- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Gonna keep manually pollinating some of these pots for the first 3-5 weeks of flower. I lost my mini paintbrush that I used to use so I had to try out cotton swabs tonight. I’ll be ordering a pack of mini brushes probably. Not enough pistils for it to be a problem now, was more or less a test run.

Hit SSDD & TS-A tonight.


Raid your girl’s makeup cabinet haha.


I was actually thinking about playing around with some of the spare syringes that I bought for the cloning gel also. I saw this is 10-15$ on amazon and gave me the idea

Anyone ever do anything like this before or do we all use brushes?


Hmm that’s neat :thinking:

I usually use a brush or a pinch and pull bag.


“Great for genics” I’m dieing over here haha.

Put it in a paper football, cut the corner off and tap it to kind of puff it out? Rather than buy that fancy pollen puffer.


I’m not going to buy the duster but my thinking with the syringe / duster was the ability to spread out the pollen a bit better. With the brush, cotton swab, or football I’d assume there’s 100s and 100s of grains of pollen attached to each pistil. Not going to buy it anyways was just curious if anyone has used one, will probably stick to the little brushes because it’s what I’m used to.


I feel the same way about swabs and brushes for pollinating. I’d like to make a chamber with a couple PC fans inside to just set the plants in and puff a small amount of pollen in through a hole. Let it disperse around evenly with air movement.


I actually prefer a q-tip to a brush because it holds onto the pollen better without dispersing it into the air. But when I pollinate I am usually only pollinating a couple branches on each plant.

I cover the plant with a garbage bag, leaving only a couple branches sticking out and then I pollinate those branches, wait 5-15mins then spray with water and put it back in the flower room.

Works great for seeding only a couple branches and still being able to smoke the rest of the seedless buds.

Only drawback to q-tips is the little hairs they can leave behind. But I don’t smoke the seeded buds anyway.


Interesting. This is the first time that I think I’ve actually tried Q-tips but what I didn’t like about them was having to be more careful about brushing up against the pistils. I found a new solution today that I have to configure later but should be fun to try out.

I’ve seen those approaches in the past before on the various forums but thankfully I’m trying to fully pollinate these plants. They are in 1 GAL pots and I take them in a completely different area that is well isolated from the flower area. Pollinate → wait 30-60 min → spray with water → put back in the flower area is my regimen.

Same - these plants are only being grown out for seeds. The cuttings in the 3x3 are not getting pollinated and will be for consumption.

Very cool idea, I like it! If I had the space I’d definitely try to make something like this.


That’s a good method too! I’ve done that a couple times in the past - thrown an extra clone into a small 1/2 to 1gal pot just to pollinate for seed. First time I did it I just stuck them along the edge of the flower room. They got kind of choked out of the light and didn’t produce as many seeds as I’d hoped. So the 2nd time I did it I set the plants up on stands so they were closer to the light and it worked much better but took up more space so I just went back to my old method.

I have an old grow cabinet I built like 15yrs ago that I use to keep males in but it’s too small + not enough light to flower females too. I’d like to buy a tent to use for true full-on pollination (with both male and female plants) but need to find/set up a good space to do it in (don’t want to deal with having it in the same space as my sensi’s). I have one in mind. We’ll see…


Ya these are under a 125-150w quantum board style light so I won’t be surprised if I don’t get a ton of seeds. The convenience of being able to take them away to pollinate them make the choice so appealing for me. Any seeds that come of this are just for recreational use anyways so if there aren’t a ton I won’t be disappointed. Enough for me to be wasteful with where I can cull without any care is all I’m after, and ability to share beans if anyone here happens to want any. Not doing any kind of wiki giveaway or anything like that though.

Triangle Kush female - Triple Sunshine E & H pollen.

In my defense the bee was stuck in a spiderweb with a busted wing.


You’re mad. I love it.


graphene eyes
The flash on eye is wild. The texture on it is cool. Looks like carbon fiber.


Dude… Is that real? When I looked at those two pics, I was like,”Syzygy must’ve superimposed that fucked-up bee picture onto the plant pic…” haha.


Peta going to be knocking at his door for starting a new trend bee pollination tech :joy:


I forget where I saw it but it was mentioned on one of the other forums way back that gluing a bee to a stick works well. I’ll probably try it again later today when I pollinate another Trip Sun A plant…

Lav Jack is definitely smelling similar to the “sativa” lav jack I had. Not sure about the exact same smell but definitely in the same realm.


Ya it’s real. It’s actually pretty good for getting all the pollen off of a surface and moving around the flowers without worrying about snagging and ripping off pistils. Feels like a good mix of fine bristle brush hairs & qtip qualities.

This Trip Sun A bud was pollinated with a brush earlier and wiped up the spilled pollen that was on the leaf with the bee. Seemed decent enough.

Bubba Kush


What do you have it attached with? What’s that bubbly stuff?

And please don’t tell me that’s the D.A.R.E ruler you’re using haha.


I think if I were to do it again I’d go for some kind of malleable yet strong enough gauge wire. I used a bamboo skewer and put some hot glue on it then pressed it into the bees back. I’d also make the bee parallel to the skewer or wire in the future so that I could get it all the way in the vial for collecting pollen. I had to pour out some pollen onto wax paper to use the bee this way.

This style of cheap hot glue gun

Bamboo skewers

Lav Jack


Almost like… It was made to do that :thinking: :joy: That’s a really good idea but… also kinda weird. I love the ingenuity though! And you’re kind of fulfilling the bee’s destiny lol

Also, I got really bored smoking and waiting for routers to restart and couldn’t help myself…
I’m just gonna leave these here :rofl:
is this how to make seeds