- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Yeah nothing wrong with them, just 99.9% of it wasn’t what I was looking for in the line. Gave me a bunch of pieces but not the whole package. And TK is just a hard one to beat. Some of the SSDD’s are really potent too tho. Mine is up there. So that makes sense to me that your TS is stronger than most, if not all, the og/88 crosses you’ve had.

Maybe Black Triangle(TK x 88) would have similar potency to the TS? I could see a lot of the others being less so just from most of the og’s not being as potent as the real deal OGK/TK/91… or maybe the 88 is dragging them down :thinking: At the least I’d think tasty and still decent potency, so that’s good to hear that seems to be the case. I have a few og/88 crosses to look at one day. And functional daytime meds is my jam :wink:


Could be. A bit of my point though was that while I think the OGx88 stuff is weaker than the TS now I wouldn’t be surprised if I revised my opinion after consuming it more. I just don’t want to consume it that frequently when I have the TS around really. Sometimes what I think is strong I end up thinking is weak later on and vice versa. TS has only grown on me the more I’ve had it and I really like the plant itself so that is shaping my perspective a bit too I’m sure.

I also thought the BT that I grew out was really potent but in retrospect I think I may have had covid during that time. When i grew it out again and even sampling older batches at a later date it was much more functional and less devastating. Guess the moral of the story is it’s probably safe to bank on my photos for accuracy when it comes to the phenos that I encounter but not necessarily potency / effects. Even with effects I’d say the TSA feels like an uplifting “sativa” hybrid but the other night I ended up going to sleep after pushing it further than I usually do.


I know most of you have seen this before but I haven’t. I joined shoe’s discord, was reading through the B channel and saw him comment on the SSDD male. Found the anti-depressant comment interesting given how uplifting the Triple Sunshine has been. Big thanks to the testers that encouraged B to release those lines!


If you’ve got a weed plant that is so sedative and dreamy it feels like you have a high fever, can I get a cut of that before it expires permanently. That sounds really fun!


It retired a few hours ago. I was going to send you a cut of the mom but I’m really paranoid about the potential for some form of fungal pathogen or something else being spread. Not sure why it has seem to have lost its vigor. If you really want it though I could reveg the ssdd in flower now and skip the seed making part.

Wouldn’t be the end of the world for me because I’m not really interested in the potential seeds.



I honestly don’t know of any weed strain that hasn’t made me feel a little better than I felt before I smoked it. Some have been more “uplifting” than others, but none have ever actually made me feel more depressed haha.


Not gonna ask anyone to use their space to reveg any plants. The way she goes! I am planning on trying to grow horses cut out too in the future. Thought it would be fun to run side by side, but there are plenty of plants to grow!


Pulled the plant out of the trash bag (empty). We’ll see if it perks back up in a cup of water. Maybe a cutting from this would root?

Also got the sticky traps set up earlier.


I bet the odds would be really good it would root, but again, if you’ve noticed problems with your plant after carrying it for years, no point in beating a dead horse… Appreciate the thought though!


Sounds good, just figured I’d offer because I told you in the past I’d try to get a cut of it for you. Will abort the mission then since you’re good w/ that. I don’t know that there’s something wrong with it but I do know that I used to have serious problems containing it when I flipped in the past. I remember always removing long branches post-stretch and now the past 2 runs it’s kind of just lacking vigor.

flower area ssdd :

Doesn’t look unhealthy really but the mom that it came from did randomly just fizzle out and eventually had some pith necrosis. Makes me wonder, and I’d rather not risk being an asshole sending out an infected and sub-par cutting.


Lav jack currently has the earliest frost and the closest internodal spacing on the flowers.

Getting a bit of that smell the “sativa” lav jack had on leaf rub as well. Very light still but we’re only a little over 2 weeks in.

Also the preflowers on the Pinesoul smell very similar to some of my Goji F2s as does the stem rub. Not that it means anything , just found it interesting.

The chopped down ssdd did perk back up after being put in a cup of water.


Just wait - that Lav Jack gets incredibly frosty. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the smells… I’ve got a few descriptors for it, but it’s unique and pungent. Looking forward to seeing your pics of it flowering - it’s a looker for sure.


that purple nl2 :eyes: it at least didn’t make me feel any better.
I’ve had other that you’d smoke and it felt like you have the flu.

That Lav Jack is good smoke for the evening. I was using that and the Church to get ready for bed :sweat_smile:


Maybe I’m just weird with how I respond to Cannabis but most modern strains that I’ve tried have been relatively mood neutral for me. Don’t want to open a can of worms with the NLD haze cookies and whatever else discussion. Trip Sun A reminds me a lot of my favorite cannabis before I started to grow (given clones of dutch genetics). It has a lot of the traits that I love about Cannabis and taps into nostalgia a bit in that sense.

Not all have been neutral; Some Goji OGs have been uplifting, some SunRas have as well. The Triple Sunshine for me is as good as either of them but without the superficial negatives (leafy - sunra, lack of odor goji).

Ya, IAY’s latest round of pictures of both LJ and TK seem about as picture perfect as you can get. I probably won’t be able to pull these out of the tent with the tomato cages for flash shots but we’ll see.


Duuuuuuude, I just got a notification that somebody had liked that post I wrote and after I re-read it, I was like,”Actually, I guess that Purple NL2 made me feel pretty horrible…” haha. I even thought about editing it to mention that, but figured it didn’t really matter.

That Purple NL2… That fucking Purple NL2…. Haha.


Same thing happened to my old SSDD mom after a while too. She just slowed way down in growth, didn’t drink as much. But the smoke was always still great :man_shrugging:

It was annoying though.


2 confirmed SSDD f2 females! The others still aren’t showing sex but it looks like a 3rd might be female (fingers crossed!)


Here’s my field trip keeper a couple days into flower.

Same here with compliments. Everyone seems to love the smoke, myself included. Very potent but chill/relaxing.


For me a big part is that I have been wanting to retire it for a long time now but holding off so I could F2 it first. I pointed it out in my first review of it here on OG that it’s nowhere near my favorite herb. Hard to justify keeping a mom around that isn’t one of my favorites and is potentially infected with some form of pathogen.

I have F2s made - and will have it crossed to Goji OG (2021) & Triple Sunshine (2024) as well. Seems good enough for a cut I’m not even that thrilled about.

Awesome! The thinner leaves are probably(?) a good sign too.

Sounds like my reaction to many of the SSDD crosses that I’ve tried. I have 0 experience with GSC (other than Granola Funk) but if I do pop any cookies genetics then Field Trip seems like the obvious choice.


Your field trip cut there looks like an ssdd leaner :wink: