- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I really liked the Soar I grew. Had a funky, maybe fermented even, orange smell. The high was very dreamy, without being overly spacy, very, very nice. Not get up and go weed, but wonderful calming happy time type weed. Look forward to growing it again, someday…


Haha, I dunno, maybe “wasting” some seeds. Now that I think about it, I put a male Mendo Purps x SSDD in the planter in our backyard like six years ago, just for fun. I dunno if it hermed or what, but for five years after that, a random weed plant would fully sprout and grow in that same planter. It didn’t happen this year so I kind of forgot about that, but the one last year (might’ve been two years ago) I just let grow for months and it fully flowered.

I don’t trust the soil in that planter, though, so I didn’t end up smoking it, just let it grow for a long time and eventually chopped it and threw it away. She smelled really good! Haha…

I don’t think I knew you grew that one. I liked the one female I ended up with, too. That’s another one, like the Zaps, where I’ve planted a bunch of seeds that always turn out fucking male haha, planted eight so far and only ended up with one female…


I would be interested in growing both. You have me drooling over the TS pics you keep posting. :drooling_face:


I’ll keep saying it, incredible shots!

With how the Triple Sun A x SSDD F1 and SSDD BBS F2 are turning out, I want to pop the rest of the ones you already hooked me up with. If the offer is still open in the future I’d pop some new ones.

Thanks again brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


These are all beautiful, but that Triple Sunshine A is stunning!


Yeah, that was right before I joined OG. It was in a folgers hempy, wanted to go forever, lots of reflowering. Surprisingly compact little plant too, I imagine it was an OMG leaner.

And that was actually one of the times I had two plants in one container, and had to chop one for being male. I put it in a cup water to try to get some pollen, but it hermed and died instead haha. The female looked a little slapped for a couple days, then came right back.


Hm. That’s interesting. The one female I’ve grown so far was also very compact, didn’t stretch at all, but she didn’t re-flower, finished at 56 days.

Or that’s when I chopped her, anyway haha. She really did look done done at day 56, though. Actually a little earlier than that, probably coulda chopped her on, like, day 50, but I waited until day 56.


I’d be interested in running them both please


Sure, send an addr to me and I’ll get a card out tomorrow.

Here’s some dry budshots

Bubba Kush


Lavender Jack


I’d like to participate

incredible bud shots btw


I’d love to participate! Looking amazing

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Sorry only have 2 stamps left - if I don’t get a response from the 2 people above you within a few days I’ll msg you…




Thinking I’m going to pull G tomorrow morning. So far I’m not liking the plant traits as much as A. Seems like a slightly more SSDD leaning TS. F feels like an SSDD pheno to me.

Both F and Irene smell pretty good. Irene is smelling like my baba kush did currently - liking the sharp intensity of the smell there. F has an ssdd-type aroma. Not extremely loud but it is smelling pretty good right now.


The odds gods have shown themselves. One male one female from the ts x ssdd. She will get vegged for probably another 4 ish weeks and flowered out in a 15 gallon pot! Clones will be had in case she rocks. Had a hunch that one was a male so I didn’t repot it and just gave the now lady more leg room a little while back, so got lucky there. Here we go! Thanks again for the seeds, my friend. Haven’t said it in a minute but everything you chop looks really great. I stayed out of the latest round of seeds because I’ve got so much to work through but they all sounded great… if you can’t get rid of that bubba cross, let me know. Anyway, here are the plants. Male first female second. She was sort of tucked in there amongst some knockable plants so I’ll pull her out tomorrow for a better shot, but she’s just settled into her 1.5gal now. They’ve been handling the stressors that are my tent well.




Man… I’m of the mind that every plant should be grown out, no matter how “mutant-y” they look, but that one sorta “shriveled” Vanilluna f2… I dunno. I might be forced to trash something that looked like that haha.


