Sun Grown Bud Is Better

People don’t like the orthodoxy of “indica = couchlock/sativa = cerebral buzz” being questioned.

I’ve smoked it all. Everything you can imagine. Stoned is stoned is stoned. Either I’m a physiologically unique specimen or you’re being misled by the placebo effect.

Give your buddy some “indica” tell him it’s “sativa”…this shit doesn’t pass a blind test…trust me.


So you tare saying the quality of light does not affect the cannabinoid content? :roll_eyes:

Nevermind… that says it all right there. (where’s the facepalm emoji?)


I am saying the sun doesn’t produce better bud than I can grow indoors.

You are welcome to show me your kickass-superior-to-indoor OD hoop house Oklahoma weed.

I’ll wait.

It’s so funny to me about how people get bent out of shape when you question the “effects” theory. Sounds exactly like folks claiming whiskey makes them angry and wine makes them weepy.


Says the guy that can’t tell the difference from one plant to the next lmao! So you’re saying quality of light doesn’t affect cannabinoid content? Cause there is no way you’re even gonna start arguing the lights in your basement are anywhere close to the sun.

And are you now saying that different types of alcohol don’t give different highs? :laughing:


I Wish…
Like swimming up against sandpaper, water feels good but the scraping just gets to ya.

Got a challenge for you @Vernal, find us one fact that indoor trichomes are more potent in thc than outdoor, I’ll wait with lab reports in hand.
You see the deathstar Larf you so eloquently reviewed is 22% THC in lab tests.
You ate the bait, how’s it taste.
So you are right, you just might be a Dick, or Larry or Jim… I hope that’s not construed as name calling, I don’t know your name. You had said it might be Dick… Not Sure, I apologize in advance of a melee.

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I agree that differences in effect, especially in most of what’s out there, are often largely overstated or just plain made up for marketing or other purposes,
But I also think you are being quite reductive there Vern.

That being said everybody is balanced a bit differently so for you that could very well be the whole truth.

For that statement to be true though, it would mean all cannabinoids feel the same. That smoking a THC dominant plant feels the same as a CBD dominant plant feels the same as a 1:1 THC:CBD plant, etc.

Not claiming to know what you feel, because again, everyone is wired or balanced a little differently.

If you had a group of people eat nothing but McDonalds burgers and fires for a month, and then had that same group of people then next month eat nothing but pasture raised beef tartare, sourdough bread, a salad of tomato, onion, lettuce, cucumber and potatoes cooked in olive oil. Some of those people would say that they felt the same throughout. That doesn’t mean that those things aren’t different and don’t have different effects on your body. It likely means they just aren’t paying close enough attention to how their body feels.



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Vernal doesn’t believe in testing. He knows more than testing labs, law makers, scientists, and every other weed grower. He’s so smart, that he can tell from a picture which buds are good or not. How blessed we are to have him grace our presence on this board. :roll_eyes:


@PlantShepherd If the sun is so great, what are you doing indoors? Tell your boss you wanna grow outside 'cuz indoor is trash lol.

@Astrodude if you’re happy with brown larf, don’t let me stand in your way.

To everyone else, this is a good picture of what deathstar looks like grown competently inside:

Judge for yourself what’s better.


To get back on topic, the best I have ever smoked was outdoor, but overall I have smoked more great indoor than great outdoor. My location probably has something to do with that.

I think it’s easier to grow really great indoor, and in a lot of places growing outdoor to match would be really really difficult, especially if it hasn’t been bred to excel in the climate and environment it’s being grown it.

That being said I think if you are somewhere that the conditions are favorable, outdoor can be just as good or better than indoor.

Grow light technology is chasing the spectrum of the sun, when it wasn’t we got blurple lights…… that worked out real well lol.

Outdoor isn’t inherently better, but neither is indoor. The sun is one hell of a grow light though


245lbs, been in woods my whole life, nothing stands in my way son.
You are an enigma to me, if in anyones presence, you would not speak this way, but with tiny little keys your a killer convo specialist.
“You have a special set of skills, Good Luck”, Persona Non Grata

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I grow both indoors and outdoors. How about yourself?


Thank you for actually being reasonable lol.

As far as CBD stuff goes, because of the effects of CBD, it just makes the high weaker, or that’s how I perceive it. If it’s got enough CBD, I don’t feel anything at all. No better or worse. Feels like drinking decaf coffee or NA beer to me.

As far as food stuff goes…I think the biggest aspect is how much sugar you’re eating. Yeah I get tired after fast food too…but then again I never crush a 40 oz sweet tea with my meals, either. I usually look at things in a mechanistic sense…macros are macros. Traditional Inuit live almost entirely on raw meat and they do fine…but by that same token I know perfectly healthy vegans who haven’t eaten meat in probably 10+ years. I have known people who eat like children (guy literally only ate cheese pizza plain burgers and chicken fingers) and are inexplicably healthy as horses.


Oh so pretty, very nice.


Cool…your boss’s plants again. Let’s cut the bullshit and see those superior to indoor quality outdoor buds.


Lol! You are correct, I don’t own the facility, I’m just the grower. So why don’t you post up some test results from your weed. We’ll get to the bottom of this real quick…

Here, this one is for you Vern. Slurricane, wouldn’t last a round in my personal garden, but it looks good in a photo!


Way to leave out the first half of my sentence where I say it probably smokes good but won’t sell. To each their own when it comes to grow styles but when the prettiest dank only fetches $200/oz ain’t switching to a method with a higher margin for error and lower quality (in my region) lower cost weed.


Everyone’s soooo tough on the internet lol.

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I almost don’t believe that’s an OD plant.

If it actually is, congrats guy, that does look fuckin’ killer.


Thank you. It is greenhouse grown.