- syzygy's journal - the clown show

Very frosty at least! It could be really similar as well - it’s hard to tell when the plants are grown differently. The whole strategy of lollipopping could be discussed but I feel like you get where I’m going with this.

Definitely, that’s what I was thinking too. My SSDD mom kind of had that bubba look too to an extent. Those fan leaves are certainly frosty… Any stem frost?

Pretty much all of the sunra that I’ve grown out have had a citrus background to it. I’ve had some that smelled like fresh cut grass / lawn clippings, Lavender, Fuel, and Cedar. The Cedar and the Fuel sunras were my favorite smelling but they all had pretty similar and appealing effects. Reminds me a bit of TK but not as strong in effect. Some of my favorite buds that I’ve had in Bodhi’s gear still.

Yeah I feel like I’ve had similar experiences to him as well based on how we reacted to Goji / Sunra.

For me, none of my Black Triangle females from a whole pack smoked like TK in effect. I’m not talking about potency or anything mysterious like that - just the general effect. Neither of my Golden Hashplants smoked like it either. Triple Sunshine A is similar to me but it has that buzzing calming / comforting feeling that I get from SSDD as well. The headspace for me is a bit weaker than TK but similar effects (usually).

I am not an OG expert by any means but TK has the effects that I feel are associated with a good OG. This isn’t a novel observation, many people more qualified than I have opined on her & speculated on her genetic role in many popular OGs out there. I think back to the convo in my last thread about how potency is defined and to me that’s part of the problem. In my eyes my Triple Sunshine C was stronger and higher potency than the TK that I grew this round but I would personally rather smoke the TK any day of the week… It hits me how you describe OGs as well. Basically what I was looking for when going through OG hunts.


Yea I have been rethinking about topping and just running untrained. After see this beautiful cola shaping up.
SSDD Bx1 F2 x OGC/CJ - coffee @VAkish

Yea on the fans for sure, I took a bunch off a week ago for more light to the lowers. Little cramped in there.

Im stoked to try it! Fingers crossed for a fuel lady, that one sounds great.


Ah I still need to get to into those seeds.

This has been my experience as well, not with those lines specifically but other tk crosses. Part of why I say she breeds pretty wide. It’s why I wanted her back instead of relying on looking through crosses with her.


I smoked some early G sample tonight and it hits a bit like A - which I feel is similar to TK as well. Possibly slightly frostier than A and tastes nice as well. I think A is a superior plant and will ultimately keep its spot in the mom tent over G long term.

Yeah I’ve thought about some of your posts after consuming it. To me the main disagreements seem to revolve around our internal dictionaries probably not aligning 100%. I don’t think TK is up there with the most potent herb I’ve had or grown (by how I view potency), but it is definitely a clear favorite. That’s not to say I don’t think it’s potent either - it’s getting me where I want to go in 2-3 hits consistently. It’s just not as debilitating or dysfunctional as other strains are. When I re-dose it just seems to give it a nice boost. I haven’t smoked a large amount in one sitting though so grain of salt.

I think I can see what you’re trying to say when it comes to crosses as well. I’d say TS is pretty close in effects but the euphoria feeling isn’t nearly as apparent. Focus boost is there and it’s calmer and more comforting in the way many ssdd crosses are. I like both personally but I’d probably gravitate to TK if I were forced to choose. TS-A in my eyes is a superior plant though.

I feel like I probably have similar tastes to you as well a bit when it comes to preferences & dislikes.

Chem 91

TS-F single stemmed - a few weeks behind the other one I’ve been posting shots of I think



I think so too ^^ Your TK and LJ reports are spot on with my thoughts.

Yeah I agree. Defining terms is our issue :sweat_smile: But this last bit is generally how I consider potency. How much do i need to be effective(feel medicated, or high) and more importantly, for how long does it last. Ideally, it should take as little as possible to last as long as possible. I don’t think the TK is the most potent thing I’ve ever had at all, but I find it to be stronger than most everything I’ve had recently. Stronger than all the dispo stuff, and stronger than anything I’ve grown in the last 5 years save for the c5ss and crosses(LCH/NS).

