- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Not sure that’s the point of listening to the podcasts or interviews though. Probably not the best analogy but here’s a quick attempt :

I know you rescue your dogs but let’s say for argument sake you were going to buy an expensive designer puppy for 5000$. The genetics are listed and the parents are papered but you were given the chance to hear the “breeders” speak. All you care about is the genetics and there’s no benefit to listening to a promotional interview that attempts to make them relatable.

Turns out they are mispronouncing many basic terms and unable to accurately spell the breed that they are charging an exorbitant amount for. They display a complete lack of relevent knowledge and blame genetic defects like hip dysplasia on things like rabies vaccinations. You later discover that they only happened on the parents when they were given puppies from someone else and had no hand in sculpting or improving of the line. The only part they played was receiving the genetics from someone else.

Hearing them talk before paying out the 5000$ would probably have saved you a lot of money and headaches. Similarly for seeds - you can save time, space and money by allowing people to talk you out of a sale through their interviews.

I’m not interested in personal stuff either. Information about approaches to breeding, genetics, or any other relevent plant info seems good to know to me.


Alright. So what you’re saying is that Skunk VA is a moron? Haha. That really, truly is not surprising to me at all… I’m still not gonna listen to that podcast, though. I don’t see any need to confirm what I already suspected.

Too late for that; I already have like ten packs of his gear in my fridge haha. I’ll grow some out next round just so we can see what happens with it. I will say that the first time something hermed on me and shit got all seeded, it was the grow that I planted some of his gear. I can’t say for certain whether or not his plants were the culprit, wasn’t even looking for intersex stuff, but, I mean…

Yeahhhhhh… Of course. But are they being honest? That’s what I always wonder and (one of the reasons) why I’m just like,”Pssshhhh… Whatever.”

Too late now, anyway. He’s already got my money.


Catching up on this thread has taken a minute. So much to absorb haha. Looking good as always @syzygy. Its been a great read and I appreciate your effort with the pictures.

Man loving the debates too haha. Excelent point on the Potcast. It is basically good for identifying if people have a clue about what they are claiming or in some cases its the only source for genetics info. Especially when the market is based so much on trust and assumption.It also lets me know who I’d want to business with or not. I was thinking of trying Swami but after listening to his episode he seems like he is belligerent and willfully ignorant. So hard pass haha.


I was more or less trying to convey that there is a use for the interviews outside of listening to how fascinating they are as human beings. This sort of filtering is commonplace when making purchases and you do it subconsciously all the time…

As for SK VA - I don’t remember and it wasn’t my point to shift into a pointless attack on him. I just remember I was considering a purchase from him and once I heard his potcast interview I lost all interest. I forget what the red flags were as it was a few years ago.

Ya I’m just saying in my case haha. Too late now if you already have them unfortunately…

They could be BSing. Sometimes allowing them to talk is enough to understand their thought process and approach though. It’s just another bit of data for making a decision really.

For sure! I don’t feel bad about buying packs from Bodhi after listening to his interviews and they provided at least a little bit of background info on some of the genetics he’s working with. The Adam Dunn interview had the potential to pull out some really interesting information but sadly the host self-sabotaged on that one…


Grabbed some better pics of your SSDD f2’s.


That top cola looks like it’s going to be a monster! The plant is just so ridiculously big.
It’s sucks because the same thing is happening to my other seedlings waiting for space to open up in the flower room. I usually don’t like to train seedlings because I like to see how they want to grow naturally but I may have to make an exception and just top the plants in veg.
I don’t want to deal with more plants growing into the lights. lol


And #1)


If you make the TKxTS I would love to run some.


Hopefully a good sign! #2 looks like it’s the frostiest from the pictures as well.

I’m going to shuck the SSDD , Bubba and TK this weekend but I’m sure the TK will only have a couple seeds that are going to all get popped here. If I make more for sure though.

LJ trimmed and dried - ready to go in bag.

TK day 73

TS F no clue what day


You mentioned flipping it back on Feb 14th, but I’m guessing you flipped it before that :thinking: otherwise today is day ~36.


Good call! Sounds right looking at the picture. Buds seem a bit on the small size but I remember C was fairly lackluster until ~day 70. C was substantially frostier than F as well though.

Also early sampled Bubba 2x and noticed (for me) it seems similar in effects to the LJ but had a stronger head high which I didn’t expect. Didn’t last very long (1-1.5H duration) but we’ll see how it comes out on the cure.


Yeah, that was my bad. I did the Uber shit today. For whatever reason, it really gets to me. Like, whenever I’ve had a “real” job or a normal job or whatever, I’d always just leave work and anything that might’ve gotten on my nerves during my shift was forgotten the second I walked out the door. I’d never come home and bitch about my job, can’t stand it when people do that. The Uber stuff reeeeeallllyyyy bothers me, though, I dunno why, but I have noticed that it affects my mood and I have a tendency to be a dick for a few hours afterwards.

