- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Very cool to hear that you can detect a bit of that smell too. I love how the smell has developed and could see myself growing out a 1 GAL or two in my grows just to have the smell around.

All shots were taken with the nikon z5. I’m trying to get more comfortable with darktable and lighttable to make the switch to raw, so eventually the pictures are going to look different without all the JPG presets applied. I guess the stacked pictures will still be JPG unless I manually export them to JPG since zerene doesn’t let you import raw…

I feel like your magnification is a bit better and is actually closer to my Olympus in how close you can get to the trichs. I’m going to keep practicing and trying to get better trichome shots but I don’t know if it’s realistic with this lens to get much closer. The raynox came and got returned within 10 min because I couldn’t get it to focus at all w/ my lens so I may try the extension tubes again when I have more free time. Will probably just use that money to buy a macro rail.

Zerene. The Nikon stacking option as well at a painful 10s delay between shots for the flash. Was thinking with a macro rail I could probably knock it down to like 5 pictures or less with a low power flash for a reasonably fast recycle time. I think you said you manually shoot your images for stacking with a rail, right?

I was watching an insect photographers videos and he was getting some pretty impressive results handheld with that method & a flash so it inspired me a bit. If he can pull it off handheld then I should hopefully be able to impove the quality using a tripod & rail haha…

Zerene is another program I’ll have to learn how to use (brush), still on the trial on that though.


I didn’t pick up on any citrus from the sample I tried, but the “candied” thing was extremely noticeable. There were a LOT of different,”Oooh, how interesting…”-type things going on with it and all of them tasted like they were coated in a hard candy shell. “Candied floral,” “candied grape,” etc etc etc.

I thought it was pretty cool haha…

That’s irritating.

I think you’re gonna like the smoke, too. I really dug it. But not enough to get a clone of it haha…


I said this last year when I harvested that cut for the first time:

For me, the lavender comes out more in the cure as the citrus and berry decline. It still smells great after 5-6mo in jars, but the smell’s brightest when fresh.

I’m surprised and impressed you got her to throw nanners - you must be running a Guantanamo grow over there. :joy: It took 4 applications of STS and 6 weeks of 12/12 before I started to see nanners, and now after 8wks she’s still not dumping. Same for the Matt Berger Bubba. Pic is seven different cuts after 6wks from initial STS application and flip:

:sun_with_face: :rainbow:


IME you usually need to spray the STS every 2 days or so until you get nothing but balls and pollen starts dropping. The Berger Bubba Kush herms easily though. She threw balls and nanners all 3 times I grew her. Most were buried in flowers. Couldn’t even see them unless you took them apart.


Ya what you and others have said has seemed accurate to me up to this point. Can see what you were saying about wanting to live in a bubble of that smell. The medium potency comment sounds nice to me as well.

Also, what day do you prefer the TK taken at?

Thanks… I think haha.

It was only one singular nanner that I saw on the whole plant so definitely not even a big deal. I intend to try to keep it around for a bit for sure.

0 nanners still on either of my Bubba Kush cuttings. Seems like a really hardy plant here without any major signs of stress and still has healthy leaves. Haven’t seen any nanners on the Pinesoul, TK, Triple Sunshine, or SSDD either for what it’s worth.

Definitely an appealing smell and not offensive at all. I’d say my sativa Lav Jack was much more floral than this cutting without the candy / sharp sweetness.


Yeah that’s what I thought too until about 8 weeks in :mask:


When it comes to the search function here I’m pretty inept. Week 8 (Day 56) is close to harvest time, no? Or are people taking it 70+ days? I thought I read someone say they take it around day 60 but I’m struggling to recollect. Will probably check the trichs later with the Olympus now that I’m curious.

on another note - I’m happy that this is something like the 6th time I’ve had a TS-A in flower without ever seeing any intersex issues on it. It’s been exposed to pretty much every stress it would realistically be subjected to in my environment and has stayed stable through it all.


Yeah, the sample I tried wasn’t necessarily “strong,” but it’s an extremely satisfying high. The first time I blazed it was with a friend of mine who smokes wayyyyyy more weed than I do and he really liked it. I did, too.

I think it’s gonna be up right up your alley.


So, most I’ve found say you wanna take that MB Bubba Kush to at least 9 weeks, day 63, maybe 10 weeks, in order to really get the ambers in there and get the full effects.

However, she tastes and smells best around 8 weeks. The high won’t be as strong, not that it’s that strong anyways, and not as much effects. But it’s tastier lol

I took her to 9-10 weeks if I remember right :thinking:


I’m preaching to the choir at this point, but it’s truly elite. I don’t think you could easily find another pheno that’s this good all around, even hunting through 5 or more packs of seeds. :man_shrugging:

Having run a couple/few dozen old and new school “elites” in the last year+, this @nobodysnursery cut of Lavender Jack is in a class above all but 3 or 4 of them. She visibly swells a lot in the last week so make sure to take her to at least day 63F, maybe as much as 65 or 67, to get the best outcome. You’ll know when she’s ready to harvest because she starts to flop everywhere and then gets a strawberry cast to her leaf frost a couple days prior to when she stops drinking. That visible swelling, the flop, and the hue change are telltale signs.

I agree, a few nanners is no big deal. It was a dumb alliterative joke about how all y’all be running torture chambers.

I’ve only grown that TK cut twice so far, and the first run was not great. That said, she’s a 10-11 week plant for sure. Like the LJ, she visibly swells, flops, and projects ripeness to signal when she’s done.

