- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Outdoors it’s killing it I think I’m going to have a decent amount of pinegoda seeds from her really happy in the 100 gallons :joy: just got the other pinesoul clone in the indoor 4x4 tent uppotted to the 20 gallons she was rootbound in a 1 gallon for awhile and unhappy but just now starting to perk back up will get pictures tonight when I get home going to be flipping that tent one in about a week once she gain some vigor and health back excited to see how she compares to my old soul keeper I lost earlier this year pinesoul is quite a bit more finicky then old soul I’m thinking she might be better in crosses but will have to see once I flower her out but will be a great learning experience for when I dive into some of her crosses like soul mate soul food etc


I’ll add to this…a great way to shoot is in aperture priority mode. It lets you adjust your depth of field and then takes care of the rest for you without having to mess around with other settings.

It’s a great way to see how depth of field changes you image. With a stationary subject though you have the time to play around with settings but for me aperture priority is where it’s at. I like to spend more time shooting than messing around with settings.

Nothing wrong with doing it how @syzygy recommended either, its just another point of view and something to think about.


I think this is my long term plan too! I found a few stouter plants in your f2’s with the same quality of high, and uplifting emotional affect. I will say I didn’t get the same frost or intensity in flavor from your f2’s, but those are not nearly as important to me as ease of growth and effect. I know you don’t tout your f2’s too much, but they check a lot of the same boxes as the Pinesoul cut.

Your plants look stellar this round!


Most of the F2s that I went through were pretty stout and compact also. There was a sharpie smelling pheno that was a bit taller and required staking as well.

I can’t comment on the high of pinesoul yet and how it compares. I’d say at least one of my F2s was frostier, but like you said not that it’s important. I did feel like the odor and taste on the Goji F1s and F2s that I went through could have been better for sure. Not every pheno that I sampled had the uplifting effect, though I feel like it could be found with some effort.

F2 that I feel was frostier than my current pinesoul plant :

Here’s some C91 pictures from tonight. The fan leaves are starting to go but I’m happy with how the plant has turned around since dialing back the light. The budleaves don’t look anywhere as miserable as they did before.

Day 52~


Probably going to keep pulling out a plant or 2 everyday until harvest at this stage. Gives me time to give each plant attention and allows me to take pictures everyday as well. Today is Triangle Kush which is also making me wonder what day would be the best to harvest it for a first try? I know Holy says he likes day 77 and am wondering if that’s the consensus or if anyone thinks it’s worth taking earlier.

I’m thinking so far for harvest schedules

Lav Jack - Day 60
Bubba Kush - Day 60
Pinesoul - Day 70
Triangle - Day 70 ****
Triple Sunshine G - Day 70-77 *** depending on trichomes
Chem 91 - Day 77-84

TK - day 53


Pulled almost everything out of the pollination / low light area. Removed dead leaves, watered them and examined them. TK appears to have almost no seeds. Bubba similarly. SSDD has seeds but is a bit behind on ripeness when compared to TS. TS A and G seem mildly seeded. Not sure if it’s a viability issue with pollen or if I’ll be surprised by hidden seeds buried in the buds, but I may have to do this again in the summer. Don’t care about seeded bubba or tk as they were just extra cuttings but i do want to have a lot of F2s on hand to play around with and share.

TK - flipped from cutting and it hardly stretched when compared to TS-A. Buds to me look different than on the 7 GAL pot and actually look a bit better. Frost levels seem higher as well. I’ll probably try growing TK like this in the future with a week or 2 of veg. Maybe it appreciates the lower light levels like bubba / chem seem to?

Bubba Kush - not much to say about this one. It does have a slight chocolate smell to it and is pretty leafy. Large calyxes and healthy leaves on this one.

Triple Sunshine F stems are looking fuzzy / frosty in person.

Triple Sunshine G has very high frost levels. Looks very similar to A with slight differences. I’d say this is the frostiest plant in the area. Smells pretty strong and offensive - rubbery sour (vinegar) fuely is my best attempt at the moment. All these pictures are of the seeded plant - other than the last one which is unseeded.


Triple Sunshine A - seeded

Side by side comparison phone shot demonstrating how similar they look. A is on the left and G is on the right.


so jealous over here… haha looks so perfect. only had space for 1x CSI bubba s1, super duper slow veg…


I know Nspecta sells seeds so he has an interest in promoting them but I remember in his potcast interview Bubba was the first one he jumped to when asked what line one could reasonably find offspring that are superior to the parent. Interested to see how it turns out! I have a few Pre98 bubba from Twenty 20 that I may try out some day…


Hey when the TK is finished up I can just send you my address and you can send me all the flower right? Thanks!

Really though that looks like my kind of flower…


Some pics of the SSDD f2’s in the flower room.



