- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Too early to tell but impulsively I want to cull it because it’s not too unusual. My first instinct is often wrong though so obviously I won’t. As far as superficial traits I like the uniqueness of the A more and they are similarly frosty. G is probably slightly frostier if I were pressed on that though. Similar odor. Both have that elongated thing going on which I’m assuming is from the SSDD but I’m no authority to be able to say that definitively. We’ll see how it smokes, but if it doesn’t blow me away I’ll toss it in favor of A. The calyx to leaf ratio and overall bud structure appears superior on the A as well.

I was smoking A last night again and I just can’t pin down whether or not it’s potent. I go back and forth between thinking it’s weak to actually pretty strong. One of my friends who doesn’t grow said it appears to not be ultra-intoxicating but then hits him later how messed up he actually is. I’m still sticking with the position that it is medium to medium high strength, but that’s what I like so it’s a keeper for me. I’m going to get it tested if we get testing here just to see what sort of cannabinoid profile it has, mostly because it agrees with my system so much. Interested to hear your take on it, assuming the clones have recovered from their cold journey.

F is way too early to tell or speculate on.

Since I haven’t smoked any of the clones my opinions about the plants :

Lav Jack / TK stand out as plants I want to keep around for a while for sure. Depending on how TK actually compares to TS-a will probably determine the long term fate, but I expect it will stay until at least next winter (LJ too). Smells different from my other 2 Lav Jacks and I actually like the smell of this one a bit more I think. Probably the strongest smelling in the tent and the way it mixes with the offensive and putrid smells of some of the other plants flowering is really cool.

Bubba seems resilient but nothing too special on plant traits. I expect to really like the flowers on it based on what I’ve read though. Hardly any smell compared to a more modern variety but I’ve read in the BK thread here that the smell really comes in after cure when you break the buds up.

Pinesoul similarly is a nice plant. I like how it grows, and it smells stronger than my Goji F1s did, and most if not all of my F2s as well. I don’t feel strong pressure to keep it because I know I can always do a big hunt on my F2s and find a similar plant. We’ll see what the effects are like. If it’s as uplifting as my Goji F1 it may contend for a long-term spot.

TS-g is a nice plant and probably the frostiest in the tent still. It’s a toss up between LJ and TS-G, but I think ts-g is frostier. Lav Jack trichomes appear to have a slightly longer stem and the contrast of trichomes on purple make them pop a bit more.

C91 I actually dislike the plant.

Looking forward to a grow when I can get the timing right on IRENE. The smell description on that one sounds nice to me.

Interesting, Think I’ll probably copy you and take this one in-between 60 and 65 days then. I fully intend to run it again so I can play with longer flower times in the future too.

I was just thinking about asking you in your thread last night and after searching for about 15 minutes saw you mentioned that you took yours 75 days but felt it was ready at 70? Unless my memory is off. Do you still feel that’s a good harvest window?


Heh, think I like the look of both of your previous LJ over NN’s cut :thinking:


Yeah the sativa lav jack definitely looked cooler in person and may have smelled a tad bit stronger. This nn cut is more purple than my sativa pheno for sure, especially on the leaves. The bud structure and calyx to leaf ratio on the nn-cut actually looks really similar to the sativa pheno. I prefer the odor I think on the nn though. I do believe that it’s realistic to find a similar quality plant out of a pack or 2 of LJ seeds though, so for diversity sake I think it’s good if people keep searching and finding unique phenos.

I only ran my Sativa LJ pheno once so my knowledge base is a bit limited, but when I harvested it the effects were really more “indica” than I was expecting. Would have been nice to compare them side to side though so I don’t have to rely on my memory from 6+ months ago.


Yeah, I’ve been there, and have done it early in flower, but you’re pretty close, probably worth just letting it ride out and give it a smoke test at least.

I’ll do my best to give an honest opinion of A and F after growing them out… They’ve graduated from quarantine and are in the veg tent now, as expected, F is growing at a faster rate with her more developed root system, but the two copies of A are starting to pick up steam now.

Yeah I think it’s a very strong smelling plant too. I get hints of the acetone/nail polish thing, but not becuz it actually smells like that, it seems the smell is so strong it gives you that burning nostril feeling, similar to nail polish, or Vicks vapor rub or something. It hangs on to the smell well in dry/cure as well. Would definitely be interested in trying a more Jack leaning pheno though.

Yeah I’d agree that it’s pretty low odor until the end. Definitely has rich chocolate/coffee/kush tones once it’s broken up, but that one seems best consumed within 6-8 months of dry. I would like to find the Katsu and other Bubba cuts to compare, but they’re not as easily accessible. Looking back, I think the Baba Kush 5 smelled superior to the Berger Bubba Kush…

Yeah def 70, I think 75 may have been too long. I think you’ll probably find the Pinesoul similar in effects to your F1, but, we’ll find out soon enough.

lol, I’ve grown quite fond of her and looking forward to running her again, but each to their own! After extensive testing of both of them, I’ve found that I prefer the Chem91SkVa smoke over the Triangle Kush. I didn’t find her to finicky really, she just seemed hungry to me throughout my grow of her, but the smoke still came out excellent. The Chem 91 gives me more mental simulation than the TK does, and I don’t really build much tolerance to it. I also think the Chem 91 tastes better than the TK, in the vape and in regular smoking methods. I’m not saying the TK is bad, and I like its effects too, I just think the Chem jives more with my chemistry.

Irene smells stronger than the Bubba, and is worth growing. Stronger smoke than the Bubba for me, like the Bubba crossed to an OG or something. She grows pretty slow in veg though… with weird branching and mutations. Get her to a nice size bush before you flip her. Then get ready for the oniony granny perfume!


Very interesting! Here in my setup A is noticeably more vigorous. F is actually kind of slower growing here. The vegetative traits seem much more SSDD than TK on my plant here. I’m sure A will catch up over there and pass up the F, especially come flower time. A friend started flowering out a scrog of A and was commenting on the vigor as well. Very interested to hear how it turns out for him as I’ve only grown it in 1 GAL or less containers.

Yeah I was looking at that 10k jack x a5thai from nn/docd at headiegardens but I know I’d never actually get to it. Sounds like it could be a fun pack to explore though.

Not surprised at all there.

I think your plants always look healthier than mine though. I’m a bit more confined in terms of space so the idea of running her in a 1 GAL pot doesn’t really excite me. I’ll try it in the lower light area though and maybe it will turn out better.

Interesting to hear you compare it to TK. I haven’t actually smoked either yet so it’s all an unknown to me. Judging strictly on plant traits I prefer plants like TS and TK because they seem better suited to how I grow. I like the TS-A plant traits more than TK as well.

I figure there has to be something about the smoke to make people keep such a finicky plant alive for so long. It’s entirely possible it would be my absolute favorite finished product out of everything. I still despise the plant haha.


This is my set up. The velcro inner wall is quite useless as far as keeping light out of the other side. Took a lot of tape and I ended up just making it an open 4x3. Wish I just had a 4x4!

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Here’s a tent shot too because I didn’t pull out the C91 out of the tent to take pictures. In the tent I can’t back up far enough to get more of the plant into the frame.


SSDD #1 and 2 moved into the flower room last night.

Now the fun starts! :grin:


Do you have the Vivosun brand? Or spider farmer? That’s the vivosun pictured but I was thinking of ordering the spider farmer.

I’m not sure if I would ever even use that inner wall, but if I did I don’t think I would be flowering and vegging at the same time. Unless it was just to get a male plant flowering in that smaller compartment or something.

This tent will be mainly for breeding projects, and if it’s not being used for that then it would be an extra veg space. So i’d only be flowering small seed runs in the tent. I’ve debated just getting the 4x4 but it would take up more floor space and require me buying another LED light (+ the added electricity cost of another light). I don’t really know that the 4x4 is necessary for what I plan to use it for… that’s what I’ve been debating. lol


Definitely seems like some bubba leaners are coming out of those f2s :face_with_monocle:


My ssdd (pollinated) is not looking all that similar to the bubba (pollinated) in this side by side. SSDD smells stronger and is stickier. Bubba has better bud structure and substantially larger bracts.

The only mom (of those ssdd F2s) trait that I feel confident identifying is the stem frost starting between week 2 and 3 of flower. Other than that I’m useless.

I pulled a few preflowers off the Trip Sun G (pollinated) plant and nothing. We’ll see come harvest if there are seeds buried in there. Similarly for the Bubba Kush preflower - no seeds. Looks like there may be a couple on the TK but I don’t want to disturb that plant because it’s so tiny.

I pulled out the Triple Sunshine A 1 pint plant and got 2 viable seeds from the first 2 preflowers I checked. Happy at least there will be some TS-A F2s. We’ll see how many, which will dictate whether or not I end up doing this again.

Trip Sun F starting to leaf frost a bit

Lav Jack trich shots


I don’t believe bodhi used that matt Berger bubba kush cut to make ssdd. I believe he used the Pre98 cut, despite the info you can find online. That’s just my opinion after having grown over a hundred or so of them, that berger cut, and seeing the pre98 cut @BirD grew out on here for at least a year.


Yeah, when he made that SSDD, nobody was even talking about the “Matt Berger” cut. Or Bodhi wasn’t, anyway. I’ve never seen him mention that cut at all, although I haven’t really been looking at anything but y’all’s threads in the last couple years, either, so…

That info’s probably on breedbay, but I’m not gonna look into it haha. I know for a fact that I never saw Bodhi talking about Matt Berger’s cut of Bubba back when he used to write descriptions of his hybrids, though. And back when he made that SSDD, he wrote descriptions haha.


The brand of mine is High Rise. I’ve had it for about 6 years. No idea where I got it, probably Amazon. It works great and if that’s the footprint you want the tent to take up then it would be a good option. Especially if you don’t plan to veg and flower on the separate sides. It’s doable but will take some tinkering depending if they made the inner wall design better.


