- syzygy's journal - the clown show

I took down TS-G this morning and when I got home from my night dog walk I noticed the C91 was wilting pretty badly. Was bone dry but I still don’t want to harvest it so I watered it pretty thoroughly. It’s starting to smell a bit stronger so it’s probably getting closer. Tried messing around a bit with Zerene and think the colors came out a bit better than usual. Can’t tell if the pistils look over-saturated or not - even though I didn’t mess with saturation at all.

Chem 91

rootbound IRENE

Triple Sunshine F

I don’t know, I can only consume so much and my point was that having “keepers” that are tried and true allows me to explore stuff without disappointment. I will have enough flower that I like either way.


Yeah man, I aint going anywhere, just further between visits… but, it looks like I may be staying put afterall so maybe ill be around a bit more again here soon. :crossed_fingers:

I had 2 Copa_GSD’s do this on me back a year or 2 ago. One did eventually grow out of it but the other just kept getting worse. Every other seed (not GSD’s) that run came up just fine though.


Every time I see that acronym I think German Shepherd Dog haha… I should go through some more of my gg4 x ssdd at some point… How’d those GG4SDs turn out for you?

Space becoming an issue here - I am toying with the idea of abandoning the current F cycle and just getting it in on the next flower run. That would allow me to transplant a rooted out 1 GAL Irene , TK, LJ , and TS-A to 7 GAL pots and veg them out a bit. I could also throw a C91 & TSF in a 1 GAL pot and get it in the same area.

Once I take down the C91 it will feel like a waste to have the entire area held up by a few 1 GAL TS-F plants. We’ll see, I’m still not decided.

I did pop a few of @iamyou_youareme 's Baba Kush F2s & my Triple Sunshine A F2s (germ test - I only intend to keep 4-5~ of each for now)


I didn’t grow them out. I decided they weren’t worth the effort at the time. Prob dumb of me thinking back.
I will say the HeavenMountain Remix from Copa I grew is a jar I can’t stay away from, although I do think it leans toward the Goji in the cross. That being said, that GSD keeper of his did make a hell of cross.

Edit: pay no attention to me, hit the pipe a little hard after work today Hahaa. The heaven mountain was GOJIxAPPY and nothing to do with what we are talking about. Still, damn fine herb :crazy_face:


Triple Sunshine F - different flowering dates on these. I’d say they look to be leaning towards SSDD pretty heavily but am interested in other opinions.

Chem 91

Lav Jack dried bud

Gave a few friends LJ & TK flower samples without any lore or backstory on the strains. We’ll see if I get any feedback and if so what the preferences are.


That’s the best way to do it… it’s only way you can get an honest opinion. Better yet is to say it’s from another grower so they don’t feel bad letting you know what they truly think, haha. You just gotta be up for the criticism!

Great shots! The Chem looks like she’s coming around nicely, despite her nanners!


Thanks - ya the chem buds look pretty nice in person. I think we’re getting pretty close to harvest date on it. Smell isn’t that unusual but it’s offensive and I do like it. I’ve encountered similar smells quite a few times in seeds.

Also got 100% germination on the baba kush f2s but may have damaged a tap root or 2 putting them in root riot cubes. 6 out of 10 on the TS f2s so far - but there’s still time for more to open up. I only wanted 5 but will leave them in the paper towel to see if any others open in a day or 2.

Here’s a sample TK nug - 4-6 image stack @ 5 fstop.


I was gonna say the same thing! Haha. I do think that the few people who try my weed are pretty honest, but yeah, don’t tell them shit. Just give it to them and find out.

It might be easier with “full plant” shots. I know those are a bitch for you to get, but it’s hard to tell just from closeups.

I’ve only grown one SSDD female ever and I’m fairly certain that I got a freak outlier plant, so I wouldn’t be any help anyway haha, but a full plant shot might be useful for people who’ve grown more than one.


Here’s a full plant shot from a few days ago!


Nice! At least you’ve got plenty more to play around with. Glad they all germ’d though.

Interested to flower this one, I’m gonna put her in the mini-SIP (~3gallon soil) this weekend. I can see some TK in there, but I’ll be able to give a better opinion once I flower. That one has stayed shorter than the TSA, they’re almost twice the height, so maybe not as much TK coming through.