Definitely. I don’t find that she does this at all. Quite the opposite actually and that’s one of the things I love about her. I can smoke a bunch of her and still be able to hold a conversation afterwards. Kinda actually makes me WANT to socialize. But I consider debilitating/dysfunctional-ness to be an effect that stands regardless of potency. Some plants will just cause this to happen while others don’t, even in the same pack. It’s separate from how much I have to smoke “to get there” as well as how long I feel high/medicated for. I think it’s just like the pain relief effect in the SSDD, some have that relief more than others, some don’t seem to at all, and none of it is linked to how strong the smoke is or how long you feel high for. I’ve grown a few plants that would have you down for the count in 1-3 hits, but I wouldn’t say they were more potent than any of their siblings nor anything else. I think they were all actually kinda middle of the road compared to similar or their siblings, but they had that effect. Vasodilators and such. :slight_smile:


Yeah, I don’t find anything you said disagreeable.

The other way I’m viewing the potency thing in my mind is that the TK is high quality (subjective still) more than ultra high potency. Like comparing a 5 star meal to fast food on level of satisfaction rather than judging on something like the sugar or salt content. The entire spectrum of effects just sits really well with me and there’s nothing I find disagreeable about it really. Feels very “complete”.

I refuse to give those parasites money haha… I

Agreed 100%. Upbeat / enhancing / alert / up effects for sure without making one antisocial or excessively introverted.


:100:% agree. All the nuances she has to her scent and flavor. The overall effects. The calyx to leaf ratio. She just sits right with me too and is a hard one to beat imo. The Chem 91 came real close, but just not quite ‘there’ like she is for me. Plus the nanners and whatnot.


Ya the nanners… I’m interested to see how many (if any) seeds pop up in those c91 buds. I was told the pollen may be sterile so there’s hope at least. Haven’t found any seeds yet in the other plants in the tent. I won’t be surprised if there’s a few but at least nothing is heavily seeded.

Seems like appy leaning SSDD BXs are hot @ GLG this past year. Now copa seems to have released one as well…


10$ more than B’s retail packs too. I think I’ll stick to Bodhi’s ssdd crosses for the foreseeable future. :upside_down_face:


Interesting! I thought only the chem d had sterile nanners :thinking:
I know the chem 4 has viable ones. Either way, yeah, you’ll find out for sure soon enough. Hopefully sterile, that’d be nice.

Heh, yeah seems there’s a few of those ssdd bx’s out there now ever since I gave mine out here back in 2022. I have gripes with both those too. Definitely gonna be sticking with my own bx1, that’s for sure.


Have a jacket because it gets frosty in the tent :grin:
I was going to reach out to trade for some FLCxNL5/Sensi but read you only limited amount left. If you F2 those I’ll be barking up your tree for a trade. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

@syzygy Both Lights back on, SSDD BBS F2 have a sweet also most blueberry scents. :yum:


Ah for sure, yeah I don’t have many left of those at all. I made something like 90 packs that Sebring gave out some years back but I think only me, @oleskool830, and @minitiger have ran them. I do plan on running them soon as I want to get that girl back. Here we go

That’s all that I have of them. Could maybe do 5 or 6 but getting real limited. Need to be able to find a good male that’s gonna be like the girl I want. Something like MT’s #3.

@syzygy did you say you hit the tk with the ts male(s)? Because that should definitely be a thing. TK bx1 ala SSDD was definitely what I wanted to do.


Ya, I have no idea. I know nspecta reversed c91 with ease and SkunkVA said on ICmag that in 20+ years of growing it he’s never not had seeds in his chemdog buds. Won’t be the end of the world either way.

Nice, I think one or two other people who tested them out noted blueberry smells. I forget who, maybe they’ll pop in. For me the mom has berry smells pretty early from what I remember then lost it mid flower and would regain it around day 70~.

Yeah but there were only 16~ beans and I gave 12 of them away. I think it would make more sense to reverse A onto TK or vice versa because of how similar they are, but I do still have the TS - E male. I believe the TS - E male had more ssdd-like growth traits. Regardless, I want a lot of seeds to go through so it seems like the best option. I guess another option would be finding a TSA/TK looking male in the F2s?


Ah yeah id probably try the reversal route too. That was actually my plan for last year with my keeper that got sidetracked. Maybe can try again this year :thinking: but I’ll still be a gen behind you and no male to use. I like having males. Regardless, I think TK/TSA should definitely get made. Fem tk bx1 :fire:

I’m trying to find a good male in the triforce to make the reg bx1 with but not sure I have it yet or not. I may have to start more beans. Definitely harder to find a good male then it is to find a good female :confused:


Nice work @syzygy ! Even have jbreezy dropping the :fire::rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I’m guessing that they wouldn’t take offense or think you’re unappreciative in any way. I would guess that they are glad that they could spread some positivity, and help you make some decisions about which direction you want to take your grows in the future. I think the higgins’ have learned a lot too, so it’s been a positive experience all around.

I’m off to transplant your Trip Sun A and F - I’ll throw up some pic later!



Definitely! A buddy called last night wondering if I had some cuttings so I was able to shift the Bubba, Pinesoul, TS-G & a handful of LJ cuttings on to him. Also passed out TK/LJ/Pinesoul samples to him, but usually the feedback there isn’t that in depth. Synchronicity at play with the cuttings at least…

I still have LJ & a backup TS-G but I may retire the G after i sample it some more. Long lasting high (3-4 hours) but I just feel like A is superior still. Definitely more vigorous and receptive to pollen as well.

Also got Irene , C91, LJ put in 1 GALs for next round.

Saw one of my TS-A cuttings rooted so I’ll be flowering at least one of those too.

Awesome! One of my friends who is currently growing a scrog of TS-A has mentioned a few times the vigor there - so keep stretch in mind. I always just flip it from cutting in 1 Gal pots. F didn’t seem to stretch much over here but your results may vary.


And I got those from you, not Sebring haha. So really only one person (RIP oleskool) has grown one pack from those 90. Ridiculous…

This is why I’m really not worried about being some sort of Exemplary OG Member and making seeds that get put in those Spring giveaway boxes or whatever. You’re only “overgrowing the world” if you actually plant the seeds. I do feel bad that I’ve only grown a couple of the maybe five wiki things that I’ve signed up for (nube’s Cheech Wizard f2’s are getting planted next run, although that won’t be for a whiiiiiiile), but I can’t imagine putting Sebring through the trouble of getting those boxes together, asking him to send me one and then just sitting on everything.


I’m just interested in making seeds to go through for fun - if others happen to want to try them it’s just added bonus and it feels like less of a waste. I’d be doing this whether or not I’m participating on the forums. I have no desire to join in any of those boxes either though. Seems to be almost entirely collection material from what I’ve seen. If it keeps the servers funded though more power to them.

I’ve only received seeds through this site once and so far we have 5/5 germination on them. Hoping I don’t mess them up due to neglect but I’m excited to see what’s in there. Large healthy seeds that all popped open in under 24 hours.

The Triple Sunshine F2s - I think 3 out of 10 or 11 didn’t pop. I just randomly poured the seeds out of the bag but worth noting.

Don’t want to pop the 4 TK x TS beans until I’m sure I have the space since I only have 4 of them.

Got a bunch of stuff transplanted today. Also trimmed back a TK rootball and put it in a fresh 1 GAL pot. I have a backup TK in case it doesn’t respond well to that…

Backup TK , IRENE, G, & LJ

TS behind the wall in the same tent was transplanted today too…


Yeah, for sure. I get that. I was just sayin’… Like, why make free seeds for everybody and put somebody through the trouble of sending them to dozens of people if nobody’s gonna grow them?

Which ones are these? Is this something you haven’t mentioned before? Or am I just being “forgetful” (read: lit haha) again?


Ya I get that. Maybe some of them are doing it because it’s their way of donating to the sites server costs. Clearly people are paying for the boxes or whatever you have to do to join. I remember a ton of people signed up for Holy’s SSDD incross/backcross and hardly saw anyone grow those out - similarly for the Goji OG F2 project. For myself at least I agree that it doesn’t seem worth “preserving” something just to preserve it for the community. Preserving something for yourself and sharing it seems the better course of action. Surprised there wasn’t more interest in the Triple Sunshine F2s (10-20 envelopes only went out) but that doesn’t bother me - I did that so I could grow them out this summer anyways haha…

Baba Kush F2s via @iamyou_youareme - he grew it out last year in his thread and there is a recap here :


Because you didn’t set up a wiki. I think people just scroll through threads and look for wikis. But if you gotta read and send a dm, you eliminate probably the majority of the people who would drop their name in a wiki.

I was interested, but have a couple other TK crosses I wanna run already, and didn’t want to be greedy with your limited work.

When someone does a coop run and has 50,000 seeds, yeah I sign up for shit I know I am just gonna give away. I don’t really know many people in real life who grow, but the couple I do know pop and kill tons of seeds, so it’s nice to have a stash of seeds I am pretty confident are not trash, even if they don’t have the finest pedigree.