I was talking to @iamyou_youareme a couple weekends ago and told him I’ve come to prefer the chem 91skva over the TK and I think he agreed. They’re a similar level of potency, but the 91 has better flavor, is a MUCH better plant to grow, and has a headie component to the effects that is more enjoyable to me.

Don’t get me wrong - the TK is very good all around except in growth/morphology, but it’s less nuanced in flavor and effect - it’s just straight relaxing feel good weed. I like that, but I prefer having my senses heightened rather than just feeling fuzzed out. I emptied the 91 jars 10x faster than the TK jars, but I can certainly see why people who prefer straight indicas might like smoking the TK more.



Do have to agree it is a step above anything else I’ve grown. I think I took mine a little late at like 73 or so. Curious which other cuts have been your favorites?

Yeah the 91 I grew impressed me, even when it was grown awfully. Finishing up another go at it in a couple weeks. It just has a really nice euphoric heady component. And yeah I prefer its growth structure to TK - it’s somewhat viney like TK but much sturdier. TK is so freaking lanky.


:thinking: I get about the complete opposite of this between these two. The TK has a better stature imo. Given the same veg time between the 91 and the TK, and both happy the whole way, you’ll get more out of the TK than the 91 hands down. The TK generally needs some LST to keep her shorter whereas the 91 doesn’t really need anything. Maybe some defoliation :man_shrugging: The TK also doesn’t herm. If you even manage to get nanners, they’re 99% sterile. Least if you were monocropping for sure. Whereas the 91 can easily throw late nanners that are very much viable.

Nail the TK and there’s a ton of flavor in there too. It just doesn’t have that almost sour component the 91 does, but it’s more complex. Done right, at her worst, she tastes like some of the best hash around. At her best you’re getting multiple nuanced flavors. If you got primarily rubber, then she wasn’t done right at all.

I also get a much more cerebral/functional high out of the TK than the 91. The 91 gets me more of a stoned feel than the TK does. Slightly less functional. More don’t-wanna-do-shit after awhile. I don’t get that at all from the TK.


Katsu describes it as a 63-70 day flower time for ‘full narcotic effects’


This isn’t katsu’s cut tho, it’s matt bergers. But generally same thing I heard across the board ^^


Yeah - he has spoken on the pre98 though, as he has made s1’s of it


I’ve been thinking about upgrading to mirrorless - did you have a non-mirrorless DLSR before? What advantages have you noticed?

I hadn’t noticed that… I know Photoshop will let you import RAW, though focus stacking is much more complex through PS. I’m not sure about Helicon, but I assume so. Helicon is more built to work with automated rails, it appears.

Maybe, I’ve gotta get about 6 inches away to capture the images I use for the extreme close-ups…

Kinda pricey, but the images look fantastic with that lens.

Bummer! Yeah it’s hard to know with photography gadgets what will actually work for your purpose. The manual macros rails are relatively cheap and worth a shot. You could use it with both cameras if the Olympus is tripod compatible…

Ah yeah, probably can’t run the flash that fast, gotta recharge the capacitor or something… Have you tried without the flash? Just super bright lighting pointed directly at the subject… I use a magnify glass that is mounted to the table that has built in LED lights…

Yes I do, usually with F5 or so, I’ve gotta take about 10-15 images to get good results. You’ll have to play around. You can get better with 20-40 images. My Zerene license is also expired, so I haven’t been using it as much, I’m thinking about grabbing the license again though.

Yeah! I think I’ve seen that video, pretty impressive results. The rail will definitely help though!



Yeah, something with the Chem91SkVa just hits me a little better than the TK… tastes a little better, makes me feel great… again, not saying TK is bad, I really like it too, but if I had to make a choice between the two… it’s just personal preference, there’s no right answer.


The pre98 cut is different than bergers cut. That’s one I’d love to run actually. Matt’s cut is referred to as ‘pre93’ or ‘original bubba kush’, but I don’t think it’s either :sweat_smile:


oh really? jeez so many different bubbas… haha


Ya you may be right about that, with emphasis on the ‘this good all around’.

My purple pheno looked pretty similar but did not have the odor or same degree of frost levels. The sativa pheno had slightly higher odor but poor bud structure and the smell wasn’t nearly as attractive. Just to name a few observations off the top of my head. So ya, none of the 3 that I found from seed were the complete package. That said I still think we should strive to keep finding better and different stuff so pop your seeds if you have them haha.

Ya he convinced me that I should really try to hold off judgement and try harder to do a better job growing it out. The finicky nature (for me) of that plant makes me prefer the TK plant, but we’ll see about finished product - including when grown with less stress in the future.

If that’s how it is going to hit me then it will have a lot of overlap with my TS.

The test that doesn’t lie…

Don’t have anything to add just wanted to confirm that your comments early on seemed to really be accurate as well.

My TK does appear to be producing lots of buds. Accidentally knocked off a bud when pulling the plant out of the tent earlier to strip leaves so am going to have an early sample in about a week…


No, I’ve been on crappy cameras until now. My sister offered to give me one of her lenses today and I had to decline because I don’t have an adapter that would let me use non z-mount lenses. -1 for mirrorless. The lens availability really sucks, though I have been eyeing those laowa ultra macro lenses for a few years now… Don’t feel like shelling out 400$+ though.

Ya I’ve been eyeing those for a long time and looking for cheap fixes like extension tubes and the Raynox 250.

About to do a photo dump and break up the responses into a 2nd post so this isn’t an enormous wall of text.


:100:% here. They’re both really good weed and down to personal preference for which one wins between the two. Can be a really hard decision :sweat_smile: