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With all this: no need :ok_hand:

That’s my Witches Ball gifted to me by @KanehB who’s thread I miss dearly. She’ll be back soon enough as she’s a tour de force for the powers of good and a tough cookie. :ok_hand:

Naw, i’m to OCD/ADHD and would eventually do something stupid. I envy those that work with living soil. :v: Usually it’s a mix of organics and soiless mediums and sterile salt nutrients.

I learned all my gardening in soil but when finally starting up in cannabis I jumped onto hydroponics first as it’s the best way to learn from fucking up. You fuck-up and sometimes in HOURS you learned something. A few runs doing the most difficult thing I could come up with meant that when I went to soilless it was almost damn-easy.

Smooth seas do not make for good sailors so I usually pick the hardest path first when learning something new.


I tried a water only living soil on my last grow and yes it’s not for the hands on approach that most people want to do, but it was the most important things to learn from and actually understand the difference. I’m back to dwc and synthetic nutrients. IDK if I’ll be able to get the terps like I did with organic but I’m way too hands on to watch paint dry.

Light leaks don’t cause hermies it’s in the genetic make up. Whatever strains you’re running are prone to hermie…a light leak may help make them herm faster :peace_symbol: But it starts in the genetics and stability of those genetics

@Pigeonman are you intaking via heat box?

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So, can you show me a strain that doesn’t have both male and female in it.? Or maybe why you would spray colloidal silver to stress it to show both male and female traits to get seeds. Just saying that if you stress it enough " interruptions in dark period via light leaking will make it hermie. And every strain has the potential to self pollinate as in fuck itself. I do know that some strains are more prone to hermie like gg4 especially but saying that light leaking will not cause hermie is bro-science , even the most stable strain still has both male and female and will hermie if condition is less than ideal. Stable to me means that you won’t get different phenotypes or genotypes when planting multiple plants of same strain in Same conditions .

? No not all plants will hermie just the ones that have it in the gene pool. It’s a dominant trait. So if it Hermies from a simple light leak then the strian has the hermie dominant trait and the genetics aren’t stable.


WOW, just WOW. EVERY cannabis plant has the potential to… nevermind. I’m not going to go that way with you today, everyone has one and sometimes diarrhea :joy:

:man_facepalming:t3: How to deal with hermaphrodite cannabis - CannaConnection

Cannabis plants are dioecious, meaning there are separate male and female plants. Whereas many plants can pollinate themselves, dioecious plants require a member of the opposite sex for reproduction.

However, the cannabis plant has a fascinating adaptation that allows females who suspect a lack of male pollen to develop male sex organs and pollinate themselves. Known as hermaphroditism, this trait is key to the species’ survival in the wild, but it doesn’t bode well for good harvests! So read on to discover why hermaphrodite cannabis plants appear, and what to do if you find them in your grow room or garden.

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Yep, try to find a strain that doesn’t have hermie it says that it adapts and allows female that suspect a lack of pollen will develop male sex organs and pollinate themselves. So I ask you can you find a strain that doesn’t have this survival trait? Maybe if you… nope you will never find a strain that doesn’t hermie it’s an adaptation to stress or to survive in a stressful condition. So do some more research and you will find that they are both diecious and monoecious. It adapts to the conditions and if stressed can and will hermie :joy:

:toolbox: If it Hermes from a light leak like you described then it’s from the specific genetics you’re using :v:

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I sometimes flower in my veg cab and you should see how light leaky it is. It’s hilarious.


If it never actually gets a dark period due to a leak it’s like never turning off the light stressful condition, and if the leak has been there since day 1 usually don’t bother the plant but if in bloom and it gets a light leak that hasn’t been there since veg stage it will never know what to do with itself if it’s supposed to be flowering or vegging and possibly revegetation or hermie

It’s a fact leaving a light on for 24/7 most likely to be a male plant from seeds

Yes, a very interesting fact that I don’t believe.


SMH, you are going in circles. EVERY cannabis genetics will have this trait some more than others but to say specific genetics I’m using is the issue is the problem is kinda like saying that this spot is my true color and the rest of me is a birthmark

I don’t buy this.

Two reasons:

  1. with autos, you can give them light 24/7 and the chances of hermies doesn’t increase.
  2. in nature you rarely have a perfectly dark night. So it just doesn’t add up that you’d need pitch black indoors.
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Ok for 1 if the light leak has been there since day 1 usually don’t bother the plant
2 please see 1…!and with Autos or ruderalis also meaning " from rubble" is not cannabis plant but a very very far cousin that can be genetically combined with cannabis so autos are a very resilient plant that usually grows out after a major event like a landslide. There’s other plans that can be genetically combined with cannabis but show no benefits as the ruderalis plants have many benefits and therefore more resistance to stress. But if you run it for 24 /7 and then cut in few hours of darkness here and there it will cause hermie

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And come from a place that doesn’t have a dark period