No training whatsoever. That’s how she’s naturally growing. Very excited to see what she looks like when she flowers.

And #3

Still the smallest of the 3 by far. And the only one I don’t have a rooted clone of yet, but I have at least 1/2 a dozen in the tray plus I can still take more clones if needed. I had to get her into flower though to make space in the veg room.

I definitely sprouted too many seeds. It’s going to be a PITA getting them all to fit in my flower space :joy:


That’s interesting. Almost like she maybe enjoys having less room for roots? Maybe?

That’s impressive. I mean, I’ve never intentionally seeded anything, but I do know that “resin production” is secondary to seed producing once something is pollinated. And that plant is frosty as fuck.


Could be, maybe someone more experienced with her knows. To me it feels like the TK in the 1 GAL pot is so small it probably hasn’t rooted out the container. I’m assuming it’s the lower intensity lighting in that area. They are both in the same soil mix. Not to say the other TK looks bad, this one just looks, feels, and smells a bit better.

Yeah for sure! It’s hard to say with certainty but I think it’s the frostiest that I have going right now. Lav Jack has longer trichome stems and the purple-tinted calyxes make them pop even more. The density and head size appears larger on the TS-G though. Either way both are quite frosty.

TS G / Lav Jack > TS A > Pinesoul > Bubba > TK > C91 in order of frost intensity in my flower area. I really like the smell of the Lav Jack and can see the appeal expressed by others holding the cut. Would make a nice ornamental plant just to fill the air with its aroma.

I pulled off a random lower bud of TS-A also today and it seems close - Probably a week or 2 to be safe as there’s a slight amount of green still on them

Wouldn’t hurt to cull if space is getting a bit tight! Could even wait to look for stem frost and cull anything without.

Yeah I like the look also and am looking forward to comparing it to the TS. I assume it’s going to be much stronger than the TS, but time will tell.


I don’t really like culling seeds before I see them flower. Especially seeds I paid for! lol

If I cull anything, it would be some of the clones (from my mother plants) I’ve been getting ready for flower.

I have those 3 big flowering plants that will be ready in 2-3 weeks. I think that will be what saves me! It will open up 3/4 of the space under my one light (which covers a 4x5 to 5x5 area).

I figure I’ll just keep the rest of the plants to a smaller footprint instead of training them to get bushy like I normally do. If I use all the available space under the lights I think I’ll be ok.


Oh, I just meant you could always cull one of the SSDD F2s if they are taking up too much space haha. If I ever germinate them I’ll probably cull anything that doesn’t throw early frost like the mom was my thinking.


Oh. Gotcha.

Yeah, I want to see all 3 of those flower out too. lol
I’m just as excited about those as I am the seeds I purchased :joy:


Lav Jack day 55. Smells great. Saw a single nanner coming out of a new growth spurt. Maybe it’s from the light fish emulsion application, who knows. Doesn’t bother me this late seeing as it’s coming down on Saturday. Will take and post shots of this plant again prior to cutting it down.

Feedback that I’ve gotten was that it smells like artificial candy / orange. Almost like that soft drink “Sunkist”.

I haven’t had it in decades but going off my memory I’d probably agree… Anyone else with the cut have any thoughts on that? I’m not getting any lavender notes that I can identify.

Cropped trichome shot

Focus stacked shot

Edit : here’s the LJ nanner just for transparency sake. May forget to get another shot of it before harvest.

Chem 91 pumping out clusters of nanners still. This bothers me more because the flowers are clearly nowhere near done.

lower bud


On NN’s LavJack? I didnt grow it but got some flower to try of it from someone here and I definitely didn’t get either of those. I definitely got lavender and terpinolene. Also smelled reminiscent of some space monkey I had awhile back :thinking:



We’ll see if it comes out on cure. I get a lot of the smell from my sativa lav jack which I’m assuming was heavy in terpinolene, but this cut is more citrus / candy smelling to me. I like it more than my other 3 Lav Jack aromas. Just goes to show that we can all interpret these smells differently and reinforces the need to read into everything with a grain of salt…

None of my Space Monkey females had an odor like this, but I did only go through 4 of them.


Could also be the feed changing the smells too ^^


I could see that. There’s some sweet candy smells, and I think the citrus is more on the sweet side in this clone. Lots of piney, jack smells, but I smell the linalool in there though, which I think smells floral/lavender. The smell is a little different just smelling the jars versus breaking up some buds too. When I pop the jar it smells more like the Sunkist soda…

Yeah I think this can play a part too, no doubt…

Amazing shot! Is this using the Olympus or Nikon? I think you get just as much clarity, if not more, in your photos of trichs, compared to mine…

Looks great too! Nikon Focus stacking or Zerene?