- syzygy's journal - the clown show

She really swelled up towards the end, looks delicious… making me sad that my jar of Chem 91 is almost empty, haha. Nice photos, as always… you’ve gone to town with the stacking and macro stuff lately!

Good to hear the early TK was good! I liked the day 67 i grew, but i liked the day 78 better.

I think Lav Jack is good even at 60 days… also I’m not sure any weed is gotta make me feel “energized”, haha. I’ve never had any weed that really did that for me. Super Silver Haze is closest I’ve come, but it still has some body to it.

Your Trip Sun A and F are showing slight differences, the Trip Sun A wants to stretch more than F. F also has thinner leaves and more of them…

I just need to find some room to flower them out!


Maybe “energized” isn’t the best way to put it, but “motivated”? I’ve definitely smoked some weed (the Uplifts immediately come to mind, along with a lot of other stuff) that made me wanna get up and do things, even when I smoked it before bed, after a long, hard day of drinking and fucking around haha.

Are you gonna top those or anything? They’re looking a little “gap-y,” no?

But they look good! Haha. I like the way the leaves look on the plant in the last pic for sure.


My c5ss line and maybe half the Northstars are motivating herb. Heck pure green crack is too, for me.

I don’t think the lavender jack is bad, I just don’t think there’s really any jack ie haze ie UP/motivating to the high at all which is what I’d be looking for in a jack cross. I think not even the “vintage” “10k” jack cut itself has that at this point though. :thinking:


Sounds right! F seems to have weak and thinner stems in veg as well. F is reminding me a little bit of C but nowhere near as stretchy. There are a few similarities (C/F) in the early bud structure though. G and A seem pretty similar to each other as well.

Ya to my surprise it’s actually less effort using the rail and manual focus. Takes less time and yields a higher rate of ‘keepers’ - defined as images not screwed up or distorted when clicking align & stack.

Awesome, seems like I should probably wait until closer to day 75 then to pull it.

Ya for sure - I don’t even want to comment too much on it because it’s a pre-cure sample, but for me it hit how I’m expecting bubba to hit. Not reading too much into it at this point either way though. Definitely intend to keep it around for a couple more rounds though and will play around with different harvest dates.

Same - and I have to (choose to?) drive the dogs for their walks so that boxes me in a bit in terms of when I can consume.

For me the early tk sample was pretty energy neutral which is about the extent of what I’d seek out when it comes to energizing herb. Seemed equally good for relaxing or getting something done as well.

I’ve never had jack so that’s all an unknown to me. Me saying it appears to be more night time and not overly potent isn’t my way of slighting it either - I could see mothering a plant like that long term. I’d assume I have the least experience (or current interest) out of everyone participating in this thread when it comes to pure “sativas”. For me it’s not a big deal if it doesn’t come out like an old school Jack H, since I’ve never had it.

As boring as it might sound a good OG seems to fit the bill better than anything when it comes to being a daily driver. I’m excited that the TK appears to be just that. I’m assuming ultimately it will come down to sampling a lot of tk , c91, and pinesoul and figuring out which one resonates with me the most while also factoring in plant characteristics.

Having a good indica mom as well would be nice so I’ll have to see how it stacks up against bubba , Irene (eventually), and probably the c91 as well

Some day 70 pictures





Yeah i can see that. I also i don’t really smoke weed to really feel “energized” anyways, haha… it’s usually cuz i wanna chill out. There’s other drugs for making me feel energized, if i wanna go that route. Creatively motivated is probably a good way to put it.

Oh hell yeah, they definitely need some topping. The plan is to put them in the smaller SIPs, when i have room for them… the fuckin’ Afgooey is taking up half the tent, it’s a trip…

Send me some :wink: j/k… I haven’t smoked GC in a loooong time, it’s hard to find these days. Never knew if i even got the real Green Crack anyways…

Yeah i don’t think it makes me get up a go, but I for sure feel mentally uplifted, like creatively… i want to pick up the guitar, or make drum beats, or fuck around on the synthesizer… motivated to create.

