- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Very nice. Hopefully it’s worthwhile. Being a fan of the ssdd, have you tried any of B’s crosses with his ssdd male yet? I prefer them to the F1s that I’ve gone through but am always interested to hear what others who have grown SSDD think.

Plants look good haha!


I think everything looks good, no matter what it’s labeled, or if it’s pissing you off, lol! I’m with you about moms, I cut, see roots, flower, when things are ticking… the best laid plans, right :rofl:

I see you hang your sticky traps. I’ve had a gnat, or 10,000, and tried most of the above remedies. What’s finally worked the best has been the yellow sticky traps laid sticky side down just above the surface of the medium. Bit of a pain to water, but when you see a filled trap, it’s worth it… and I have to admit, rather satisfying :slight_smile:


Yeah, I feel like you gotta put the traps as close to the soil as possible, too. If there’s so many that they’re flying up into traps near the tops of the plants, it already too late haha.


Ya, my major annoyance with the moms is just the amount of them in such a small space. Also having to constantly up pot them and take new cuttings. Eventually I’ll be able to thin them out after testing.

I am stuck with the Triple Sunshine stuff for now until I get to test them out. I am considering dropping the male once I confirm successful pollination on A and the tk though. SSDD is going to get culled for good as well soon. I worry it may have some sort of disease affecting the vigor. The mom these 2 clones came from had some pith necrosis going on resembling fusarium infected tomato stems. Coupled with the fact I don’t value the ssdd that much it’s the best course of action.

As far as the soil / traps the mulch layer makes that a little bit difficult. Also making sure that the traps don’t rip apart too many leaves. I have more traps set up than you can see in the pictures - I removed them so that you could see the plants. I have traps everywhere that I could safely put them without touching leaves (lost a handful of leaves from bumping against the traps already)

I also have traps laying flat in between the pots near the drainage holes.


I have these little plastic “stakes” that appear to be made specifically for sticky traps, no idea where they came from haha. They’re like six-inches long with a thing at the top to insert the trap into, keeps it above the soil/mulch. I also cut the traps into pieces so there’s not some big-ass 4” x 8” thing getting leaves stuck all over it haha.

You don’t have as much room to operate in those one-gallons as I do in the seven-gallons, obviously, but those stake things are pretty handy. Cut the traps into nine pieces and it works pretty well.


Ya, I have some of those too and use them in areas where they don’t pose a big threat - you can see a piece of leaf stuck to this one though in a different image.



A couple of skewers across those pot tops will keep the cards out of the rice hulls, well, mostly, lol! Before I accepted my organic ineptitude, I used rice hulls by the bale, and face down sticky traps. Just gotta get creative!

I was startled by how many more gnats I’d see on those vs vertical traps. The fliers lay the eggs, get the fliers when they pop their heads out, no more eggs… see where I’m going? :slight_smile:


You can also use an old fork to hold the yellow paper in between the prongs. Stick the handle in the soil and bend the head of the fork to 90° so it puts the paper parallel to the soil.


I used to make square sheets covered w/ tanglefoot that would cover the whole pot pretty much - adhesive on both sides. Guess I could go back to doing that. Looked at nematode shipping and don’t want to pay 50$ to overnight them so will stick with gnatrol and traps for now. Tomorrow I’ll do some defoliating and get more intense with the trap layouts. Thanks for the suggestions all!


I like to create a stiff turbulent, mini windstorm across the bottom of the tent.
It helps them little buggers to lose control in flight and crash into my sticky traps.
I see more upside down bugs on their backs with their wings stuck and face planted than right side up with their feet in the goo, Haha!!


I went searching for SSDD crosses a year or two ago and found Field Trip (GSC x SSDD) in stock at attitude (it was the only place that had it in stock) but didn’t have much luck finding anything else in stock. There was a blue dream x SSDD but blue dream’s not really my thing.

I really wanted to try that Baba Kush (bubba x ssdd) and kush 4 x ssdd but couldn’t find either in stock anywhere.

I currently have a nice mom of the field trip and a couple field trip I just put into flower a day ago (I’ll get pics up soon. Gonna start my grow journal any day now I swear! lol).
I LOVE the field trip smoke, but it’s nothing like SSDD. Really high quality though. It’s up there with my current favorites for sure.
Btw, if you want cuts of the field trip just let me know! I still owe you. Or if you want to wait to see what it looks like flowering first, you can message me in the future if you want it then.

I was on a mission to find anything ssdd at the time. lol

I searched for seeds of every ssdd cross on this seedfinder list:

Where did you find that triple sunshine? I don’t see it listed on the seedfinder page. That looks like a good one too!

Do you know - Is bodhi still currently offering any ssdd crosses?


I have a small USB fan that I swear killed 30% of the ‘wee buggers’ (they aren’t strong flyers) back when I had problems with them.



These are what I’ve been using for gnats lately. They were cheap (amazon) and work well. I like to stick them near the edge of the pot.

The best way I’ve found to 100% eliminate fungus gnats is using fabric pots + a good mulch layer on top of this stuff called Gnat-nix (it’s like small glass/pumice stones. I’m sure other stuff would work too). It totally cuts off the gnats access to the soil. They can’t enter through the stones at top without being torn up, and there’s no drain holes at the bottom of the pot for them to enter there. (You can use plastic pots too if you put screens over the drain holes)


I germinated a pack of these last winter but neglected them and got hit with a cold snap that prompted me to just cull them all. Everything I’ve read about them has been overwhelmingly positive though. A lot of people have said that some extreme potency can be found in those seeds!

Ya both of those seem pretty good. I only tried 1 baba kush but it had a great nose on it. I plan on visiting some F2s later on in the year if all goes according to plan…

Very interesting to hear. I don’t know enough about GSC to really speculate but it’s nice to hear yet another positive review of that cross! I still have a full pack and eventually I want to go through some haha.

Appreciate the offer but I really am getting stressed out with how many moms I already have. You also don’t owe me anything. I just hope you find something worthwhile in those F2s you popped and that they aren’t a complete waste of space/time. I feel like I got more out of it than you because I get to see what is in those seeds without actually germinating them (yet).

I got it directly from SHOE of headiegardens. He was having a fundraiser for some medical bills for his family. From what I read (and I could be wrong) there were only a handful of those packs made and they were handed out at one of the emerald cups by Bodhi (2017?). I only found one test report on Breedbay of it and one or two people on RIU who have grown it out before. Both of them said they got it at the emerald cup.

Sadly that male is gone but occasionally seed packs pop up at the banks it seems.


That’s my understanding too. Got lucky on them being available at all, and a damn good eye to pick them up :wink:

I’m on the fence over here on you tossing the bubbashine ssdd girl :sweat_smile: Probably best and closest example I’ve seen to it in the ssdd’s. I think you just needed a better male to make her really shine :wink:


I think it’s probably the closest I’ve seen in pictures as well but I’m not sure about best. I really am not a huge fan of it and rarely consume it. It doesn’t retain terps easily (at all for me) in the jar either. The effects for me when taken in the 60s doesn’t feel right and when taken in the 70s it’s so sedative and dreamy (for me) that it almost feels how I remember the experience of having a high fever when I was younger. No clue if it has any pain killing attributes but I have experienced some muscle pain relief from TSA. I still have 2/3 of a pack of the F1s but I’m not sure if I’ll ever even germinate those - I’ll probably want to go through more of the SSDD crosses from B instead.

The Triple Sunshine A seems superior in every area except it doesn’t have as much stem frost. The more I consume it the more I appreciate it and I love both the flower and the plant.


I’ll have to keep my eyes open. If you ever come across any for sale at any of those places let me know (unless you want them for yourself, obviously. lol).


Ah for sure ^^

I hear this. I was offered another pack of SSDD F1’s after going through 3 of them and I had to decline it. Much more interested in the F2’s and B’s crosses, like you’ve been saying :slight_smile:

Hell yeah on the TS ‘A’ :muscle: She looks the part for sure :fire:


Yeah, it may just be my preference too. I can easily see how some may like the SSDD F1s more. Also potential medicinal qualities present is another consideration. So many people base opinions off of stuff they’ve read without experiencing them for themselves so I always keep that in the back of my mind when making comments. Nothing wrong with SSDD or SSDD F1s - I just have found that I liked both the effects and the plant traits coming from his SSDD crosses more. For me the effects so far have generally been a little bit more functional and alert while retaining the mellow and chilled out theme.

I’ve sampled a couple of the 88/OG crosses and my initial impressions are that they are fairly tasty but not extremely potent. After I came to that conclusion I decided I probably shouldn’t even make many comments about potency or effects because the list of disclaimers are going to have to be longer than the actual review. I’m also wrong a lot, go back and have experiences that fully contradict previous ones. The growing pictures are always accurate though! I would absolutely grow the 88 x OG stuff again in the future. I’m not all that disappointed that I don’t have a mother of any of it though. Both early cure and the Triple Sunshine from last year hit me much harder than all of the OG x 88 stuff.

Triple Sunshine - I’m preferring to take 1-2 decent sized hits. Puts me where I like to be. When I took 5 bong hits of it the other night I ended up falling asleep on my dog for a few hours. Could be tired from work or whatever - who knows. I am content with where it puts me at just a few hits in a bowl. I’ll go back to vaping at some point but I’ve been smoking via bowl / bong the past month or 2.

I’m excited to go through the F2s of TS & baba kush later on in the year. Don’t know that I’ll go through any of the SSDD F2s or crosses. I would if I had the space but with limited space and plant counts it seems unlikely to me. Sampling the TK (or any of the other new cuttings) may alter my opinion and adjust the route I go.


I’ll also throw in a good comment for Field Trip. One of the ladies I grew out of that pack got overwhelming praise from everyone I let smoke it.

I mean everyone seems to love my shit, but FT had so many people come back to me and say how it was amazing and everyone they let smoke it too was singing its praise. I still have a half pack but I stopped growing the other one cause it was lanky and had small buds. It was the definition of head stash because it was amazing but didn’t grow to my style very well so I let it go.