I’m not in the know and don’t care too much. I did dig up the info from breedbay and posted it in the old-new B thread here early last year

Strain Name:
sunshine daydream
bubbashine x appalachia
Parental Information
f= bubbashine: original bubba kush clone x blue moonshine rare stretch indica male.
rare bodhiseeds strain of incredible resin and aroma with amazing pain relief qualities.

From : https://www.breedbay.org/community/threads/strain-description-bodhiseeds-sunshine-daydream.201355673/

mother: original bubba kush clone, i picked this cut up a long time ago, at first we thought it was called baba kush. a little more fragrant and stocky than the 98, less stretch and more kushy than the katsu. i think people are calling this original bubba or pre92? now.

From : https://www.breedbay.org/community/threads/strain-description-bodhiseeds-tigers-milk.201354459/

Could be, no way I’ll ever know though. Unless someone could get someone in the know to chime in doubt we’ll ever come to any meaningful conclusion. I’d have to assume the bubbashine grows differently than a carbon copy of the Bubba Kush used either way.


Yeah the online info breaks down to he used “original bubba kush”, which is also what the berger cut goes by, but it’s definitely not the one imo…

Oh for sure! I only said it to mean that to me, a lot of the leaf morphology I see in your f2s is reminding me of what I’ve seen in crosses and s1s from Bubba. Definitely still got moonshine and other stuff coming through, but that’s what I see :blush:


For sure, I’ve just observed how ridiculous and passionate people can get on this subject (not directed at you) and figured I’d stress from the start that I’m not qualified to have the discussion even. I couldn’t describe any differences between Katsu, Pre98 or the Berger cut. I can only think of a handful of bubba seeds that I’ve grown out even and this is the first and only bubba kush clone I’ve run, and my first run of it at that haha. My SSDD would grow out differently at times and when it looked most like bubba there were still some clear differences.

The thing that interests me most about the SSDD F2s initially is whether or not that stem frost appears by week 3 flower. That’s the only trait I’m 100% about - leaf shape and structure not as sure when environmental conditions come into play.


Short update on the Black Energy #12 x TS A&E cross attempt…
Flowers are 16f, I’m going to wait a few more days while they finish their stretch and kick out a few more pistils.

I went over to Spidy’s place to see if she had a spare bee. She’s fresh out. Haha :grin: We can make due with an Estée Lauder mascara or eye lash brush though! … :paintbrush:

Yes, I got the Godox V350o.
From my research it seems to be one of the most popular, and the results I’ve seen from others, especially the macro shots are phenomenal. I’m building a custom diffuser from an old laptop screen that should work great for dulling the reflections off the trichomes and show more detail. Like the Spidy pic where you see the white stripe going down her legs. I’m loosing a ton of color and detail there. She was chowing down on a fly while I was taking these pics. I didn’t get good focus unfortunately, as you can see.

I haven’t spent much time taking photos with the camera yet. Doing a lot of reading and learning the cameras menus. Starting to get the hang of it somewhat, so you should see some improvement in the quality of my images soon… I hope! Digging the Macro world!!!

Olympus has an in camera stacking program that should make things a little easier, if it works as good as they say. Should Save a considerably amount of time in post . The out of camera images I’ve taken so far look awesome, to my eye anyway. Got any tips , tricks or settings, please share.

Have a great weekend,
Grace and Peace


Going to be planting those field trip seeds probably within a week once I get some starter soil :call_me_hand: @syzygy hope for at least one female from the 4 :crossed_fingers:


Nice! I have a godox speedlight for nikon and like it. I use the softbox diffuser that came with it but was thinking about either building or buying a new diffuser for it as well the other day. The remote / wireless transmitter they make is pretty nice as well.


Yeah the amount of settings on these cameras can be a bit overwhelming.

My olympus point and shoot has integrated focus stacking and ya it’s pretty effortless other than needing to use a tripod. I know I’d use that option if my nikon had it, rather than manually doing it via software. I imagine the results will be significantly better on your camera than my point and shoot as well.

I don’t know where your knowledge level is but for me what really helped was starting out using manual mode and just playing around with Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO and seeing how those 3 affect the image. The various auto modes on your camera will adjust them for you but I think it’s helpful to get a feel for them by playing around. Also forcing yourself to use the camera a lot for non-gardening things, and especially with prime or fixed focal length lenses. An example would be trying to take landscape or portrait pictures with a prime-macro lens.

I still have to delve deeper into Darktable and currently am just adjusting levels on the JPG pictures I take, resize, and then upload here. This post from my old thread may help for getting into Darktable / GIMP though if you decide to go that route.

Both GIMP & Darktable are open source and are a decent free alternative to Photoshop & Lightroom. There are a few benefits when it comes to shooting in raw and Darktable is the program you’d use to make adjustments to the raw file. Some camera settings like white balance can be adjusted afterwords in the raw file as opposed to JPEG shooting.

Completely forgot I sent some of those your way, hope you find something good! How are you liking the pinesoul so far?