Definitely. You can get pretty good results with only a few images… nice to see what a FF mirrorless can do.

Yeah, just just start pulling little branches every couple of days to see where you like it… probably different for everyone.

I can’t really claim that I have tons of experience with them either, but, I am really curious to explore more narrow leaf stuff, as there are wild claims about longer flowering “sativa” out there.


Right haha. Still, it’s always a pleasant surprise when something I grew/smoked ends up actually making me wanna get up and do stuff. As long as it’s not “rushy” or anything. Even that Uplift, which was a sort of “frantic” come-up, was pretty pleasant.

She looks awesome, though, healthy and green. Looks like there’s a bunch of bud sites, too.

You should hound Holy for some of those C5SS seeds haha. I’ve been sloooooowwwllllyyyyy trimming that #3 Cheese Haze plant and she definitely doesn’t look like anything I’ve ever grown before. She’s for sure a “Haze,” very delicate flowers.

A couple friends are supposed to come over this Saturday and I will absolutely be getting into her then, despite the fact that she hasn’t really been cured yet. She just looks too intriguing to wait haha and actually smells a lot like that Blueberry x Silver Lotus hybrid you made, minus the Blueberry part. Very onion-y and just… I dunno… Weird haha. But good.


If anyone who’s been following the thread is going to want any let me know. Preferably someone who’s posted here prior to this post. I’ll probably end up making more TS-A x TS-E because I am not going to have more than a couple TK x TS-e/h. I’d like to go through some TK x TS so I’ll probably make one more round of seeds at some point before letting the male go.

Only shucked the TS A F2s so far but within a week I should have

SSDD x TS-E/H mix
Bubba x TS-E/H mix (Not going to be a lot but I don’t want any of these so will give away any from this likely)
TS-G x TS-E/H mix (probably won’t remake this)
TS-A x TS-E/H mix

All of the seeds were deep in the bud when shucking so I’m pretty confident that the nanner issue on the C91 that started a few weeks ago didn’t contaminate this batch but that is a disclaimer for transparency sake.

In a week or 2 if no one here is interested I’ll offer some up in the B thread.


Chem 91




Quick snap of LJ before going into bag for cure. Will get a stacked shot of the buds later.

TK trichs


:joy::joy: I like how the first couple pics of the chem91 are banana’s :joy: bout done with it huh?


Without being hyperbolic I don’t think there’s an area on the plant that I could take a full sized picture and not have nanners in it. I don’t think I’m going to pull it before week 11 but who knows. The buds actually look decent in person when you ignore the intersex stuff though. The plant on average looks healthier than the TK does next to it. I was skimming through the ICMag c91 thread that skunk va created the other day and I don’t see a ton of similarities - I think he said he takes it at day 56 or around there. The buds appeared to have a flat top to them but I guess it’s possible he was using hydro store PGRs or something. Haven’t been through the whole thread though and it may just be a cultural / environmental difference at play there.

Not my pictures

Will give it another run and test the flower to see how it stacks up against the tk.


Yeah that looks closer to The Dog then the current 91 does :thinking: the current one has been going around since at least 08ish as nspecta’s and other pics look like the current one. Lot of speculation that it’s actually an S1 of the original 91 though due to how it breeds. Especially making “s1’s” of it. They look like s2’s. Wouldn’t surprise me. I think it’s the best of the current chem cuts though. I like it better than the variegated chem d and chem#4. But I like TK just a bit better than all of those :yum:


Ya I have no idea, a lot of pictures in the thread look similar as well so maybe it’s just environmental. I’m just confused by the whole 50~ days harvest window haha. I’ve never been that big into chems so it’s all unknown territory to me. I’m going to try to give it another shot and attempt to do a better job growing it next time.


I remember SkunkVA on a podcast saying that the best time to chop is on day 63 for potency…100% wrong IMO. So far, the longer it flowers the better for me when it comes to potency.