Ya it definitely doesn’t stretch nearly as much as A and is nowhere near as vigorous in general either. There’s been tight node spacing on all of my F plants.

F reminds me a bit of a cross between C and my SSDD mom - only not as frosty as either (yet). I remember at the end (day 70~) C started smelling incredibly good… Something about it really reminds me of ssdd but I could be wrong. C was also ridiculously potent and debilitating smoke - maybe F will be too…

Here’s some C shots and C vs A shots

C right A left

C left A right


Actually, that one kind of does remind me of the one SSDD that I grew haha. She was super-lanky and “nug-y,” big gaps everywhere, very flimsy, too. I chopped her a week earlier than I wanted to, just because I was constantly staking and tying her, got sick of her around week eight and said,”I’m over this…”

She smelled ridiculously “RKS” once she was cured, skunkiest plant I’ve ever grown, which is why I think I ended up with an “outlier,” never read anybody mention “skunkiness” with any of their SSDD’s. But yeah, that plant in your picture does look similar to the one I grew.


I’ve been trying to approach everything as if I had found the plants from seed on this run. It’s a bit hard to really do that because chem 91 is getting a special exception made for it so if anything I feel like I’m being extra cautious. I’ll probably be taking it down within the following days but I’m not dead set on anything at the moment.

Current thoughts about moms :

Chem 91 * 1 more try - will try to keep a mom in a tiny pot in the meantime. If I consume the final product from this round and it isn’t on par with the TK for me I may get rid of the mom but still flower a cutting out with the knowledge I can always purchase the clone from a vendor again if I’m desperate. I feel like the space gained would be worth that risk.

Lav Jack* I want to try taking this a bit earlier. I’m not the biggest fan of the effects on day 63 (It’s not bad, it’s just not a bag I feel like reaching for)

Triple Sunshine F* I want to test this again.

Triple Sunshine E* until the weather gets warmer and I can put it outside for TK x TS beans to go through. Currently only have 4.

Irene Kush * Didn’t give it a fair test so I’m definitely running it again. I like the smell on it currently as well.

I intend for these to stay long term :

Triple Sunshine A
Triangle Kush

Ironically my TS A & TK moms are the ones that look the worst and in most need of transplant. I need to flush out healthier growth in order to take cuttings and so the spacial pressure is a bit high right now. I may trim back one of the (2) A moms, root trim, and re-pot in a 1 GAL pot but I’m not sure I want to do that on the TKs.

I don’t feel much pressure to keep the Bubba or Pinesoul. Both are nice plants but neither are really what I’m looking for. I also have plenty of Bubba and Goji based seeds so I feel confident that I can find something similar enough if I change my mind in the future. When I think if I’d rather re-run the bubba or try some Baba Kush F2s (or F1s) I am much more interested in the seeds. That said the bubba plant grew without any issues and seemed to perform really well in a smaller pot. Similarly for Pinesoul vs all the Goji crosses and chucks I have. I’d rather go through some of B’s goji crosses like Black Raspberry or more F2s I think.

Now that we’re nearing the end on the flower cycle of these clones I wanted to thank the anonymous benefactor once again. I was dealing with some serious family health issues last fall and that unexpected gift of clones really helped inject some positivity into the years end. I hope if any higgins are reading this they don’t take any critical comments as unappreciative, just trying to jot down my though process as I begin the mental process of deciding what stays and what goes. If I had a large room to keep moms I wouldn’t be forced to cut back but sadly I only have a few tiny tents.

To me the effects of the TK were surprisingly by far my favorite of the 4 that I’ve sampled currently and definitely a treasured cut that I’m going to try to keep around for a while. I was expecting it to have uncomfortable disorienting potency like my Triple Sunshine C, but I found it very much in line with @Greasy 's review of it. Tastes and preferences change constantly so I could see myself reversing my opinions in the future on some of this - but that’s the way things always go.


Got a few pics yesterday that better show just how big 2 of the SSDD f2’s got on me (waiting for space).

The top colas on both plants are stacking really nicely though. Especially #2.

The 2 biggest SSDD plants are sitting on the floor and the LED light is about 6-6.5 ft. above them on the ceiling. So the plant is easily over 5ft tall.