If its all just for smoke then yeah definitely. For potential breeding though, I’d have a hard time justifying using it unless its somehow the most amazing plant in the pack despite the weird looks.

I’d generally think, like the purple strains, the plants that can’t optimize photosynthesis will always be sub-par compared to a sibling that can.


Yeah, that’s kind of what I was thinking, is just,”How is that plant even gonna do anything?” But if syzygy wants to grow it, more power to him haha. I wanna see how it turns out, for sure, I just don’t know that I’d be willing to put in the time. If he wants to, though… Fuck yeah! I’m here for it! Haha.


I know DJ would say the mutants in his lines usually put out the best flower. Albeit usually not much flower either. Think he talked about it in the Pot Cast interview he did :thinking: among other places I’m sure.


Honestly I’m pretty happy with both the Triple Sunshine A & TK as daily herb. I don’t feel the pressure to find a keeper that would replace them, at least not immediately. That gives me the ability to look at stuff for novelty reasons. If I grow out the crop and don’t want to smoke any of it that won’t be a big deal - I have more than enough flower as is.

As I said I’m content with the TK & TSA. They are both different but remind me of the general effects of herb that was available when I started consuming. I liked everything I tried in the OG x 88 adventure for the most part but the jar test would still point towards TK & TSA as my preference. In that sense the OG x 88 run was as much of a waste as a round of mutants that I wouldn’t want to smoke since I still reach for the TK/TSA bag. I’m glad I grew out the OG x 88 plants regardless because I still have Triple Sunshine bags on hand. Growing the same strains can get boring so it’s nice to try other things still. It makes going into the tent area more interesting to me.

Ya I may be forced to trash it all based on space available. We’ll see though. That is one of the ones I’m most interested in, though it may lack the vigor to really do anything. If I start culling that will probably be the last one to get culled.

It’s neither. It’s boredom and scratching a nostalgia itch. If I did refresh the beans somehow through Fgens or pollen chucking it would only be to perpetuate my ability to revisit them again in some form. I’m definitely no breeder and have no desire to attempt a serious project with something I’m not even passionate about. Just curiousity / nostalgia again…

That may be it but I think it probably has more to do with lack of breeding taking place. My thinking back when I was exploring the line was that some of this weird stuff may have different ratios of alt-cannabinoids than you typically see in commonly available strains. Testing wasn’t really available back then (and still isn’t now where I am) so it was just a thought. I’ve seen a few posts from people here suggesting that CBG strains produce more crystalline rosin - which is something I’ve observed in the blue lines.

If you have 49 green plants and 1 purple the purple will stand out for novelty reasons alone. The green ones will naturally have a higher bar in order to stand out amongst each other. You see it in vegetable crops often - the novelty stuff often doesn’t taste very good when compared to something that has been selected for how it tastes / disease resistance and all that.

It’s the space really for me. I don’t want to compromise or delay the TS-A F2s or Baba Kush F2s that I intend to do in the summer.

Ya it’s still all subjective though. I just thought it would be fun to revisit those seeds. I honestly don’t even expect that I’ll want to consume it more than once. Luckily I have some mothers to keep me satisfied with flower that I do want so that I have room to explore a bit.


Awesome, hoping you find something worth the effort. Thanks again for trying it out! Ya if you ever want any of the beans I’m sitting on in the future you can always reach out.

Nice! From my experience and a few people locally who have run the TS-A it is a very hardy plant with high vigor. Doesn’t seem finicky at all. Hoping that carries over into the offspring.


Yeah, I didn’t really mean the “time” specifically, so much as just everything: space, time, soil, “nutes,” whatever. Just the effort, I guess haha. Still, fuck yeah, I definitely wanna see what happens with that plant. I think it’d be cool if she turned out great and you could be like,”Fuck y’allllllll…” haha.

For sure, dude. What’re you talking about? Haha. It’s fun to grow a lot of different stuff, I think, if for no other reason than just to find out for yourself, but also because that shit might turn out awesome haha.