Edit: I blindly followed his advice the first time I ran the 91…NGL, I was disappointed that it wasn’t as strong as I thought it would be. Run it to at least 10-11 weeks IMO.


Thanks for posting the link to SkVa’s post about Chemdog… I went back and looked, and the tops of mine look pretty similar. The way the bracts stack on top of one another going outwards… I even remember the weird rounded/curled sugar leafs poking out.

Could just be difference in environment, mine only really did that towards the tops. Who knows though? We’ll just hope that it smokes alright :slight_smile: I think 70-80 days is the way to go with her…


Is it in the 80s F with the lights on in there? :thinking:
That usually causes foxtails for me on a lot of plants. When I grew out the 91 is it was always under 78ish and she never did that. Mine looked like syzygy’s. Maybe she got a little knobby at the end there but not flat like that :thinking:


Could have been… was late summer run i think. Usually 78-79 under LEDs though. The heat and excessive light will for sure bring out the :fox_face: :peacock:. I’m gonna run her again, but it’s gonna be in the middle of summer again, haha, we’ll see what happens.


Yeah, dude, that’s fucking crazy. I’m blind and even I can see them all over the place in those pics. You’re really gonna keep that around?

That pic looks the best to me.

I think maybe a lot of people exaggerate finishing times, like having some :fire: haha that finishes in eight weeks is some sort of enviable thing. I’ve grown a couple of Skunk VA’s hybrids and none of them were done in 56 days. I think the earliest I chopped them was day 62 and that’s only because they were covered in aphids.

I have a bunch of his stuff in the fridge, really oughta plant some more of it soon. I just haven’t been all that impressed with what I’ve grown so far.


Yeah I dont see how chem91 could be taken that early. Mines hairs are finally turning here day 68. Taking it a week+ earlier would have been a crime. Feels like 11weeks for me, Ill have to harvest at 10.5 either way. And yeah I needed more nutrients haha. No nanners that I can see.


Nspecta’s post in that thread doesn’t but maybe his recent pictures do. I am not that interested in chem so I never did a real deep dive into this stuff. Don’t really care either way, will probably grow it out 1 more time and decide if it’s worth it. If it throws nanners again then clearly it doesn’t agree with my environment.

source : nspecta’s post

Not claiming it is or isn’t the real thing - I don’t know enough or anyone involved to judge. Just observing that a lot of those pictures look way different than how the bud came out for me.

Ya just from being used to growing plants even at day 70 it clearly isn’t ready yet in my tent. Maybe 77-84 days…

Ya for sure - environment and cultural factors play a huge role. I remember for a while on ICMag tons of people seemed to be using Gravity or some other hydro store product aimed at reducing internodal space and making buds denser - which turned out to have PGRs in it if I remember correctly. That can affect how the plants look as well.

Ya looks like you did a good job growing that out.

If it was a seed I popped it would have been cut down and thrown out weeks ago. I was persuaded to give her another chance but I figure at least let her ripen to make sure the effects are even desirable first.

Absolutely. I like how there’s a handful of growers on this site that try to avoid hype and give realistic accounts.

I wasn’t impressed with his potcast interview at all and never felt the urge to order any of his seeds after listening to it.

What I was thinking too - realistically probably closer to 12 in my case though.


That’s (one of the many) reasons why I don’t listen to those things. I don’t wanna know too much, don’t really wanna know anything at all about these people beyond,”What’re the genetics?” haha. Same thing with all artists, really (and I’m not saying that these breeders are artists), but all I care about is did I like Tom Cruise’s performance in Magnolia or do I like Picasso’s “Blue Period” or is Dostoevesky’s The Idiot an incredible book. I don’t need to know how they spend their time. And if I do know and it turns out that they’re shitty people, I’m fine with that, as long as they produced something amazing.

I don’t need to like these people as human beings, I just need to like what they create haha.