- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I can get behind that. I do really like Appalachia, but that 91 is hands down the best of the chem’s imo. And TK is just a hair better than that imo.

I’m gonna try and listen to that potcast episode now and see if i can find out about that male again :thinking:


So yeah I think you may be right on this one. About an hour and 13minutes in he says he gave the chem cut to a buddy and some years later dude gave him beans back of it that was basically exactly what he was wanting to do anyways and would be the basis for his future work. Now idk where I heard the s1 stuff from tho :thinking:


Good to know I havent smoked all my memory away! … yet :crazy_face:


Some of the seeds I have were made with a “91 Chem bx2” and some were made with a “91 Chem bx3.” It says it right there on the packs haha. I know that at some point I looked into what the deal was with the different males, but I’ve since forgotten.

Doesn’t really matter to me. I’ve got the seeds, they’re gonna get planted.

Eventually… haha.

I do think the Durban Thai Highflyer cross sounds intriguing, though. I grew a different DTH hybrid from another breeder years ago and it didn’t look great, but the smoke was really good. That’ll probably be the next Lucky Dog stuff I’ll plant, whenever that is.


Sorry, I didn’t mean that to be directed at you or anything. Or even lucky dog.

I just meant in general. I have a hard time paying that even for well known good breeders. Though I definitely have in the past and will again in the future. lol

Like Humboldt CSI. I’m planning to order a few packs from him when his 4/20 sale hits (I know CSI is currently having a sale, but I don’t have the extra $ right now).
But my next seed purchase is going to be from Crafty Flame here on OG. Killer list of seeds and excellent prices.

I LOVE sprouting new seeds. It’s one of my favorite things in the entire world to do. I just hate the prices. lol

I wish more breeders were like Bodhi.


I didn’t think it was haha. We’re just talking.


That one always looked good to me too. I’ve seen some nice grows of it. I just never wanted to pay for them :joy:


I can’t wait to pop my pack of these…


You have? What sites? I wanna check them out.

Mhm, I know, it sounds like a very intriguing hybrid. Those’ll definitely be planted next round, but that won’t be until mid-August…


I may join you fellas then. I have really liked everything I’ve grow with that HP daddy. The Oaxacan we got in the early 70’s was something I can still remember, and those cells are fading, lol! Hollyweed V2 is next up, maybe July.

Let me know when either of you are getting an itching :slight_smile:


Yeah, I know you liked that old-school Oaxacan. I’ve never heard anything but good stuff about it, stoked about that cross for sure, but, like I said, they won’t get planted until August 15 (yes, exactly on August 15 haha). I can’t be flowering in the summer anymore, it’s just too hot and too dry and no matter how many humidifiers I run and how low I turn the AC down, it doesn’t matter. Super-annoying, but I’m not willing to pump my electricity bill up to two grand a month just to keep my temps at 91 degrees instead of 97 anymore. I’ll just take six weeks off and maybe act like a normal person this summer, go to a couple Dodgers games or something…


I knew that, lol! I forget shit, so remind me. I think it would be cool to see the same plants grown under totally different conditions, different coasts even.

Don’t blame you for trying to reduce stress, growing’s supposed to be fun, not a fight.

Too bad though about having to see the Bums, aren’t there some minor league teams out there, ha! We have the Durham Bulls, you may have heard of them, lol!


Have any favorites? The herer hp?

I think it would be fun to go through some of his TK s1s or the 2 TK S1 x TK he has. Price is a bit out of my comfort range though.

Seems like a few people in this thread prefer the chem over the tk. All this is so subjective anyways. I suspect I’m going to have similar preferences to yours but we’ll see.

Glad to see you’re still stopping by, hope the moving process goes easy for you.

Good points. I think it was the fume that I was looking at initially after reading @supershitfuck’s posts about it. Or whatever one he was growing.

Are you able to do outdoor grows where you are?

Think I’m going to cut down the TK tomorrow morning. It’s really dried out. Since it needs water it seems like it would make more sense to cut it now rather than hydrate it and cut it in a few days at 77. To me 2 days won’t make a ton of difference.


Rootbound irene smelling good




Yeah they’re both(TK/91) very close to each other in all aspects. It’s one of the multiple reasons why I think they’re directly related. Share a parent, or something. My feelings won’t be hurt either way. Strayfox agrees with me :joy:

75 days is usually close enough :yum: she looks great! They all do ^^


Ha, these are a few of my favorite things. I can see Julie Andrews singing this while hitting her vape in her nanny apt, lol!

Jamaican HP, Hindu HP, Raspberry HP X Chocolate Trip, Herer HP, Aluna, I’ve liked them all enough to think I’ll grow them again! All have been distinctly different (at least in my mind at the time, and don’t ask for particulars, lol!).

Other than some “Jamaican, and maybe the Punta Rojo” I’ve never had any of the moms straight up, but seems the HP lets them through nicely.

I did like the Herer HP a whole lot, but the Raspberry HP x Chocolate Trip would be my all time… I do need to grow that one again, really!


I’ve never been interested in the CSI stuff, just because it’s all feminized, but I will say that, reading that ‘91 Chem thread last night, Nspecta was the only one posting who sounded coherent and intelligent.

I dunno. We’ve got those string light things all around our backyard and they’re on until like midnight every night. They’re pretty bright, but I remember Elgalloblanco (where’s he been? Haven’t seen him post or even “like” anything in months) saying that he didn’t have any problems with his backyard lights, so… Yeah, I dunno. I could maybe try it. I’d soooooo much rather grow outdoors than in.

Or both haha…

She looks pretty done. And very good, too.


Yeah, I’ll tag you.

Mhm, for sure.


I just want to give 2 thumbs up for the rooting hormone in the syringe trick. I picked up one from my hydro store that has the molded plastic tip already on it and it worked amazingly well. Sucked up all the gel out of the bottle surprisingly well and made the process of squirting the gel into the plugs and then dropping the cuttings into the cubes SUPER efficient. I have always hated taking clones because it feels tedious but this was a breeze!

Thanks for sharing that!


Agree 100%. It’s made the process more efficient, streamlined and organized. As you said it’s very nice for getting everything out of the bottle as well. I’m still alternating between powder and gel but for the gel I’m going to keep using it for sure.

What’s the worst that could happen haha. Assuming you already have soil seems like minimal risk or investment.

That sounds interesting for sure. I agree, would be cool to see you grow those out. That Aluna (and Soar) always sounded pretty interesting to me as well. Lumbo :star_struck:

I think we’re on day 75 today… or 74/76… Either way I pulled it this morning as planned… Now I have to trim some pinesoul in a bit.

Smoked the tk again last night via the seeded plant that was cut down and it does come on pretty much right away which is cool. Usually the flower I grow takes a while to hit me. I get the same focused energetic buzzing feeling that the TS-A gives (gave?) me which was great herb for focusing on stuff. Hoping that’s still there with the day 75~ stuff. The effects really sit well with me so I’m pretty excited about having this around as a mom.

May or may not take the TS-G down today too - not sure.


adventure-time-sir-slicer (1)
Should be the exact same high as the earlier picked TK but even stronger and longer lasting.