In the last pic the SSDD shown in the back is still sitting on a bucket, so it’s not as tall as it looks. I’ve been meaning to get it onto the floor, or at least something lower. But it’s a PITA to get to it right now.

The one in front of it is on the floor though, and I bent the top over 90°, so it would be even taller without that bend.

It’s not just the SSDD’s that got too big on me. Some of the peanut butter breath f3’s are just as big. They’re just not stacking up as nicely. Much more stretchy.

You can see the two PBB in the front right (that tall skinny cola, and that stretchy b*tch behind it. That little stretchy bud you see behind it is actually the main top cola of the other PBB). Not impressed at all with thug pug’s latest PBB f3 release so far. This is my first time growing out thug pug too. Bummed! I was so hyped to finally try one of his strains. It was down to the PBB f3 or one of his PBB crosses. I think I picked wrong. lol

I probably should have just topped them before putting them in flower but since this is my first time growing them I wanted to see what the main colas looked/grew like.

I’ll be happy when this run is over and I can get more appropriate sized plants back in the room! lol


Any interesting smells/traits on them, or anything similar to your old ssdd?

Here’s some G shots trimmed up. Reminds me of a less dense A. Excited to sample it tonight


I also got feedback from one person who sampled TK & LJ (yesterday). They complimented the herb and said they had to do some tedious activity for an hour or so after consuming. I asked for more details and they said that TK was consumed first and then LJ 2nd - appeared to like both but fell asleep after smoking LJ. May have been the time of night it was consumed at they said. Positive feedback on both of them but I found the sleep comment interesting given how LJ makes me tired even if it isn’t late at night. Also that TK seems pretty decent if you have to do something.


Day 52F

I gave up trying to get her happy, just giving water until chop on all.
Stoked to try all. I’ll be starting the stored cuts soon to get the second run going.
Any traits jump out at you? Thanks again for the opportunity! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:




Sun Ra

Chem 91 SK VA x SSDD 1

Chem 91 SK VA x SSDD 2

Chem 91 SK VA x SSDD 3




It’s hard to answer that with confidence because environmental conditions can affect morphology - but to my eyes the TSA crosses look pretty frosty but like they have a different flower shape & calyx to leaf ratio than the mom. #1 looks more like the mom than #2 does. #3 does not look like the mom to me.

That Chem 91 x SSDD #1 looks good to me!

That SSDD #2 appears to have a good amount of frost and looks more like the mom did to my eyes than #1.

Anything standing out in terms or smell or anything like that to you?

Here are some examples that may demonstrate the semi-unique morphology in the Triple Sunshine A. Irregular elongated dense flowers with minimal bud leaves. The lower buds specifically are what I’m looking at as well. TK on the other hand looks more golfball / tight pinecone to me when compared to TS buds.

It’s worth noting again though that I (mostly) single stem these and so that will affect the look of the flowers to a degree.


That makes sense on environmental changes. Theyve been in a cold chamber lol 50s at night mid 60s with lights on. 40-50% Rh. Bunch of air flow.

Mainly Lemony kush scents from TSAs. I like the #1 plant structure, nice amount of stretch. #2 is getting thick. largest buds out of the three. #3 could shine more in smoke than growth/output.

Funk is the main scent I get off all the C91 Sk VAs. #3 was the problem child with male parts potentially from the cold temps. Im running it again to try to see if it happens again. #1 and #2 alway draw my attention.

Sun Ra is uniquely different in scent, I cant really describe it yet. Hopefully soon I can put my finger on it.

SSDD BBS F2 I cant remember right now the scents, but they are dank smelling. Ill give you a better idea tomorrow when the lights are back on. #2 kinda looks bubba kushy with the knuckled top small

I photo I forgot to upload early , Lower of #2 C91SkVa xSSDD

#1 C91SkVA


What’s a higgins? I mean, I understand from the rest of your sentence what it means, but I haven’t heard that before haha.

This is interesting to me. I reeeaalllyyy have not liked any of the TK hybrids I’ve grown, but between what you’re saying and what Greasy had to say… I’m intrigued. I feel like our tastes are pretty similar. I know a few other people have also really liked it, but I don’t think my tastes align with theirs haha as much as yours and Greasy’s do.