I shouldn’t have said that about Skunk VA, is my point haha. I actually follow him on IG (which I only log on to once a month, maybe) and he seems fine. I’m gonna make a concerted effort to be aware of how I’m feeling after these Uber things and maybe just be silent for a few hours afterwards.

Yeah, I’ve only ever listened to two podcasts in my life, the Bodhi one and the Doc D one and neither left a bad taste in my mouth.

Still, though… I’d rather not know haha.


Dude, I’m reading that ‘91 Chem thread you posted a link to right now. From Skunk VA: “ I was told “DON’T ever give this to ANYBODY” and I’m a man of my word. So that’s what’s up. I gave it to 5 people over all these years.”

I’m sorry, but, um… “I’m a man of my word, so I only gave it to five people, despite being explicitly told to not share it,”? :joy::joy::joy::joy: That’s what’s up, indeed…


I just wanted to be clear that wasn’t what I was trying to say and that’s why I commented on that part. I see it as the same kind of hustling that was typical of 90s-00s dealers. Came across as marketing from a used car salesman rather than someone whose passion is breeding.

Ya the potcast interviews that I listened to were full of contradictions as well. Stating over and over how Chem is the absolute best and nothing comes close wasn’t the most effective sales pitch for Zkittles X Chem91 and his other offerings. Now that he owns a dispensary suddenly he has come to appreciate all the variety in Cannabis and Chem curiously seems to have fallen off its pedestal…

Something tells me real breeding that justifies a 160$ a pack price isn’t taking place but that may just be me. I think I’d rather just buy 4 retail packs of bodhi & get the 2-4 freebies with them.


Damn that was a lot to catch up on… That LJ looks so goooooood.
Excellent work as always!


Haha not a bad read on it. My impression was that he has found a good male and is now using it on all the popular strains - a pretty common strategy. It does seem like the releases are decently tested - having the dispensary probably enables testing them decently to select good phenos for selling at the store. His chem focused lines have had some very glowing reports, which convinced me to try out lucky dog stuff. In my experience growing guerilla fume f2s, they are some very tasty plants with nice euphoric evening highs, one in particular has this delicious mango fresh hops (like citra hops) thing going. Some of my favorite to vape lately.


His “decent male”, least the chem91 bx3 male he’s using, allegedly came from a male found in chem91 s1’s which I find pretty dubious :eyes:

Not the first I’ve heard of full blown males in those s1’s but, I really think it’s pollen contamination, not magical males.


I thought it had some background using 707’s work - either the chem or sfv as the first male. Can’t say for certain haha.


:thinking: maybe… I suppose I could be wrong there, but I coulda swore he said 91 s1’s. Might have to go on a search now lol


Yeah its been a bit since I listened to that potcast episode, but I remember something about 707 giving him a bunch of seeds of his work with chem.



I have a hard time justifying paying $100-150+ for a pack of seeds that may or may not have anything as good as what I get from a $45 pack of bodhi seeds.

If there is a better value for your money out there than Bodhi, I haven’t found it yet… (though, id love to! lol)


Yeah, I couldn’t finish that thread, got a little annoyed reading it, but I did notice that he kept shitting on Chem D in posts from 2014. He made a hybrid of that just a few years ago haha. I had a couple packs of that one in my fridge, but I traded one of them for that Oaxacan x 88G of Bodhi’s. I guess now Chem D is good or something? Now it’s “hybrid-worthy”?

I mean, like I’ve said, the only time I’ve had something full-on herm and pollinate every single plant in the tent was when I grew some Lucky Dog stuff, but I can’t say for certain that it was his gear that was the culprit. Since I’d never dealt with intersex shit before, I wasn’t even looking for it, so I have no idea which plant(s) it was. Everything ended up heavily seeded, though. That grow was a total waste haha.

I’m still gonna plant some of his stuff at some point. I think? Haha. I’ve got multiple packs of his gear, so…

Maybe I should listen to some of these podcasts and start paying a little more attention, being more active on other grow sites and stuff. It’s just soooo fucking tedious haha.

Yeahhhhhh, the thing about it, why I bought those packs, was just because it was during the COVID quarantining, nothing at all to do except fuck around online and I just happened to have more money in the bank than I’ve ever had in my life (and probably will ever have again haha). I hadn’t bought any seeds in like five years and just went nuts. I even bought a bunch of fucking Greenpoint stuff haha.

I don’t necessarily “regret” buying the Lucky Dog gear, but I reeeeeaallllyyyy regret those Greenpoint purchases haha. I did also buy a ton of Bodhi’s gear, so… I guess that makes up for the other things haha.